𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝗺 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Dracunyan1987☆

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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Dracunyan1987☆

An employee escorted you to Playcare, after the train ride and Elliot's long speech of course. You were a new kid added to the bunch. You've been hanging around in Playtime co for a while, so the employees told the upper staff, then they told Elliot.

Elliot instructed them for you to stay at Playcare, so you're here now. This place was huge. There's... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 5 buildings, you counted. You looked up at the 'sky', and saw 'clouds'. Further up, you could see glass, is that the real sky?

The same employee escorted you over to home sweet home, and you were pretty shy, due to you being new to the huge place. The tons of people, toys, big buildings, it's all so new. And kind of scary, due to the big toys. But you do like one.

Kissy... Missy? You think that's her name. She's really sweet.

You entered Home Sweet Home and saw a bunch of kids running around. And... Are those animals..? A dog, a bunny, a bear, a chick-

"Oh, hello!" Somebody greeted you, being out of your vision so you had to turn around.

"You're new here right?" You nodded your head, being a little surprised by the sudden interaction.

"Ok! I'm Picky Piggy! What's your name?" You said yours, and she brightened up by that. Even if you were shy, you could at least introduce yourself. Hm. You're an interesting one.

"Here, follow me! I'll introduce you to the other critters!" You raised your eyebrows at that, there's more? How many? You hope there isn't too much.

Picky took you somewhere, hopefully actually taking you to the critters. She did, no worries.

"Guys! There's a new kid and-" The other critters were dealing with the kids, not having time for introducing themselves. "Oh.. Uhm.."

Dogday was dealing with telling kids not to be rude. Kickin was trying to get his soccer ball back from the kids. Craftycorn was trying to get her art supplies back from little 5 year olds. Bobby was being crowded by random 7 year olds. Bubba was looking for his math papers, that were stolen by kids. And Hoppy was being dragged around by younger children.

You, as a 6 year old, not knowing what's going on, couldn't even take a bit of charge. So you were standing there, waiting for something(other than this) to happen. Picky was getting impatient, so she raised her voice, just a little ^_^!

"GUYS! THERE IS A NEW KID HERE!! YOU NEED TO INTRODUCE YOURSELVES!!!!" It went quiet. Nobody expected for a critter to raise their voice! Picky had no problem though.

"... Oh uhm! E- Everybody gather at your tables and PLEASE resume your activities!" Dogday spoke up, if he could sweat, he would, he's never seen or heard Picky yell before...

You hid behind Picky, somewhat trusting her more than anybody else at this place. Also you were shy. And new. I've said that already, right?

Dogday saw your shyness and reassured you, "It's okay little one! This place is safe! Even with the chaotic kids... Anyways, we are the smiling critters! I'm Dogday! ... Guys, introduce yourselves-"

"I'm KickinChicken! I like sports-"

"ANYWAYSS!! I'm Hoppy Hopscotch! I'm the better version of Kickin!" "HEY!"

"I'm Bobby Bearhug, I do love.. Stuff.."

"I'm Craftycorn! I do art, and accentuate creativity!"

"I'm Bubba Bubbaphant! The 'smart one', that's what the kids call me..."

"I'm sure Picky Piggy already introduced herself to you, right?"

You nodded your head, still being behind her. You were such a cutie!

"Alright! There's one more, but he's.. Somewhere... I'm not sure where he is..." You looked around, trying to see if that 'he' is in the room.

"D- Do you mean that one..?" You asked, pointing to a high area. It looked like nothing was there, but you could see his white beady eyes in the shadows.

"Oh! Yeah! That's Catnap!" Dogday said.

You stayed staring at him. Slightly wondering why he was up there and not down here. He seemed mysterious, especially with that purple color.

"Oh and- What's your name buddy?" You tensed up, you have to say your name... Again?

Picky saw that you didn't really like speaking that much, so she did it for you. "Okay kiddo! Would you like to do the activities, or take a tour of the place?" Well, you were hungry, but he didn't state it as an option.

Your stomach spoke for you, saying you were hungry with a loud rumble. Some of the critters giggled from it, "Guys... Anyways, you're hungry right? Do you want some food?"

You nodded your head. No duh you'd want some food.

After eating, you wanted a tour of the place. There were a ton of rooms, but since you came out of nowhere, there wasn't really a room ready for you. The critters had a room, so you could stay there when it was time to sleep.

The critters now having an introduction, and a bright smile, you could trust them. For now.

You did the activity with Picky by your side, because you trusted her the most. You quickly did the activity, proving your smarts to somebody. Bubba Bubbaphant. He found you quite the smart kid, and it's your first day here!

Good job.

For the next few weeks of being at Playcare, you had a lot of reasons for the critters to like you, you were also clingy to them, so they can't ever be lonely.

They wanted to keep you here, particularly getting a little bit more mad than usual if somebody was rude to you. One time a kid stole your art supplies, Craftycorn got more mad than usual, she was kind of holding back on fully outlashing at the kid.

... You were doing something to them.

They didn't want you to have your own room. They wanted to keep you in theirs.

Hm. You wanted to meet Catnap, but couldn't, he didn't come out at day, he came out at night. And at night, you were asleep. What if you secretly stayed up one day?

"Good night everybody!" Dogday said, everybody said it back, but you didn't. (Almost) All of the critters noticed this, wondering why you didn't respond back like you usually do.

"What if I stayed up..? I wanna see uh, Catnap. That's his name, I think." The critters looked at each other, communicating whether it was a bad idea. "Well, the workers never come in here. So we won't really get in trouble.." Kickin spoke up.

They all agreed to stay up, for some time, not pull an all-nighter or something. They're all talking, while you were silent. Finally, the sound of a door creaked open. There he was! Catnap!

It went quiet again, you got out of 'your' bed(Which is Catnap's) and went up to the cat. You two stared at each other. You didn't know what to say, Catnap didn't want to talk. It wasn't awkward, for you two at least. The other critters didn't know what to do in this situation.

You let out your arms, signifying you wanted a hug. The other critters were wary about that, Catnap wasn't really into that stuff, especially when it came to children.

But, he actually hugged you! Everybody in the room was bewildered by this! You really are the chosen one! Yeah you're staying here.

Forever. Hopefully.

𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠✯𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟-!!Where stories live. Discover now