Ab Initio

247 16 1

Charlotte's POV

Aguilar called the Creed and we waited for them. He gave me clothes to change into for me to blend in.

"I will help you find them. We need to eliminate them or atleast stop them from seeking the apple."

I told them. We were standing in circle and introduction has been made already. Aguilar looked at the men and women of the creed. I scanned the room and saw in their eyes that they do not trust me.

"I am not from this time. I assure you, what we will accomplish here will greatly affect the future."

I said. Some of them whispered to one another. Aguilar raised his hand when it became a little noisy.

"How do we know that you are trustworthy?"

One of the women in the crowd asked. I looked at her directly. Ah! This one is Freen's ascendant.

"How indeed?"

I asked back. I really don't have any idea. Aguilar banged on the table loudly to get the attention of everyone.

"Listen to me. This woman is our only hope. I have seen her in my visions. If you don't trust her, trust me."

He said. Everyone in the room looked at him and stayed silent for a minute before nodding. Aguilar turned to me.

"What do you want us to do?"

He said.

"Give me a minute to locate the Templar Grand Master."

I said. He told his people to go to another room leaving me alone inside. I concentrated and closed my eyes.

I can feel the power of the ancients, incomplete but still powerful. I expanded my energy field as far as it can possibly go. I searched the vast lands and waters to find what I am looking for.

I can see troops marching to the nearby town. Members of the Templar Knights. I can sense the negativity that they are bringing.

I suddenly had the urge to tell Aguilar about it. I opened my eyes and rushed to the other room.


I called. He looked at me with those piercing black eyes.

"Templar Knights are marching to the nearby town."

I said. He looked at the others and a few of them bowed before running out. I went back inside the other room to try and meditate again.

This time darker images came to me. I saw everything. What has been, what is and what is to come. The images came rushing like wildfire and it became harder for me to focus on my goal.

I saw villages being burnt down by the knights. I saw innocent lives taken just because of their search for the apple. I saw members of the creed being tortured. I felt their pain and anguish.

Hold on child. Don't let your energy falter now. We've already come this far.

It was the unity. I took a deep and refocused.

I tried expanding my energy field further.

Then I saw it. A dark energy coming from the south. An energy so dense it makes the hair on my entire body stand on their ends.

I can see all the dimensions related to the energy. The past, the present and the future. I saw how many people was killed because of this one. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

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