Going Public

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Taylor's Pov:

We went Public after a few Dates. Alot of People including the Fans were very supportive of our Relationship some were even calling us a Ship name called Tayvis. But there were some People had negative things to say and those were the tough comments that you had to ignore because those People didn't matter. What mattered is that Travis loved me and it was real love not just some Public Reality Stunt.

I had been with Joe for about 6-7 years and during that whole time, I didn't know where we stood. I kept expecting him to Pop the Question at any time I thought he wanted to be with me Forever. I had even Bought a Mansion in London trying to prove to him that I wanted to spend Forever with him and he his Wife. But coming Home and finding him sleeping with another Woman wasn't what I expected and it broke my Heart.

Joe had told me he couldn't handle me being Famous. He thought he could but going Months without seeing me was really hard on him. I told him he was just coming up with some Dumb excuse to get rid of me. Without hearing more from him I told him to get his things and get him and that other Woman out of our Home. After that, I sold the Mansion no way was I going to keep a Home that reminded me of Joe cheating on me.

We had been in the middle of writing songs for Folklore and Jack had offered to help me Co-Write the rest. He knew I was going through a hard time with Joe. He said that it would help me to write about what happened with Joe and he was right. Pouring my Heart out on the rest of the Music we finished the rest of the Album within the next few Days.

Travis was nothing like Joe. He didn't mind our Relationship being Public in fact he wanted it to be like he had said we haven't got anything to hide from the World. He had a good point there I wanted the Fans to see how happy I am and I knew they would warm up to Travis to. I've been getting an enormous overwhelming amount of support saying they totally shipped us. Fansstarted coming out to Travis's Games hoping to meet me and to possibly meet Travis.

The only person who seemed to haven't warm up to me yet was Travis's Mom Donna Kelce. We had met a few times and I thought we actually got along until I had read about what she said about me in recent Interviews. Even in one Interview she had said meeting me was Awesome but she didn't think me and Travis were that serious about each other and that we were just having fun.

Travis saw how uncomfortable this made me and he hugged me in his arms "She just wants to get to know you Babe, you two had only met a few times and she just wants to know if your really serious about me. Other Women I've Dated have proven to me they werent serious about me. Even my Ex cheated on me with some other Guy. That had really hurt me so you have to understand why Mad somewhat Skeptical. She will grow to love you don't worry just Intereact with her more offer to spend time with her".

I sighed Travis had to be right maybe we just needed to Intereact more together and she needed to get to know me better. I am serious about Travis what we have is a wonderful serious thing and I didn't want someone like a Family Member trying to come between us. I knew going Public would have it's problems, but I didn't realize it would be problems like this.

I had a lot to prove to Travis's Mom that I wasn't anything like his Ex. I wouldn't ever Cheat on him because I knew what it was like to be Cheated on. I wanted her to know that I would be sticking around for a very long time and didn't plan on going any where.

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