Chapter 10:

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After Eldon and I decided to date again we left the park and started heading back to the studio.

I'm really nervous to see everyone. They all saw the kiss and so this is bound to start drama.

I'm most scared about the duet. Eldon and I worked really hard and performed it really well, but Ms. Kate probably didn't approve of the kissing.

When Eldon finally parks the car I look over at him. I don't say anything and neither does he.

"The worst that can happen is we get banned from kissing at the studio and don't get to perform our duet at internationals." Eldon finally speaks up.

I nod but stay quiet.

Minutes pass before we finally decide to head inside.

We walk in through the doors of the studio but Eldon stops suddenly.

He looks at me. "Whatever happens about the duet I'm still happy I got to do it with you." He says, grabbing my hand.

I smile faintly at him and lean up and kiss his cheek. I feel the guilt eating away my insides for being with him when I know I'm going to hurt him.

I look into Eldon's eyes and pull my hand away, getting a confused look in response.

"I don't think that we should walk in there as an obvious couple. I mean there are already gonna be enough questions about the duet and the kiss that we should ease into the idea of us dating again. I still want us to walk into studio A together though." I explain.

He nods in response. "Yeah, that sounds like the best option."

I smile at him and we start walking to the doors of Studio A in silence.

When we finally reach the doors Eldon gives me a wink before holding open the door for me.

I step in and I'm suddenly face to face with all of A-troupe and Ms.Kate.

"Hi." I whisper barely loud enough for them to hear.

"Where were you guys?" West speaks up.

"What happened?" Riley asks, not making eye contact with me.

The fact that Riley is upset with me makes me realize how much she'll be upset with me when I leave. I can't handle all of A-troupe right now.

"Ms. Kate can I talk to you in your office?" I burst out.

She nods and tells all of A-troupe to work on the nationals routine except Eldon and I.

We all walk into her office and sit down.

"You guys both know better than to let your personal lives get in the middle of dance! This can't happen again!" Ms.Kate scolds. "Now, we decided that since this is a team we should have a vote on the winner of the duets. The only rule was you can't vote for your own. Almost everyone voted for your duet. So congratulations." She adds but you can hear that she's very disappointed in us.

"But this doesn't mean that you guys can put that kind of affection in your dance! You have to promise that if I do decide to give you this duet then you cannot finish your duet on the nationals stage with a make-out session." She finishes with a stern look in her eye.

The fact that Ms.Kate actually said 'make out session' leaves me a but surprised. She's very old fashioned, and old, so the fact that she didn't use some weird term for kissing that people used a hundred years ago kind of shocks me.

Eldon and I nod and say we promise before getting sent out of her office and to start practicing the semi-finals routine for nationals. But by the looks on A-troupe's faces, it's gonna be more of an interrogation than a rehearsal.

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