𝐃𝗼𝐠𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭

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Request from Tumblr-! Here you go Dawko-fanpage☆

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Request from Tumblr-! Here you go Dawko-fanpage☆

-☆You are a human in this

Searching around, you always find something interesting.

Like the dead bodies of toys, or blood splatters, a pool? That's something you didn't expect in this place.

One thing you figured out yourself about this place is that it's huge. It's like the square miles of this place is more than Mount Everest!

And even in this hell hole, you still made some friends. Some as in Poppy, Kissy Missy, and a smaller version of Dogday. It jumped on you when you weren't aware, but it didn't try to eat or kill you. It rubbed its head against yours, maybe these tiny critters can actually be cute.

Other than the fact they eat humans and toys.

And have jumped a singular man as a group.




Let's just hope this small Dogday stays innocent.

You were in a somewhat safe spot. These colorful and soft walls kind of distract you from the real world.

You wanted to rest, just for a while.

But something's telling you to go ahead. And the fact there's a murderous purple cat on the loose, hunting you down.

To have you not thinking about it, you pet the small puppy.

Cutely, it stuck its tongue out and started wagging its tail. Even the slightest bit of happiness can comfort you here.

You closed your eyes, resting, thinking about what to do next. When a small head lightly bumped against your stomach, bringing you back to the real world.

"Why'da bump me hm?" The tiny jumped off your lap and went somewhere.

"Oh, wait I don't wanna lose you!" You whisper yelled. You kept your eyes on it, following where it's going.

You stumble upon an eerie hallway, being suspicious, you scruffed the small Dogday just in case. It tried to get out of your grasp, squirming, "I know you want to just go everywhere, but c'mon at least have some security for yourself." You said to the tiny critter.

"You! You're Poppy's angel!" The rough voice scared you, making you flinch. When you saw the source of the voice, your eyes went wide.

"Come to save us." The small one stopped squirming and was also looking at the much bigger Dogday. Maybe that's why it was running over here, to tell you about the suffering life form you never knew about.

"Nothing left to save, not here." He looked up at you, noticing you had the smaller critters, aka the ones who were eating him bit by little bit.


He shook his head and resumed his talking, "You're in Catnap's home, angel" But he saw that you were distracted. With talking to the smaller version of him.

"Eat those belts and I'll give you scratches for the longest time." You whispered. The smaller Dogday understood and jumped onto Dogday's arms, he flinched, scared he'll get hurt again.

"Uhh, continue with what you're saying, the smaller you is gonna eat away at the belts, don't worry he's tamed."

"... If you say so Angel, You're in their home. A million pairs of-" Dogday's left arm was released.

'Wow he sure is efficient..' Dogday thought.

"eyes are on you now... Watching, waiting, hungr-" You caught Dogday before he could fully fall on the ground.

"See? Tamed!" You said with a smile as the small Dogday crawled up your arm. "Now, let's go before all of us get eaten!"

Tiny Dogday crawled into your pocket as the bigger Dogday shifted to your back.

Even with the bigger Dogday being huge, you still managed through. I guess you being here gives you big muscles.

You finally made it outside. And could rest while at it.

"Bigger Dogday, I'm gonna patch you up. I don't know how to reattach your legs back, but I'll try to not have your organs nearly fall out." You stated, assuring that Dogday won't be in as much pain he's currently in.

"You don't need to angel-"

"But I'm gonnaaaa. So stop being so selfless." You could hear small giggles coming from your pocket.

"What, you think this is funny to you? Huh ya little vermin?" The tiny was still giggling, even louder than before.

You let out a sigh and continued on, Dogday smiled(an actual one) a little from his smaller version.

You found medical supplies and went to work on patching up Dogday, trying to be as careful as you can. He's been through enough before you even got here.

The tinier Dogday watched your process, jumping from your pocket and rubbing its head against Dogday's much larger hand. He flinched a bit, but pet his smaller version.

After 15-30 minutes, you were done. "Alright, I'm done!"

"Angel, this is amazing I-!"

You heard the familiar sound of metal scratching against a floor. Oh come on, you can't get a little bit of rest?! It was the Prototype, you thought he only comes near you if you killed somebody! And Dogday nor his smaller version is dead.

So, why is he here?

Well, you either defend yourself with your life, or sacrifice it or something. Though the hand most likely knew some moves, you still need to defend the two puppies that are behind you.

You've done the impossible so you can do this right?

Wrong! (^▽^)

The Prototype's sharp and metallic fingers were plunged into your heart.

"ANGEL NO!" (I don't know how to make this seem serious, I'm just here💀)

His hands were removed from your heart, though he didn't take your body to build himself(that's what I headcanon) maybe you weren't worthy enough.

Prototype was looking for Dogday, but fortunately, he was nowhere to be seen, neither was his smaller version.

He needed to search, to find him, but- he doesn't feel like it right now. So he left. Leaving you to die, maybe.

Who knows?

You can always do the impossible.

𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠✯𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟-!!Where stories live. Discover now