𝐇𝗼𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐇𝗼𝐩𝐬𝐜𝗼𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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(The title was supposed to say Hoppy Hopscotch x reader Valentine's Day special, I couldn't fit it)

(The title was supposed to say Hoppy Hopscotch x reader Valentine's Day special, I couldn't fit it)

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Request(Wattpad, you know who u are), but not really one because I thought of this myself ^_^

-☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!

What did they do in the morning on Valentines?

- She woke up at the normal time she was supposed to

- She wasn't trying to worry too much about her gifts

- It's not like they're messed up or anything!

- ... Right?

- She grabbed her gifts and rushed to a private area just to check over them

- I mean they don't have to be perfect but she doesn't want to make it seem like it's lazy

- She let out a sigh, they were fine, hopefully, you would like them

What did they do for you?

- She hung around you a lot more

- It's not like she doesn't hang around you

- But she's trying to be with you, while managing the gifts

- She somehow managed to make it obvious that she was worried about her gifts she's going to give you

- Every hour she'd rush over to them, you asked her about it and she just brushed off the question

- "NO. I mean I'm not worried about them! They're already amazing! Why would I worry about something amazing??"

- She overthinks

- Anywho, she was (trying to be) more cuddly, she isn't too keen on physical touch

- You could tell she was trying and told her she doesn't have to

- "THANK YOU. I was getting so stressed about it!!!"

What did they get you?

- The occasional bouquet of roses and heart shaped box of chocolates

- She isn't good on gifts

What did you give them?

- A personally designed trampoline! It's specifically for Hoppy, it's green with lighting streaks

- She doesn't really like flowers(it's the smell), so you just got her chocolates

- Lighting streaks stickers!!

- A green and yellow bracelet, with her name on it

- She wears it all the time, and keeps it in a safe box

- She feels bad because she barely got you anything

- You told her it was fine because not every partner has to get theirs a ton of gifts

- That applies to the real life, don't feel bad for not giving your partner a ton of stuff

Did they do anything special? (Extra hugs, kisses, changing their routine etc.)

- She did change up her routine

- By randomly running to her gifts to make sure they were okay

- Though she was a lot more eccentric, making the critters worry about her

- It's how she gets when it comes to holidays where you give people gifts

- She was shaky giving you hugs

- You had to comfort her a lot, making sure she was (and feeling) okay

- You HAD to cuddle her when she was supposed to sleep or else she'd stay up

What activities did you both do?

- If activities mean cuddles, then yea, you two did a few activities

- You had to cuddle her and calm her down a lot, you could see the stress on her face about Valentine's day

- Surprisingly, you were able to keep her chill

- She actually could forget about the gifts and be in the moment

- Sometimes she'd sleep on your shoulder

- You were very happy that she was peaceful, temporarily
Did they seem brighter today?

- Uhmm.... ^_^!

- She was... Trying.

Anything new about their appearance?

- Nope! She wanted to wear a suit, but thought it was too much

- After you gave each other the gifts, she gave you a small fashion show with her in the suit

- "It looks really good on you Hoppy. I love it ^_^"

- From now on, on Valentine's Day she would wear her suit

How many times did they say I love you?

- She said it a lot, with a lot of stuttering

- Hoppy isn't good with those types of words

- You can tell she got nervous every time

- Of course you said it back

Did they ask to be your Valentines, or did they ask if you could be their Valentines? There's a difference!

- She asked CAN she be your Valentine's, not even a will

- "Yes Hoppy, you WILL be my Valentine's." You smiled while saying that, teasing her on her vocabulary, but not in the mean way

- "Oh- Did I say can..?"

- "Yeah, it's okay, Hops."

- FYI, she loves that nickname you gave her

What did they do the night before Valentine's Day?

- Cuddle with you, she had to sneak out of your grasp to check up on her gifts

- You woke up, following her, but then when she was going back you rushed over to her bed

- Pretending you weren't doing anything and just woke up

- Since all of the critters were awake, they nearly teased you about it, but when Hoppy walked in the room they didn't

Were they shy asking to be your Valentines or when they asked if you could be their Valentines?

- A little shy, mainly anxious

- HOPING you'd say yes

Did they add anything extra to their areas(their little homes)? Or their activities?

- She doesn't like decorating, unless it's about something she ACTUALLY likes

- But after she received your gifts, she put it in a secret chest, it's not decorating, but it's just keeping them safe

What did they do when it was time to sleep?

- She also honk shoooed(Like Kickin)

Question♡ Were you excited for Valentine's Day? Or were you hoping the day would just pass by?

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