Rebuilding The Now

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Charlotte waited inside the cafe for Engfa but she never came.

"Miss? Do you still need anything else? We'll be closing in 30 minutes."

The service crew said politely at Charlotte. She checked her watch and sighed. She nodded and smiled before fixing her things inside of her bag. She went home to her apartment and everything seems the same.

She opened her laptop and searched for about Engfa. Her forehead creased when the search came back with nothing.


She mumbled to herself before her phone rang. She checked it and saw that it's Becky. She answered it immediately, hoping to get something.

"Hey. Where are you?"

She asked. The person on the other line did not answer immediately.

"I'm in the lobby and about to go up to your unit."

She said. She buzzed her in whe she heard the doorbell. Becky entered the room pulling a large suitcase. She placed it near the door and looked at Charlotte.

"What's happening?"

She asked seriously. Charlotte sighed in relief. She walked to the couch and sat there. Becky followed her but she did not sit. She just crossed her arms and looked at Charlotte while waiting for an answer.

"Well, first. What do you remember?"

Charlotte asked while looking up at Becky. Becky sat beside her and told her what she remembered.

"It's vague. I remember you telling me that you are safe and then Engfa coming back to the hotel the next day telling us that you went into the void but never came back."

She said. Charlotte's face turned sad. She can't imagine how Engfa must have felt when she didn't see her come out from the void.

"She's distraught and wanted to find you. Unfortunately for us we don't know how to do that."

Becky said before taking a deep breath. Charlotte covered her face with her hands.

"What happened after?"

She asked before looking at Becky.

"There was a loud noise. Like a siren or something and then everything stopped. Like time was frozen. Then we were swallowed by a black hole and everything went black after then. Now, here we are."

She said. She stood up from her seat and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Becky followed her there.

"What about Freen?"

Charlotte looked at her and asked. She took her phone and showed Charlotte something. She's still her and she's coming to meet them now.

"But where is Engfa??"

Charlotte said in a panicked tone. Becky shrugged her shoulders. Charlotte sat on one of the chair and leaned her head on her hand.

"Why not try asking the ancients?"

Becky said. Charlotte looked at her and suddenly realized that she already has the apple. She can now easily communicate with the unity.

Charlotte closed her eyes and tried to call out to the unity.

"Where is Engfa?"

She asked. Her mind went somewhere else instead.

She saw the fallen.

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