Chapter 3: The Realization

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The whole world seems to stop. I stare at the woman for what seems like ages before I finally break the silence.

"You aren't serious are you? No. No. No! No there's no way! Hunter would never do anything like that to me! He's one of my best friends!" I'm screaming now and she just smiles at me and nods slightly.

I feel light headed and I fall down to my hands and knees. I reach my hand up to my face and notice my cheeks are wet. This must mean I'm crying. Before I know it I'm lying on the ground and sobbing so hard that I'm shaking all over. The whole time I mumble "No. no." until the word has lost all meaning.

I finally pick myself up and look at the woman. "How long..." I start "how long have I been dead?" I whisper so quietly that I'm sure she doesn't hear me.

"37 minutes." She says it like she's listing off ice cream flavours. All happy and jolly with no sense of worry. "But It must feel like more." She says this solemnly and I'm a bit taken aback.

Why should she feel bad for me? I don't even know if this woman exists or if she's all in my brain.

"I have to get out of here." I say pulling on my hair. "I can't stay I want to leave!" I scream before running out of the shelter. I keep running and running until I get too tired to keep going. I fall down again and cry. I keep crying until it seems pointless to cry anymore and so I just lie down snd close my eyes.

"Emily." A voice says. I look up and see the hologram of the same woman in front of me. "You can leave here if you want to. However I must warn you that there is a catch. You only get one year of life on Earth before you must return. You can never go back to Earth, after you die for the second time, if you take this opportunity. Please don't rush into this decision and consider all possible pros and cons." With that she waves at me and vanishes into thin air before my eyes.

I have a lot to think about.

A/n: Sorry you guys for not updating either of my books these past couple weeks. I had finals to study for and no inspiration or time to write. But since it's summer I'll definitely be posting longer chapters more often😘 (thanks for all your votes and comments! I love getting feedback💕)

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