𝐃𝗼𝐠𝐃𝐚𝐲 '𝐱' 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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𝐒𝐮𝗺𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐲||Not romantic, at all, but you do give DogDay his legs back ^_^

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𝐒𝐮𝗺𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐲||Not romantic, at all, but you do give DogDay his legs back ^_^

Going over to the eerie hall, you see a bunch of cells.


I hear.. footsteps? No, not Catnap's. It's someone else.

Considering this absolutely terrifying place, something's gonna pop out at me. Alright before I almost get murdered I'm gonna go to that area that I didn't check out.

Oh. They're fading away.

I see a room. With a big paw in the middle. Well, like a paw pillow. You think this is where Catnap sleeps? There's little Smiling Critters.

Cute. I just realized how adorable that is. Catnap sleepin here while little critters are above him. He's still just a kitty.

Like 10 years ago..

Anyways I'm gonna go back.

I hear footsteps.. Again?

I go over to the last row a cells and- HOLY-

"You... You're Poppy's angel".

I don't want to exaggerate, but my mouth was WIDEE open. But I closed my mouth because that was pretty rude to do.

"Come to save us".

I wanna do something but I'll let him talk, not for long though, I can't let DogDay be in anymore pain.

"Nothing left to save, not here"...

Lies, I could save you right now!!

"You're in Catnap's home, angel".

Alright I'm done with you talking. I start, luckily since I used to mess with the toys, getting out my tools to start working.

Well, I find the sharpest one so I can cut the belts holding him up.

"Their home".

"A million pairs of-"

I take one big swing at all of the belts, and fortunately they all snap! Of course I caught DogDay in time.

"I'm gonna make sure you're okay, puppy." I declare, not joking. Like 100%, DogDay is not dyin' on me.

"But Angel I'll only slow you down-"


"The only thing I need to worry about is getting you safe, not you 'slowing me down'!" I tried to sound a lot less annoyed, I'm not, at all. But I don't want DogDay to burden himself even more.

I was also running from a bunch of small demons so yeah.

They were chasin' me like they were tryna eat me alive!

No pun intended.

While I was speed crouchin' through, there was little critters on the right side of me- I kicked them.

"Sorry little one!" I apologized, I didn't feel fully bad but I still do because y'know! They're still- a little bit like the bigger, original critters!


Even though they kicked the smaller critters, they still apologized.. They really are an angel.

Finally making it out, I see three colored slides. I made a quick decision and decided to slide down the middle one.

Luckily that was the right one.

"Keep going angel, you're doing good"..

DogDay is by far the best dog I've ever known.

I quickly switched my green hand to my purple hand and used the jump pad-

"Hold on"!

We made it on the platform and thankfully a metal door shut behind us, cutting off the smaller critters.

I pressed the button so we could go up, and waited.

"Angel, that was amazing! But why would you save me?" Wouldn't it have been better if they left?

"Because I don't want you to die. Plus, you didn't slow me down. Also are you okay? Y'know, because of how much I was moving..?

"I'm alright Angel, are you"?

"I am completely fine! Physically"!

I gave him a smile, a real smile. Just so he doesn't think I'm lying.

"Plus, I'm really happy that I was able to get you outta there."

Now, I just need to get the parts to rebuild him. I 100% do not mind doing that.

After some time, you were able to find a somewhat safe spot that was found by Poppy and Kissy.

And yes, you held DogDay the whole time. Like a little kid holding their stuffy.

You placed DogDay on the ground, he held himself up with his arms so you didn't need to worry too much.

"This might take a while, but the result will be worth it. Or not, depends on your opinion".

"You reattaching my lower body will be worth it no matter how long it will take".

I was a little surprised that he said that- he's still outgoing and kind after all these years...

I lifted my head and saw that he had a genuine smile- of course, I smiled back.

After- about two and a half hours I was done. My back is kinda sore but that doesn't matter.

"Okay, you wanna try sitting up"?





There were visible stars in his eyes.

He was in awe because of my work, and gave me a hug. A really big hug.

"Thank you, Angel"...

"You've done so much for me, how could I ever repay you"...

While he was hugging you he stood up at the same time.

Omg he can walk!! I mean stand.

And Jesus he was tall, not 6'2 type stuff but he was like- 5'0! That's tall for a 'toy'.

I hugged him back and we were there for a while.

I completely forgot he asked me something.

"Oh! Uhh, you do not need to repay me. But your way of repaying me is just being alive".


"... I promise Angel".

𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠✯𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟-!!Where stories live. Discover now