The Invitation

522 35 1

Charlotte's POV

I don't know what's gotten into Engfa and she suddenly popped infront of my condo unit. There's really nothing much that I can do but to let her in.

"Don't you have a job or something?"

I asked her after she put the paper bags on top of my kitchen table. She started arranging the food as if she's in her own house.

"I finished early. I had time to get us some food. I thought you might want to read together."

She said. I just rolled my eyes. Should I tell her that I have finished the book that I was reading? I looked at the time on my phone and was shocked.

"Is this... What? It's already 8 in the evening?"

I asked myself. Engfa peeked from the kitchen while looking at me with curiosity.

"What do you mean? Of course it's already 8 in the evening. Where did you come from?"

She asked sarcastically. I walked to the kitchen and then realized that I just got out of the bed and haven't showered yet while this person right here came by looking so fresh.

"I just woke up. I need to take a shower. Start reading or eating. Whatever."

I told her before I hurriedly went back to my room to take a shower. I just took a quick shower and changed into pair of hoodie and sweatpants. I dried my hair before going out of my room.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Becky and Engfa engaged in a conversation.

"Oh hey. You didn't tell me you have a visitor."

Becky said while giving me a meaningful side eye. I just rolled my eyes before getting a glass if water.

"That makes the two of us."

I said. Engfa just chuckled. I saw the book she was reading from last time. There's a bookmark placed right at the middle.

"Anyway, it's really nice talking to you. I should get some rest. My call time tomorrow is very early."

Becky said while looking at Engfa. Engfa nodded at her smiling.

"Pleasure is all mine. I don't have anything tomorrow, so I guess we'll be up late. Reading, of course."

She said. Becky just gave a teasing smile before walking to her room. Engfa looked at me and motioned for me to sit. Like I am the visitor and she is the host.

"You're making good progress with the book."

I said referring to the book on top of the table. She looked at it and smiled. She took a few strands of fries and dipped it in the sauce before eating.

"Yeah. It was a great book. It reminds me of my grandma. She has a lot of stories like this."

She said. I sat down on the chair across her and checked the food on the table. I took a piece of fries and ate it. The cheese balls look good too.

"What about you? How's you progress?"

She asked before getting a cheese ball. She popped it into her mouth like a candy.


I also took a cheese ball and popped it into my mouth like how she did it. I chew it slowly, savoring every bite and actually, just stalling.

"Well, actually... by the way these balls are great."

I said before taking another one and taking my sweet time chewing on it. Engfa is looking at me like she knows that I'm stalling.

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