𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐲𝐜𝗼𝐫𝐧 𝐱 𝗺𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Glcheairs123☆

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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Glcheairs123☆

-☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!

Waking up as early as 4 am, you all need the time to discuss the main activity for the day.

Dogday is the one to discuss that though. Then the workers come in and instruct the topic for today.

Dogday just adds on to it and explains it better. No shame to him though

You and Craftycorn collected art supplies and put them on the children's tables.

"What stickers do you think the kids will like, Crafty?"

"Uhm, maybe rainbow ones? You should give multicolored stickers to each table, so no kids have to fight about which colors..."

"Hm. That's smart. Thanks."


Little conversations like that can really accentuate your friendship with Crafty. Some could say you two were a good duo. Quiet, good with art, somehow good at small talk.

Anyways, for today's art activity, the kids were supposed to draw a bear. However they wanted, it could be yellow, pink, they can even just draw Bobby.

It's the creativity that matters(ai 'art' type moment😂).

As you and Crafty were quite the creative bunch, you could help the kids with anything. Ideas, colors, shape, you name it.



"Should the bear be a square or a circle?"

"... Well what do you want it to be?"

"A square!"

"Then you draw a square shaped bear."


Since you and Crafty let kids be creative with art, you two were quite liked. Especially by the older kids who are artists.

They like you two so much they come up to you both to ask about their art, do you like it? "Could you give me some constructive criticism?" or "Could you help me figure out my art style?" Stuff like that.

Art is very important. In every way possible, it expresses your creativity.

Maybe I'm getting off track.

The kids were doing the art activity, and the both of you were speeding around, helping kids who needed it. In fact, you two were going so fast that you crashed into each other!

The kids saw and started laughing. Luckily, neither of you were carrying paint, so there wasn't really a mess. Other than the many crayons and color pencils spilled on the ground.

Crafty started apologizing so much- you couldn't even get a word in!!

"Crafty. It's okay." You interrupted.

"We both crashed into each other, it's not your fault." She raised her eyebrows and stopped rambling.

"Let's just clean up these art supplies, okay?" She then nodded her head, and stayed silent.

"Also don't feel sad for me saying that." She was feeling sad but never mind.

Finally, at least for a second you two could rest.

"I guess handling art supplies can be tiring..." Crafty stated, "Yea, apparently."

An awkward 'silence' filled the air. The younger kids didn't really make the room seem silent. But it was silent between you two.

"... Crafty, what's the meaning of art?"

"Oh! Okay. That's a deep question- uhm..."

"Well I guess it's a way to express creativity. Visually, emotionally and physically. Like drawings! Emotionally could be through music! Music is art. And then physically? It could be a sport!" You asked that question specifically just to hear her ramble about it.

Crafty is a nerd when it comes to art, mainly visual art but she can talk about other kinds of art too.

You also said it to end the personal silence.

But you were quite impressed by her knowledge. "Crafty, can you show me your art pieces?"

You couldn't have said anything better to an artist.

Unless if you're talking about older art pieces then... I'm not sure about that.

But of course, she said yes and rushed you over to her corner.

It has a bunch of colorful papers hung up on the wall, and beautifully colored canvas'.

Other than the beautiful art hung up on the walls, you could see the scrapped and crumbled up pieces of paper on the floor. What an emotionally relatable art piece!

She had drawers that are different colors, they're color coded. That's a smart idea, maybe you should do that too with your art. But there was one drawer that wasn't colored at all. It was just white.

White isn't a color.

"Since you are very dear to me, I wanted to show you this!" She shows you her very first art she made when she was created.

Now that- makes you VERY special. Appreciate it while you can.

It was a picture of her. She drew herself. No matter if it looked like a 5 year old drew it, it looked fantastic! Every art is beautiful, even if it is drawn by a beginner artist. Especially since people like to negatively judge a beginner's art, for some reason...

"That's so cool..." Hearing that from her best friend was a big confidence booster. You could see the sparkles in her eyes, adding onto her wide smile.

"REALLY?! Thanks!! Here, I'll show you some more-!" Then a kid yelled out Crafty's name, not giving her a chance to show you her cool art.

"Oh..." Then she had a small frown on her face.

You put your hoof(because you're a sheep in this) on her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I can look at your really good art later. I'll bring it up myself, no worries." You reassured.

The stars in her eyes came back, "Okay!" Then you two rushed over to the kids to help them out with the activity.

By the time the kids were at lunch, now Crafty can show you her art.

You two went through every. Single. Piece. Crafty didn't get tired of it one bit though.

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