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....12 years after their marriage....

I didn't ask to be in a family where my mom was constantly breaking down over my dad's mental issues.

I loved my parents, but sometimes I needed a break. I was 13 now, and I already felt like I should be in college because of the things I undergo.

"Micheal, would you mind waking Elizabeth for dinner?" Mom asked me. I got up from my bed and walked over to Lizzy's room, feeling exhausted. "Thank you."

"Yeah no problem," I sighed, opening Lizzy's door.

I saw Elizabeth sleeping on her bed (for once she was quiet). I made my way through her toys and rubbed her shoulder. "Lizzy c'mon it's dinner time," I said, shaking her. When she didn't respond, I went to the bathroom and got a spray bottle. I sprayed her, making her joilt awake.

"What was that for?" she whined.

"It's dinnertime," I said. "Come on."

"I don't want to eat dinner!" she screamed. "I don't want to! I don't want to!" She threw her fists around, making me confused of why I was even trying. 

I walked out of the room and heard her scream even louder. I continued to walk downstairs, where Mom, Dad, and Evan were waiting for us. "She's hopeless," I said, sitting down next to Evan.

Dad snorted and Mom hit his shoulder, causing him to glare at her. "I'll go get her," Mom said, leaving us at the table.

I began to grab some food, Evan doing the same. We placed it on our plate and waited, watching Dad scold us for not using utensils. Mom returned with a Lizzy and a tired face. Lizzy sat down next to me, kicking her legs in the air like she was 3 years old.

"I don't want it!" she screamed again. I covered my ears as Dad shot her a death glare.

"Elizabeth Afton, you're going to eat that food your mother made without another word," Dad said, taking a bite out of his food.

"Hmph," she said, crossing her arms and turning her head away. 

"Elizabeth," Dad warned.

"Lizzy, just eat the food," Evan said, starting to eat his own plate.

"Yeah," I chimed in.

Lizzy refused and kept turning her face away from the table. Mom tried to get her to eat too, but it just wasn't working. "I want to go to the pizzeria!" Elizabeth declared. "I want to! I want to! I WANT TO!" she almost flipped my plate when she slammed her hands on the table.

"Elizabeth, you know you're not allowed to go there," Dad said.

"Will, why don't we just take her?" Mom said quietly. "I want to see it too."

Dad glared at the two of them before sighing. "Fine. We are going to finish this meal and then go," he said.

"I WANT TO GO NOW!" Elizabeth screamed again.

"If you don't shut up and eat your food then we won't go at all," Dad said. 

After that, Lizzy shut up and let the rest of us eat while she glared and kicked at the air. I finished fairly quickly, although I didn't see Mom eating anything. Dad didn't seem to feel alarmed by it, so I didn't care much.

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