What We Know

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It's been two days since the incident and Charlotte refused to go out alone. She's been traumatized by what happened plus the fact that she and Engfa are all over social media.

"Charl, don't mind the haters. I also get them, you know."

Becky said while consoling Charlotte. They were seated on the couch while watching a movie. It's Becky's off today so she gets to stay in the house with Charlotte. They talked about moving to a new place because Charlotte fears that the man from last time is still lurking outside waiting for her.

"Well, you are a celebrity and I am not."

Charlotte said before she snuggled closer to Becky. She took a popcorn from the bowl she is cradling and popped it into her mouth.

"It was bold of Engfa to actually do that. More than you, she's getting a lot of hate comments right now."

Becky said while scanning her social media. Charlotte took another popcorn and ate it before sulking.

"She was being nice. But I think it's really stupid. Her whole career is now in jeopardy."

Charlotte said. Becky looked at her and smiled.

"I guess it's a risk she's willing to take for you. I envy her."

She said before biting her lip. It was Charlotte's turn to look at her.

"Where did that come from?"

She asked. Becky shrugged a little before answering.

"That's hard. Given her status and the shippers. All eyes are on her right now."

Becky said. Charlotte bit her lower lip in contemplation. She shrugged as if trying to shake off the feeling of guilt.

"Did you find anything more about the Assassins and the Templar Knights?"

Becky asked. Charlotte was a bit shocked by the question because it's the first time that Becky asked her about it. She came home that day and Engfa filled her up with what happened.

"I have read a few things but most of them are either fictional or unconfirmed."

Charlotte said. Engfa also tried her best to dig deeper but there's nothing more to it than just that - a fiction.

"Engfa said that we might find something about it if we visit her grandmother's place but I don't know."

She said. Becky nodded and looked at the tv but she looks pensive rather than watching.

"You know what? I guess this fiction or whatever it is has an origin. I'm guessing Spain? The Templar Knights sound spanish to me."

Becky said without looking at her. Charlotte looks like she is deep in thoughts. She's the one who's into this kind of things but she can't seem to understand it at the moment.

"The Apple of Eden is actually biblical too. It was mentioned in Genesis."

Charlotte said. Becky turned her gaze at Charlotte as if trying to remember something.

"The fruit that Adam and Eve ate."

She said. Charlotte nodded before adjusting her position on the couch.

"From what I can remember, after they ate the fruit, they became aware of their nakedness. Like, the fruit gave them free will."

Charlotte said. They ate popcorn and stayed silent for a while.

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