Time to move on?

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Taylor's Pov:

It had been a couple years since she had broken things off with Joe. Taylor hadn't wanted the breakup she had done everything she could to save whatever it was that she thought her and Joe had but nothing worked. He had grown cold and distant even long after they had finished writing a couple songs together.

She had winded up finishing the two Sister Albums all on her own well she had help from Jack Antonoff to. But she had to finish writing The 1 after Joe had left even when they only had half the song written. Taylor had been so Broken hearted. She had really thought Joe was the one.She had even Bought another House in London where she thought they would begin they're Future there.

By the time they had broken up, Taylor had dived into Work and finished up the two Albums she had been working on Folklore and Evermore and she had released them without Joe. The Fans had loved both Albums and to them it was awesome to have something new out.

Going on my Tablet, I went online to do some Tay lurking and my eyes rested on Travis Kelce Podcast. Turning up the Volume I saw the caption on the video Taylor Swift turns down meeting Travis Kelce before her Show. Interesting, I wonder what Travis a NFL Player was doing at my Show?

Turns out he is a big Fan of mine. Travis mentioned to his Brother Jason Kelce that he attended one of my Shows and he had wanted to speak with me before the Show and that he had made a Eras Bracelet with his number on it and had planned on giving it to me but then a Security Guard told him that Taylor Swift doesn't see anyone before her Shows because she has to rest her voice. Travis admitted to his Brother that he was hurt that I didn't want to see anyone before the Show because he really wanted to ask me out because he had heard I was single.

Upon hearing this I was completely floored. Travis Kelce from the Chiefs Football Team wanted to ask me out at a Show of mine? I had no idea because Security didn't even bother telling me. Had I been told, I would have made time for him. I was a big Fan of the Chiefs as well as the Eagles.I found it hot that he had put me on blast online saying that he couldn't believe I wouldn't make time for him at a Show.

Going to his Instagram profile I followed him and sent him a DM Message. Then I began to type "I had no idea that you were at my Show trying to give me your number had I known, I would have made time for you. I am a Huge Fan of you and your Team.How bout I make it up to you and we can go out sometime and grab Dinner? I would love to get to know you. And thanks for putting me on blast sometimes I really need that Swift Kick.

I waited for him to respond back to me. Just as I was getting some snack from a Cabinet, he had just started messaging me back.Had to laugh when I saw his message and that he had followed me back. I was very surprised to see that he had responded so quickly.

killatrav: "That sounds really good to me to go grab Dinner and get to know you. It would totally make up for not seeing me at your Show. I was told that you have to rest your voice since you usually sing for three hours every weekend?"

I began typing back to him "Yes I do have to rest my voice. I know that might seem dumb to some People but I really have to take care of my voice before a Show. I want to give Fans an Amazing Show each Weekend Night that I perform. I wasn't trying to avoid you on purpose or anyone else.When you meet me for Dinner you can be more than welcome to give me that Bracelet".

killatrav: "I am so glad that you reached out to me I really didn't think you would be listening to our Podcast but I'm glad that you did. I had no idea that you are such a big Fan. I look forward to meeting you for Dinner how does Wednesday evening sound? At 6?"

"That sounds really good to me.I will definitely see you then".after we talked about an hour I was smiling again thanks to him. I felt really good about seeing someone new and hoped this would be the first of many Dates.

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