New Album Release

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April 19th 2024
The Tortured Poets Department
Album Release Day

We threw a Party in celebrating the New Album's Release. That following Morning, I was scheduled Two Radio Interviews and went to visit a Couple Record/CD Shops to do Album Signings. I didn't get to leave until. About 3 pm that Afternoon.

When I got Home that Afternoon I went online to check what Everyone was saying about the New Album. As I had expected, the New Album had Mixed Reviews from everyone. My Loyal Fans who have stuck by Me since the very Beginning has said that The Tortured Poets Department is my Best Work. Even those that knew Travis like his Parents and Friends really loved the Album.

The only ones that didn't seem to like the New Album were the ones that Hated me no matter what the Haters online it seemed like the Haters were around more than usual they hated the New Album and worst of all they said how much they hated me some comments were really disturbing like one thought of me as Satan's Spawn because of the type of Music I created it was some Evangelist that even said he wondered if me and Travis would have Satan's Baby.

I showed Travis the amount of hateful comments that was under my Post and other comments I found online. It looked like he had suddenly gotten Mad at what People wrote and then spoke to me "These aren't your Fans Taylor. You have a very loyal Fan base that will love anything you put out. Everytime an Artist releases Music there's going to be Negative Comments but what outweighs the Negative is the good Comments and how successful the Album will be.You cant let those Haters Destroy you or your Career."he told her and Travis made a good point.

I shut the Tablet off and stepped away from it for the Evening getting on it more was doing more harm than good and I had asked Tree to do some Damage Control for me online about the Album to make everything better. I joined Travis back in the Livingroom where we settled down into having Movie Night. Travis chose the Newest Fast and Furious Movie.

The Movie was good and Is definitely Action Packed.But it didn't cheer me up at all. I just snuggled up against Travis and wrapped a Blanket around myself. Just being close to him is all that I needed I thought. Travis is right that the Good Comments outweighs the Bad. Even Travis himself got Bad Reviews every once in awhile he said when your Popular People are going to Judge you. There was no way out of it.

I knew this is one of the things you gotta deal with when being Famous.Not everyone is going to like you no matter how good or Generous of a person you are. If you made more Money than most People did and were Successful you are looked down upon. No matter what she did, Taylor wasn't going to satisfy the Haters. She had to learn how to ignore all the hate and instead just focus on her Work.

She thought back to the time awhile back when the Chiefs played at the SuperBowl and Travis had his Meltdown towards his Coach. He caught a lot of bad Reviews on that due to his Behavior. He was so frustrated about a Move that the other Team did he said they were trying to Sabotage his Team.Some of his long time Fans had turned against him because they didn't fully understand what happened. Travis did an Interview that explained his Actions not that it did much good. His Meltdown had been on Air and there wasn't anything he could do but move forward and learn from his Mistakes.

I didn't make any Mistakes with this New Album. It is 100%  all Me and it displays all my Emotions which I wanted the Album to do. A Breakup Album isn't supposed to be all Happy it's supposed to be Dark, Depressing, Raw and Anger all on one Album. I had written Songs about what happened with Joe and Matty Heally and there was some good songs I had written about Travis.

I gave everything I had into this Album spent Hours Recording it in the Studio and I was up late trying to complete it and made sure it was perfect to send out into the World. I also wanted to explore new Album sounds and explore a more Mature sounding Me. If some Haters didn't like the New Album well that was their problem and not Mine.I am doing the Albums for the Fans my Fans and the fact that I love doing what I do.

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