𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐟 𝐒.𝐂 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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S.C = Smiling Critter, I just couldn't fit it in the title, you are a cat in this, I also couldn't fit that in the title! ^_^

Honk shoooo..

Honk shoooooo......

Honk— "Kitty! It's time ta wake up!!" Kickin said, hey, you can't sleep for too long, you have to deal with the kids. You almost flinched from Kickin's loud approach. You were slowly waking up, fastly blinking and then looking like you'll go to sleep again. "C'mon!!" He put his wing on your face.

"Kickin, I'm awake. Please." You whisper. Gently putting your paw on his wing. He raised his eyebrows a bit from that. He smiled, and took your paw with both of his wings, softly yanking you so you can get up quicker.

You were a little sloppy, so you stood up (while sitting) and lazily leaned on Kickin. "Oof– ... At least you're up..."

The other critters were all discussing today's activity while you were (kind of) cuddling with Kickin.

Bobby Bearhug came up to you and started cuddling with you. Now having two Smiling Critters on both of your sides!

"So, whaddya think Kitty?!" Dogday said, catching your attention. You were still tired and not processing things, so you have no idea what he meant.

"... Huh?" The critters started laughing from your oblivious sound. Dogday was laughing too, "I mean— heh, I mean what do you think about t-today's activity..?" You were much more awake for what he said, "Oh um. I— I think it's nice..." You muttered.


The children were all awake, happy(most of them) and bright(mostly). You were stepping out of the critters' room, while holding paws with Bobby as she was explaining the main activity.

"So, do you have it now?" She asked you, thankfully you were actually paying attention this time.

"Um. Yea.." You whispered. You weren't much of a talkative one, but that's okay.

Some would say you were like Craftycorn, but more shy. You try to ignore those comparisons. The kids were eating their breakfast, and Bobby was still next to you.

You had to watch the kids, because just in case a kid was choking, you needed to get them to not choke. The other critters would handle the other kids and calm them down. The other critters mostly being Dogday and Bobby.

While Bobby was sitting right next to you, holding your paw, just talking about what it was like dealing with the children's emotions, while her head was on your shoulder.

A few feet away, there were some jealous critters looking at you two. "I wanna hold Kitty's paw..." Picky said. "Me too.." Kickin added.

Dogday saw their envious mood and went over to them. "It's okay guys, there's no need to be jealous!" He looked over at you two.

Yea he sees no reason to be jealous. This is because he is an adult! Well it was a headcanon, and to be honest with you, it seems like a really good headcanon. Basically he was an employee at Playtime co.

And to be honest with you, AGAIN, a grown adult being jealous over two kids being kids, is VERY strange ^_^. Anywho, back to the story (⌒‿⌒)

Dogday didn't get it! He doesn't understand. (NO SHAME FOR MY BABY!!!!!)

The kids were done eating, and now they all were doing the activity. If you were wondering what this mystery activity is, it's about sleep and rest.

The kids thought it was going to be boring, who wants to talk about sleeping?? But the critters wanted to talk about how good it is to get some shut eye after a long day of being awake.

Maybe it could also help Catnap with the kids falling asleep.

All the Smiling Critters were grouped together, doing actions and spouting words on why sleep is good for you.

"See?! Kickin here is all tired and sleepy (he was doing an action to represent it), not able to really do anything!"

"It is also not good for your health!"

"But Catnap is all nice and rested! Being able to walk, talk, and color while being fully awake."

"Not getting enough sleep isn't good for anybody! Not adults, little kids like you guys, or even teens! If you get the sleep required, you're able to get work done quicker, be able to color, and many activities can be done!"

"Even fun activities! Drawing, doing sports, playing games, all of those things can be done in a more fun way, just by getting a few hours of sleep!"

Bubba was able to communicate with the children in a more interesting way, not a lot of them were bored from his statements.

"Any questions?" Bubba asked, some kids raised their hands, showing their curiosity about sleep.

"What happens if I don't sleep?"

"Well... If you don't sleep, your body can't operate very well. It's like your bed is the charger, and you need that charger in order to get through the day! Some say.. If you don't get sleep for too long, your brain.. Can eat itself!!!" He said, getting the kids all hyped up.

"Well I guess I should get some sleep!!" One kid said.

"Yea! I don't want my brain to eat itself!!" Another wailed.

"Mhm! And so you can learn about it, if you want to, I have a word search!"

The children started grabbing the papers, wanting to know some words about sleep.

"I also have something you could decode! For the kids who want to challenge their brain!"

The kids were all doing something, word searches, talking to the critters to get more facts about rest, decoding, at least an activity that can distract them.

You and Catnap were walking around, helping any of the kids, and also calming them down if they got frustrated.

You two were just being cuddly kitties.

You were pretty sure the other critters(minus Dogday) were holding back from just cuddling up to you too.

Apparently they had to help with the kids....

𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠✯𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟-!!Where stories live. Discover now