Longest Road

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Charlotte and Engfa stood side by side infront of the floor to ceiling window of our hotel room. The Charlotte, whom they now call the Fallen is still outside dealing with whoever is watching them. The other Engfa is in the living room with Freen and Becky telling them her story.

"Will this ever end? Will we ever live in peace? Just you and me and none of these complications?"

Engfa asked Charlotte in a whisper. Charlotte moved closer to her and hook her arm around her waist. Engfa leaned on Charlottes shoulder. She feels tired from everything. Charlotte gave her a kiss on her head.

"I'm hoping against hope that one day we will wake up beside each other without having to deal with all of these things."

Charlotte said in a whisper. Engfa looked at her and touched her face. It's been so long since they've been alone like this. She slowly closed the gap between them and gave Charlotte a soft kiss on the lips. It was slow at first but then it became more passionate and urgent.

Charlotte guided Engfa to the bed and pushed her gently before straddling her. Engfa held on to Charlotte's waists and pulled her closer so she can kiss her neck. A soft moan came out of Charlotte's slightly parted lips as Engfa's hand travelled from her waist to the side of her body.

"I want you."

Engfa said in a throaty voice. Charlotte looked at her in the eyes before running her fingers through her hair.

"Then take me."

Charlotte said in a soft whisper. Passion burned in their eyes as they slowly removed all the pieces of their clothing. Engfa's lips trailed kissed on Charlotte's neck down to her collar bone as she reached out to her back to remove her under garment in a snap. She marveled at her naked body for a minute before kissing Charlotte's lips again.

Charlotte's hand is on Engfa's nape making the kiss even deeper. Engfa's tongue explored every part of Charlotte's mouth while her hand roamed her body. She found her breast and gave it a soft squeeze making Charlotte arch her back.

Engfa kissed Charlotte's neck down to her collarbone before sucking on her nipple. Charlotte gasped and moaned while Engfa's tongue played with her nipple.

Engfa moved and turned so that she's on top of Charlotte. She gave Charlotte's lips a quick kiss before moving down to her neck while her hand teased her leg.

"Please. I want you now, Fa."

Charlotte said pleading. Engfa smiled before moving her hand towards Charlotte's inner thigh. She moved her hand slowly and hovered when she reached her hot center. Charlotte's back arched in anticipation her breath coming in fast.

"Stop teasing me."

Charlotte said in frustration making Engfa chuckle. She looked into her eyes with the same passion she saw in Charlotte's before touching her clit with her finger. It made Charlotte squirm under her while moaning softly.

"Ohh, Gosh."

Charlotte said almost out of breath. Engfa kissed her on the lips deeply before touching her slit with her middle finger.

"You're so wet."

Engfa said in a whisper making Charlotte moan again. Engfa slowly eased a finger inside of her making her moan louder.


Charlotte moaned Engfa's name when she started pushing her finger further into her and then pulling it out slowly. Engfa's mouth found Charlotte's nipple and sucked and bit on it lightly while pulling her finger out and pushing it in her slowly but in a steady phase.

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