We Found Love (Epilogue)

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Charlotte walked through the corridor of the company where she is working as a corporate lawyer. After graduating, she decided to study law and became a great lawyer.

Engfa wanted her to work for her company but Charlotte wanted to build a career on her own and Engfa respected that.

She entered her big office and placed her satchel bag on top of the table before sitting on the black chair infront of her table.

"Atty. Austin? Mr. Nawat is here."

Her secretary said through the intercom. She rolled her eyes before telling to let him in. He was called today to deal with a labor issue that the company is having. The meeting did not take long because Mr. Nawat trusted her so much that all he needed to do really was sign the papers that Charlotte prepared.

She was browsing through the other documents when her phone rang. She checked the called ID and smiled.

"Hey there, lover."

She said smiling. Engfa chuckled on the other line. It's been five years since DC but they still talk to each other like they just met a few weeks ago. They still giggle like teenagers whenever they're together.

"I just got off from a meeting. Let's have lunch."

She said. Charlotte rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Miss Waraha, unlike you, normal people like me have work to do."

She said while smiling. Charlotte heard Engfa groan making her chuckle.

"Alright but dinner is a non negotiable."

She said. Charlotte smiled. Of course. They have spent almost every dinner together.

"Of course. See you later. Don't miss me too much, okay?"

Charlotte said in jest. Engfa just chuckled before ending the call. Charlotte finished all her work early giving her enough time to call Becky and ask her to go with her to the mall.

"Today is our anniversary and I want to buy her something."

Charlotte said while they are walking inside the mall. Becky is not really paying much attention to her and she looks like she's sulking about something.

"Hey. Are you with me?"

Charlotte said before nudging Becky teasingly. Becky stopped walking and crossed her arms before pouting like a kid.

"Freen is just too busy nowadays. We are suppose to have dinner together later but she said she can't make it."

She said. Charlotte just rolled her eyes at her before hooking her arm in hers.

"Let her. Freen will not miss an opportunity to be with you if it's not important."

Charlotte said before pulling Becky inside a high end watch shop. The salesperson immediately assisted them.

"Yeah. I know. I just miss her."

Becky said eventually. They were browsing through the vast variety of watches.

"Hi. I need to get a watch for my girlfriend. Do you have any suggestions?"

Charlotte asked the salesman. Everything looks pretty but she can't decide which one to get.

"Can you tell me something about her personality?"

The salesperson smiled at Charlotte while already pulling out some time pieces from the glass display cabinet.

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