Happier With You

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Taylor's Pov:

Tree had done as she had promised and had calmed down the Noise and Drama online. She had went on my Instagram and other Socials and Unfollowed a lot of People she says that's about the only way to get rid of Drama is to do a Massive Unfollowing. She told me to not react to Joe or anyone who knows him because they could mess up what I'm saying and make it sound like something else kinda like with the Kim Kardashian and Kanye situation.

I love having Tree as my Publicist she has been with me since I had released 1989 the first time and she knows what is best for me she is wonderful at Damage Control when problems like this arise without Tree being my Publicist, I don't think I would be as Famous or Popular like I am today because she's played a Major part of that.She and I have grown to become very close Friends Besties that is and I would often let her attend Public Events like Award Shows with me.

After the Phone Call with Tree I had rejoined Travis on the Couch and we had watched a Movie the rest of the Night.He had chosen a really funny Comedy one of Adam Sandler's Movies called Fifty First Dates.His Movies always cheered me up no matter how I was feeling.While watching the movie I cuddled up with him with his arms I began to think about how me and Travis had gotten together and it had all started with him making a Eras Bracelet with his number on it and he said he was disappointed he didn't get to meet me.

After he met me, he had given me the Bracelet along with another one he had made with his name and the number on his Jersey he often wore. I accepted it and ever since we had been Dating and still going strong to this Day. Sure there is negative comments coming from some People who do not Ship us but I don't care I will still Date him no matter what everyone else thinks. I knew what kind of person Travis is and that's what mattered.

We laughed at the Movie that we kept watching and after watching it I felt a lot better about my Album release coming up. I do not interfere with Joe's Career so therefore he shouldn't be trying to interfere with mine. He's only jealous because I'm with Travis and he can't stand to see us together. Travis wants me to be Happy and he's even said it to me many times.

I love how this Man cares for me and will Travel many Miles just to see my Concert and Me. We both respected each other's Careers and made efforts to see each other. I didn't believe the Rumors going around that he's a Player.I do think that Travis has had a difficult past and has Dated the wrong Women but that doesn't make him a Player. I plan on showing everyone that I can stick with him and not drop him over Dumb reasons.

I think everyone deserves the chance to find true love for them. Many People online are expecting me to already write a Breakup Album about Travis when it's the total opposite. I am working on an all new Album about Travis but not in the way some might think. I have been Writeing about how we met, and how we feel in love and I've even written Songs about how happy Travis makes me feel. The World needs to understand I can write happy love songs to I did it with Lover.

Writing Songs is what I keep doing even when I'm not on Tour. It keeps me Busy and keeps me from wanting to go on the Internet all the time and it's a therapeutic way of dealing with Stress or any kind of problems. I would just go to the Music Room and write and sing. Travis had surprised me when he had made a Songwriting Room for me at his Mansion he says you never know when Inspiration hits and he knew I wrote Songs whenever ideas came to me.

I had given Travis a very passionate Kiss when he had done that for me. I had loved the Room so much and still do and I use it as often as I can. All three of my Cats had already claimed the Mansion as their home. They are used to Travis being around and even looks up to him like he's their Daddy because he plays with them and often helps feed them. I can't help but smile when the Cats Intereact with him especially Benji who often sits on the back of his neck or in his lap.

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