Working on a Album

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Taylor's Pov:

After Breakfast was over with, we headed over to my new Studio which is thankfully not far from Travis's Mansion. I wasn't calling the House our yet because we weren't Married. Walking into the new Electric Lady Studios, I saw Patrick Mahomes and Jack Antonoff still unboxing some things trying to get the Place in order. This Studio is a lot bigger than the one in New York.

Jack Antonoff had grabbed what we were working on and brought it here. Our Equipment and plus the Albums we were currently Working on. I had almost finished one of the Albums and soon I would need to make an Announcement about it. The only people who knew about a Secret New Album I was working on was Travis, Jack, and my Family.

The location of the Studio is just perfect. It wasn't in the City it was out in the Country close to a Pond and it was Sound Proof so we wouldn't disturb anyone that had Businesses close by or any Houses close by. And what's more important, Travis could come and visit me at the Studio and he could see how an Album is made.

Patrick is glad that I chose to move in with Travis and Buy the Studio. Moving away from New York is the right thing to do and so far my Stalker had no clue of my where about and I wanted to keep it that way and try to live a Private life as much as I could. But who am I kidding? I feared that sooner or later they would find this place to but then they would have to go through Travis and both of our Security to get to me.

I felt safe whenever I'm with Travis and I do trust that he would always keep me safe. He even said if he has to he would use his Football Moves on the Stalkers to make them stay away. I had to chuckle at that I was smiling real big when he said that Travis is this protective Teddy Bear of a Man and he would do anything to make sure I stayed Protected.

As Travis and Patrick kept unpacking more Studio Stuff in another Room, Jack and I got started on our Work. We tried to decide on which Album to finish first. "How bout we finish The Tortured Poets Album since it's halfway done ?" Jack had nodded and said we can go ahead and finish that one. I was excited for the Fans to hear this new Album. I had been keeping it secret for about Two Years about around the same time not long after me and Joe had Broken up.

It was time the entire World heard the Story of about what had happened to us. We just somehow fell apart and we're pulled in different Directions. He wanted a normal Couple life without me being Famous, I wanted to keep doing what I love making Music and I wanted to have a Family and be Married to someone who could deal with my Famous life.

But some People weren't ready to hear the whole Story. At least Joe's Family or his Team wasn't. They were already Trashing me online saying I would be a Shady person if I wrote Songs about what really happened with Joe. But the World deserved to know exactly what happened instead of trying to paint me as the Bad Woman who didn't have a good reason to breakup with Joe.

Breaking up with him had been a good thing even though when I done it it had really hurted me for awhile. I didn't think I would ever be happy again but Travis had changed all of that and he didn't pay attention to Rumors being spread about me. "Let's go ahead and get this completed and start back up from Track 12".I put my Headphones on and stepped up to the Microphone and went back to working on TS11.

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