Chapter 5: New season, new chances.

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I wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm ringing. I look up at it and it reads 7:30. This means I have to get up for dance. I groan and roll over, slamming my hand down on my alarm clock getting it to turn off. After about 10 minutes of lying in bed my alarm clock goes off again.

Riley barges into my room.

"Em! Get up! Nationals auditions are today!" Riley yells as she yanks off my sheets. "Come on!" She urges as she dashes out of my room.

All the A-troupe members who won regionals this year don't have to re-audition but since Daniel injured his ankle we have one open spot to fill. Chloe also just took a job at a ballet touring company so she won't be at nationals. That gives us 2 spots to fill. Ms.Kate says anyone who doesn't show up on time today gets automatically kicked out of A-troupe.

I roll out of bed and fall on my arm. Pain shoots up it.

"Ow!" I yell.

Before I know it Riley is beside me and checking out my arm.

"Where did you get all these bruises from Em?" She asks me.

"What bruises?" I ask suddenly awake. I look at my arm and its covered in bruises and scrapes. I gasp as all the memories from last night come flooding back to me.

"What is it?" Riley asks worriedly.

I realize I can't tell Riley the truth. She may think I'm not feeling good and order me to stay home, causing me to lose my spot on the nationals team.

"I was just worried about not being able to audition for a second." I lie. "Thank goodness I already have a guaranteed spot on the team!"

Riley buys it but asks me again how it happened.

"Well, when I was walking home last night I tripped on an uneven square of sidewalk and I fell on my arm. Luckily nothing feels broken! My arm does feel a little numb today though." I partially lie.

Riley just shrugs before ordering me to stand up and get ready.


Riley and I pull up to the studio and we get out of the car.

"Ready to see who's coming to nationals with us?" Riley squeals and grabs my hand.

"Yep!" I reply squeezing her hand.

"Ok lets head in!" Riley practically runs out of the car and towards the door.

I chuckle, get out and lock the door, and follow Riley.


Inside is all the existing A-troupe members. Amanda, James, West, Stephanie, Eldon, Michelle, Giselle, Hunter, Riley, and I. Chloe is here too just because her ballet tour starts in a week and had free time today to watch the auditions.

Ms. Kate walks in. "Everyone gather 'round!" She shouts as we all scurry into a semi circle in front of her.

"As you all know auditions for the final two spots of A-troupe are today." Ms.Kate says getting a nod from all of us in response. "The people auditioning today will be Tiffany, Noah, Richelle, Beth, Charlie and Jake. We're only letting B and J troupe dancers audition this year. So lets get started!" Ms. Kate finishes just as all the dancers going to audition walk in.

Tiffany runs over to me and tackles me in a hug. I hug her back and we just look at each other and smile before she pulls away and stands beside me.

"Ok dancers!" Ms. Kate calls out. "Up first is Beth!"

Beth takes the floor as the music starts. She starts dancing and she is a pretty good dancer. She's not amazing though.

After Beth is Noah. Noah is astonishing. He can do flips that Eldon and James can do. When Noah ends everyone is cheering and I can tell he has a really good spot at getting in A-troupe.

After Noah is Tiffany and you can tell she has improved a lot. She's put so much more technique into her routine than she normally does and it makes her a much stronger dancer.

Richelle goes next and she's honestly outstanding. She's grown so much and I'm positive she's going to make A-troupe when she falls in the middle of a jump. She keeps dancing but you can tell she's shaken up now. That will definitely affect weather or not she'll make it into A-troupe.

Charlie goes and he does a mostly hip hop routine. He doesn't usually and he seems very uncomfortable. All of A-troupe seems to notice this as members are looking between the people beside them and Charlie.

"Ok everyone! Last but definitely not least, Jake!" Ms. Kate calls. Jake starts his routine and you can tell he's worked so hard to get to the level of dancing he's at now. He's a really good dancer and I didn't really ever pay attention to him so his talent surprises me.

Once Jake ends his routine Ms. Kate asks all the B-troupe and J-troupe dancers to wait outside. Ms. Kate calls us into the middle once all the dancers have left.

"Ok so I think we should have a nice healthy debate to decide who should get into A-troupe." Ms. Kate starts.

"Noah and Richelle!" James called out, starting a debate between everyone.

After about seven minutes Ms. Kate calls everyone back inside.

"Ok," Ms.Kate starts "we have come to a decision on who the new members of A-troupe should be. The new members are...

A/n: ooh! Who will the 2 new people be? Sorry for not updating in a while. At least this my longest chapter for this book!

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