Templar Knights

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"What they seek is what we must protect."

Charlotte read the inscription written on the bottom of the hand lamp. They gathered up in the living room to check it. Becky's arms are crossed infront of her chest.

"What is that thing doing in my room?"

She huffed. Charlotte just shrugged at her and looked at Engfa who raised both of her hands in the air.

"I don't know. The last time I saw that thing was when I was in high school. I left it in our ancestral house."

She said. Becky checked her phone and then started walking to her room.

"I have a very early call time. I need to prepare now."

She said before leaving the two women alone with the lamp. Charlotte inspected the lamp for the nth time as if looking for something that wasn't there.

"It's 3am. I better go."

Engfa said before standing up. Charlotte stood up from the couch and handed her the lamp. She took it.

They walked to the door and peeked at the peep hole and saw no one there. Charlotte opened the door gently and then checked again.

"Okay. It's clear."

She said. Engfa walked out of the door and turned around to wave at Charlotte. She just nodded and closed the door gently. Charlotte returned to her room and tried her best to get some sleep.

Charlotte was awaken by the ringing of her phone. She answered it without looking at the called ID.

"Hey! We're going to the University to check our schedules. See you there?"

It was Diana. Charlotte groaned and opened her eyes to check the time. It's 9:30 in the morning. She sat on her bed and rubbed her eyes before answering.

"I just woke up. I'll be there in an hour or two."

She said before ending the call. She immediately took a quick shower and changed in to a loose crop top and tattered denim jeans. She is wearing her white sneakers when her phone rang again.

She answered it thinking it was Diana.

"I'm on my way out. Just wait for me in the cafeteria."

She said. There was silence from the other line.

"Huh? I was just calling to tell you that I found something interesting."

Charlotte looked at the called ID but she already knew who the person was.


She said. The person on the other line stayed silent once again before speaking.

"Yeah. Are you expecting someone else?"

She asked. There's annoyance in her tone. Charlotte took her house key and walked out of her door before answering.

"Yeah. I'm meeting my friends."

Charlotte said before pressing the elevator button. Another person was already inside the lift when she entered.

"Oh. I see. Alright, then."

That was all Engfa said before ending the call. Charlotte looked at her phone curiously.

"What's gotten into her?"

She mumbled to herself. The lift stopped and the door opened but the other person did not go out and there is no one outside. Charlotte just pressed the close button.

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