The Web

302 18 1

Charlotte's POV

We landed in Las Vegas a little after noon. The flight was comfortable, thanks to the celebrity status of my companions. The car that will take us to our hotel is already parked outside of the airport and we were assisted by the security.

I thought I'm already used to this but I still get annoyed at people flocking around us trying to get Freen, Becky or Engfa's attention.

"Walking with you guys exhausts the hell out of me."

I said when we are already inside the limousine. They just chuckled.

"You'll get used to it."

Engfa said before holding my hand. I shook my head and leaned on her shoulder.

"I don't think I'll ever will."

I said before closing my eyes. I was really suddenly exhausted. The drive to the hotel took a while because of the unusual traffic.

When we arrived, we were welcomed with drinks and then ushered to our room. It's a two bedroom penthouse suit. Again, thanks to the celebrity status of these three.

I decided to take a quick nap because I feel so tired. I just took a quick hot shower and then laid in bed. Engfa, Freen and Becky told me that they will go down to check the casino and I agreed. I closed my eyes and tried my best to sleep.

I was dreaming.

Someone wearing black has her back on me. We were standing infront of a lake and it was night time.

"The gatekeeper asked me to wait for you."

She said without looking at me. I creased my forehead in confusion. I walked towards her and felt a thick force field surrounding her. I walked a few steps back because of the resistance.

"The gatekeeper?"

I asked. She looked at me and I was shocked to see myself. She didn't look shocked when she saw me.

"Yes. You look shocked to see me."

She said before leaning her head on one side as if inspecting my face. My jaw dropped. Of course I was shocked. I am looking at myself and she's talking to me.

"Hmmm. I thought the chosen one knows everything."

She said before smirking. I put on a poker face before looking at the lake. It has an unusual black color and it swirls like there are tiny tornadoes in it.

"I don't have the apple. Cut me a little slack and please explain to me what's happening."

I said in all honesty. She looks like she's thinking about it. She crossed her arm infront of her chest before speaking.

"The web of the parallel universe have been tampered with. That is why your mind keeps on jumping from one to the other."

She explained. I nodded in understanding. That's why I am having those weird dreams.

"The gatekeeper called me to, of all people, to guide you through the gates."

She said. She seems unhappy about it.

"This is the only way."

She mumbled to herself. I looked at her quizzically before asking.

"What do you mean?"

I asked. She faced me. Her skin is glowing in the light. She's radiating with so much energy.

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