Forever Falls Falling

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(I don't own Transformers or RWBY) (Like the alliteration in the title? No? Yeah, I don't either).

The next day...Forever falls

Sideswipe pov

I was zipping through the forest scanning the perimeter, so far I haven't seen higher threat level grimm. Just some beowolves and ursas that weren't hard to take out.

Sideswipe: Pilots, this is Sideswipe, what's your ETA? I'm propping a flair.

Pilot: *Transmission*Yeah, alright I see the flair in the distance. ETA is looking at 5 minutes give or take.

Sideswipe: Understood, see you soon

Time skip

No pov

After the bullhead landed, the students and Glynda came out, all mesmerized by the sight before them. 

Student: Wow! This place is amazing!

Glynda: Yes, yes! Students I know forever falls is beautiful, but unfortunately, we are not here to sight see. I understand you have a project from Professor Peach that requires you collect sap from these trees.

After she finished talking, a car engine filled the air. Out of the forest, Sideswipe emerged and transformed into front of the crowd. 

Student: What the?!

Multiple students stepped back as they looked up at Sideswipe.

Student: D-Didn't Professor Alex tell us about this?

Glynda: Yes, yes, he did

Everyone turned to Glynda who walked towards Sideswipe.

Glynda: Due to some unfortunate events near here, we decided to hire a Guardian huntsman in order to make sure our area is safe.

Student: Whoa...there actually real?!

Glynda: Yes...did you students think they weren't?

Student: Maybe, they sounded too powerful to be real...

Sideswipe: Ha, you flatter me students, really. But let me not waste your time.

Sideswipe began to roll away, towards the trees.

Glynda: We'll keep an eye on you, but nevertheless, don't stray too far.

Ruby pov

After Professor Goodwitch let us go, my team decided to head out to the trees a couple feet away.  I found a decently sized tree and brought out Crescent Rose v2.

Crescent Rose v2 was pretty much the same as the original, but this time it's sniper configuration can use attachments that she made to help in different environments. 

Anyways, I activated it's scythe form and slowly chipped away the tree bark.

Ruby: Annndddd there!

As I finished cutting, the sap began to ooze onto Crescent Rose. I placed down my weapon and raised my jar to collect the sap. 

Ruby: Anybody else have sap ready?

Yang: I do

Weiss: Me too

Blake: Same

Y/n: Almost, Blake how do I activate this thing?

I turned around and saw Y/n fumbling with Blakes weapon, trying to work it.

Ruby: Uh, Y/n? Why not use your own weapons?

Y/n: Because they are not that delicate, watch.

Y/n handed Blake Gambol Shroud back before walking to another tree. He then activated his blaster and shot at the tree. A big hole was all that was left, and a sound of...sizzling?

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