Talking about Forever

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Taylor's Pov:

Me and Travis soaked up some Sun on the Bahamas Beach where we are it's secluded and there isn't  a whole lot of People on the Beach just those who live close to my Beach Mansion. It was within walking reach so we got there in no time and picked our Spot down and set down our Chairs that laid out.

The Day is absolutely perfect. The waves crashed against the Shoreline and Seagulls flew overhead making Bird noises. This is just the Vacation we need for just the two of us. I waved at some Neighbors that I haven't seen in awhile. We should definitely invite them to our next Barbecue.

After Travis put some Sunblock on me and I did the same with him, as we soaked up the Sun's rays he began talking to me. "Taylor, these Nine Months has been Amazing with you I am looking forward into spending the rest of my Life with you and I'm so glad that you said yes to me. I know it's going to be awhile before we get Married I understand that you have the rest of your second leg to do. It's just thinking about spending Forever with you as my Wife makes me really happy". He smiled his gorgeous smile at me.

I smiled back at him and then said "I feel the same way Travis, I am looking forward to getting Married to you . I use to think I couldn't have it all Marriage, a Career and a Family but I know without a single doubt that I can have it all with you because your the one I'm meant to Marry and Spend the rest of my life with". I gazed happily at him back still haven't into his eyes. I haven't been this serious with anyone else before Travis.

With Travis I could have a very successful Career still keep doing my Singing and Songwriting all the while Marry him and have our Kids. It made me smile thinking that someday we would have Kids of our own that would play with each other and be each other's Buddies the way it was with Austin and Me when we were Kids. I knew right then I wanted to have a big Family I had Mansions that I wanted to fill the Houses with Children's laughter and the sound of running feet.

I had put my New York Apartment up for sale in the Tribeca Area. I figured since I am currently living in Travis's Mansion that I could just simply rent out the place until somebody actually buys the place. Living with him proves to him that I'm ready to move forward in the next chapter of our Love Life. We had discussed about having the Wedding the next time I get Two Months off again.

Travis is very supportive of my Career as a Popstar. He goes to as many Shows as his Schedule will allow and I go to as many Games as my Schedule allows. We both get to be pretty busy but we make time for each other because we love each other. I think Joe only went to like two Reputation Shows of mine and he wanted me to give up my Career in order to settle down with him.

But I don't have to worry about where I stand with Travis he supports my Career fully no matter how long I want to do it. And that's the type of Man I need in my life. Not only that he even gets along with the Fans and Intereacts with them. I have watched him exchange Friendship Bracelets with them and even take pictures with them and hold conversations with them. Joe never wanted to Intereact with them and would often tell them to go away.

I love how I can be myself around Travis to. I don't have to walk on eggshells and be careful about what I say around him he's an awesome listener and makes me feel like what I say matters and I treat him the same way what he says and does matters to me. After taking in some Sun Rays, we both decided to take a dip into the Ocean which surprisingly feels so good it was cold at first but our Bodies quickly adjusted to the water.

We both Kissed each other passionately in the water not careing who saw us packing on the PDA. We were so comfortable around each other and the most relaxed we have ever been. We rode the waves as they crashed into us and laughed when we would get soaking wet. We were having a blast in the Bahamas and People could witness us having a wonderful time together.

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