Chapter Two

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Kazunari led the way towards the restaurant in question. Hikaru and Akira continued to give Eiji attention, and the baby clung tightly to Kuma-chan. Masato knew he stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the other five; they were all dressed in clubbing outfits with designer labels, while he was just wearing a T-shirt and khakis. He tried not to feel self-conscious about the situation.

I can't believe this is really happening. The popular kids want to hang out with me. He looked towards Satoru, but quickly looked away when the other boy glanced towards him.

Ten minutes later they found Happy Lucky. The front of the building had large paneled windows, and Masato could see a line of booths directly in front of the windows from the outside. As they entered, he heard conversations throughout the restaurant abruptly stop. Many of the patrons were staring at them, and a host grabbed menus and directed them towards a corner booth. A high chair was brought over for Eiji as the six boys squeezed into the booth. Masato sat on the edge of the seat so that he could be close to Eiji. He pulled a snack tube out of his bag and a small plate. He poured the snack onto the plate in front of Eiji, and Eiji immediately snatched them and ate them up.

"I've eaten here before," Ryoma said, flipping through the menu. "They have Western and Japanese cuisine."

"Hikaru, you did that mixer here back in October or something, right?" Akira asked the boy in question.

"It was a wild mixer," Hikaru laughed.

Mixers were get togethers that were designed to hook participants up. Masato knew that they were very popular with college students and he had heard drinking was involved at such events. So it surprised him greatly that Hikaru freely admitted to participating in one.

B-But if this place hosted a high-school mixer, then no alcohol was involved right?

"What are you guys going to have?" Hikaru asked, blatantly changing the subject. As the other five mulled over their menus, Masato discreetly checked his wallet. His heart sank a little as he compared the prices on the menu to the money in his wallet. I don't have enough money for food. I should have said no and gone home before we came here. Oh, maybe I can get a cup of green tea—

"Ohkawa, what do you want to have?" Hikaru was sitting beside Masato, and he looked over Masato's shoulder. Masato quickly closed his wallet and shoved it into his pocket. "I-I'm not hungry," he stammered. The words barely left his mouth when his stomach suddenly growled loudly and he flushed with embarrassment.

"Obviously you are," Akira laughed from his position across the table from him. "I'm thinking of having pizza. Why don't you get some pizza too, Ohkawa?"

Masato shook his head. "I-I—"

"Choose whatever you want."

Masato glanced up at Satoru, who was sitting directly in the middle of the booth. The other boy's intense gaze made him feel more flustered. "We're all going to eat," Satoru told him. "The baby is also eating. You should choose something too, or else it will look awkward for you to be the only one sitting here not eating."

Masato swallowed thickly. How can I tell them that I don't have the money? Kunihara-san has already spent so much money on a teddy bear for Eiji. I'm going to look like a moocher at this rate!

"Just choose anything from the menu," Ryoma chimed in. "Satoru will pay for it."

Masato's head snapped up at this, and the discomfort inside of him grew. "I-I really—"

"It's fine," Satoru said curtly. He didn't look pleased, but Masato didn't know if it was because of Ryoma's comment or because he was genuinely displeased with Masato's blatant mooching. He ducked his head over the menu without another word of protest.

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