𝐁𝗼𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐮𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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(The title was supposed to say Bobby Bearhug x reader Valentine's Day special, I couldn't fit it)

A/N|| Sorry for this not being uploaded on Valentine's Day, it was school and stuff, I was also very tired! And had to do Taekwondo(╥_╥)

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A/N|| Sorry for this not being uploaded on Valentine's Day, it was school and stuff, I was also very tired! And had to do Taekwondo(╥_╥)

-☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!

What did they do in the morning on Valentines?

- She woke up super early, searching every square inch of Playcare, making sure she didn't drop anything while getting the supplies for her gifts

- She was stressing about it but she was pretty excited

- Also was REALLY hoping that nothing would get messed up or she forgot something

- Then she woke you up with a bunch of kisses!!

What did they do for you?

- Spent a few hours each day making and perfecting her gifts

- Asked you to be her Valentines the first day of February

- Left a rose near your bed each day, and it slowly multiplied

What did they get you?

- A very big bouquet

- Your very own Bobby Bearhug plush(she kinda stole it)!

- A medium sized goodie bags that was decorated with hearts

- A card that was all about how much she loved you, she wanted to decorate the inside but she wanted all the space for her writing

- Another card that was just based on your favorite things

- And a drawing(with the help of Craftycorn) that was of your favorite animal, show, etc.

- She was going to give you her childhood toy, but you refused because that's something she should keep, she was insisting but you couldn't because you're not good of keeping track of anything(in this story at least)

What did you give them?

- You feel kind of bad because you didn't get her that much stuff as she got you...

- But anyways you gave her this plush of yourself

- Many heart candies

- A heart shaped box of chocolates

- And other heart shaped thingies(she loved all of them, especially the little plush of you)

Did they do anything special? (Extra hugs, kisses, changing their routine etc.)

- YES.

- She put a bunch of Valentine decorations around and in her beehive, aka her house

- She woke up earlier everyday before Valentine's Day

- EXTRA hugs and kisses

What activities did you both do?

- Definitely represented what you could do for a friend on Valentine's Day for the kids' activities

- You two also were holding the hands the whole time, while helping kids with the activity

-When the other critters were managing the kids, it was pretty cold, so you both sat on a big pillow with a big blanket

- Cuddling with each other, you also almost fell asleep

- Obviously, you both had a 'date'

Did they seem brighter today?


- Honestly this is probably the day she was born(human or toy)

Anything new about their appearance?

- She wore a little bow( ' ▿ ' )

- And she made her rose scent stronger

How many times did they say I love you?

- Every time she saw you, which wasn't enough, the amount of times she said it by the way

- She was with you the whole day, so she added a lot more I love you's

Did they ask to be your Valentines, or did they ask if you could be their Valentines? There's a difference!

- Her voice was all soft, asking you to be her Valentines

- "O-Or if you want it to be the other way around-!" I hate typing out stuttering dialogue, but it's what she'd do

What did they do the night before Valentine's Day?

- Try so hard to sleep

- Surprisingly could

- By thinking of you telling her to calm down

- Because she knows you would

Were they shy asking to be your Valentines or when they asked if you could be their Valentines?

- She was very shy!

- She was also trying so hard to not stutter

Did they add anything extra to their areas(their little homes)? Or their activities?

- She hung up a bunting(I had to search this up, it's those lines that are decorated with things that get hung up)

- She spread rose petals on her floor, while doing it she was so jolly!

- She has a calendar, and on Valentine's Day she drew a heart around it, on the calendar

- She also hung up a list, marking off the gifts she got/finished making for you

What did they do when it was time to sleep?

- She gave you a small smooch on your cheek when she was going to sleep

- Almost decided on staying up

Another A/N|| I will be closing requests for now, I want to finish this Valentine's Day special series and some other requests

Question♡ Did you celebrate Valentine's Day? If so, what did you do?

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