TTPD Section for Eras

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Taylor's Pov:

It had been a Few days and we were still doing Rehearsals for the Eras Tour that would start up again this Weekend. I had told my Team my Dancers, Backup Singers and Band about the new Section of the Show we were adding and they were all getting so excited about performing new Songs from the New Album live.

We have been Rehearsing different Sections for the Tour earlier this week and now have gotten to this part of the Tour I was excited and nervous for the Fans to hear the new Songs live and to see the awesome Visuals that would be onstage. What was really challenging to do was being turned around in circles on top of the Bed Frame while pre-tending to type on our Type Writers to do this me and Jan had to take Dramamine before we got spined around so many times by the other Dancers.

The Down Bad part was just as challenging I had to hang onto the Pole as the small platform kept spinning me around. It felt like I was on those Spinning Tea Cup rides you see at Fair Grounds and Amusement Parks. After rehearsing those songs, we moved onto the other ones real quickly. So High School is a really fun Song that we do and it's totally relatable to anyone who's ever been to High School and the Fans would love the awesome Dance move that's often done at Sports Games.

After Rehearsing for a few Hours, we went back to our Hotel. Anytime if I am doing multiple Shows in a City, I'll get the Fanciest Hotel that me and my Parents and Team can stay at. Once there, I took a quick Shower and changed into clean comfortable clothes. Since we had the Evening free, I had invited everyone on my Team out to Dinner with us at one of the Restaurants I really liked they served Steak and Seafood and it was a Five Star Restaurant called Dave's Steak and Seafood.

Having Dinner and Socializing with everyone on my Team is extremely important. Even though they were my Employees they felt like Family to me some have stuck with me ever since the beginning like Amos, Paul, Kamilla, Melanie, Elliott. Even though the new People on my Team have only been here for a Short time, people like Kam, Jesolyn and some of thev newer Dancers they still felt like Family to me and we always had something to talk about.

That Evening we went back Home feeling good about how Touring Rehearsals went. I am very proud of my Team for giving their all in every Rehearsal and at every Concert. They are the best People to work with. I had such strong Friendships with everyone on my Team and there wasn't any Bad Blood with any of them. Except for Joe I wish things could have ended on a more peaceful note with him but after years of spending my life hidden away from the Spotlight just trying to please him just never did sit right with me.

Everyone kept talking about our Relationship Ending  online and a lot of it was pure Speculation of why it had ended. It had ended towards the end because we were two different people who wanted different things. Joe wanted to settle down and Marry me but in order to do that I had to give up my Fame and my Singing Career. I loved Perming and it's practically my life I love Performing for my Fans and always giving them new Music.

But not anymore was I going to spend years of hiding behind closed Doors. If I was going to be with anyone they had to accept that me being Famous wasn't ever going to just go away and I wasn't giving up my Singing Career just because Joe wanted a normal Fame free Picket Fence kind of Life. I had the perfect Relationship with Travis he accepted all parts of me including my Fame and he even interacted with the Fans at his Games or Events which is really Adorable.

Joe and Travis were two different Men with two different personalities. I loved how Travis is the more easygoing and Fun one He is always attending The Eras Tour every chance he gets to in his Schedule.

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