Through Time

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Charlotte fears that she would lose Engfa again.

Becky showed her a thousand endings and they are all the same.

"It's complicated."

The fallen told Charlotte when she tried to plead with her again. They were standing infront of a tear that they have found under the statue of lady liberty. Engfa and the others have no idea where they are.

"It could work. Besides, the apple of eden is in her hands."

Charlotte said a little frustrated. The fallen looked at her and contemplated.

"Well, let me show you the void and then you decide."

The fallen said looking glum and cold. Charlotte nodded and motioned for the fallen to proceed. She took a deep breath and then touched the place where the tear is.

Charlotte followed her when she stepped into it. They were surrounded by darkness and silence. The fallen motioned for Charlotte to follow her.

They walked on the dark floor until they reached an orb made of what looks like molten metal.

"This is the heart. Tell me where do you want to go."

The fallen said before looking at Charlotte. Charlotte closed her eyes. She wanted to go back to France. To the place where it all began.

The place where she found the apple and the unity.

"Take me to France. To the year where I found the apple."

Charlotte said. The fallen shook her head.

"No. That is the only time that's out of bounds. You know it."

Charlotte bit her lip. It was worth a try. Charlotte tapoed her foot on the floor as if thinking.

"This void can be accessed by everyone. I can take the apple here and call to the ancients."

Charlotte said. The fallen looks like she's considering it.

"I guess. It's worth a try."

She said. They went back to the hotel room where everyone is already anxiously waiting for them. Engfa walked towards Charlotte and held her hand. They looked at each other.

"Let's go."

Charlotte said. They asked Freen and Becky to stay in the hotel but they needed to have the other Engfa there.

The four of them stood in the void infront of the heart.

"I don't know what would happen after this but it's the only way."

Charlotte said while looking at the the other three. The fallen nodded.

Engfa took the pouch and opened it revealing the fruit. Charlotte took a deep breath and took it in her hands. The fruit started vibrating and turning.

Bright lights of every colors scattered all around. The light started forming a veild around them.

"Fallen. Find your timeline now. You too. I will call the ancients after."

Charlotte said. Her face illuminated by the rainbow colored light. The fallen nodded and walked to the veil. She then pushed her hand into it and when it went through she looked at Charlotte.

"Take care, Chosen."

She said before jumping in. The other Engfa followed and did the same but she has other things to say before going in.

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