𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝗼𝐠𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐱 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐟𝐞𝗺𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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A/N|| Yandere Dogday isn't really a yandere that acts out, he just watches, as I prefer sticking characters to their personalities, and the fact Dogday wouldn't hurt a fly, literally

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A/N|| Yandere Dogday isn't really a yandere that acts out, he just watches, as I prefer sticking characters to their personalities, and the fact Dogday wouldn't hurt a fly, literally. Also this is quite shorter than my usual uploads, sorry (x_x)

Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Justlila79☆

-☆You are a human in this

I mean, Playtime co wouldn't be a bad place to work at right?

It's just dealing with a bunch of toys! And kids..

There'll be times where you freak out a bit on how human they were.

Toys with a digestive system? You weren't sure about that one...

But what harm could go along with that? After one month you're already warming up to this place!

Though you sometimes feel uneasy.

Like when you're by yourself. You can barely even get sleep! Well at your workplace... I guess that motivates you not to sleep on the job.

And because of that certain someone stalking you, you can kind of.. Zone out. Of course, somebody had to notice. Dogday. He's asked why you're so tense, but when you explain it he gets nervous.

... Thinking about it, it is kinda strange. You'll look into the shadows and at times you'll see a resemblance of a sun.

The same sun that laid as a necklace around Dogday's neck. There's no way the cheerful and loving dog would be stalking you right? Yea probably, he's been giving you hints without trying.

Maybe you're just thinking too much! Yeah that's all. You do tend to do that with every situation.

You'd go off and adventure into those particular shadows but that's how you get killed in a horror movie. But if that stalker was Dogday I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do anything but walk away, or try to make a noise to distract you.




Maybe you should just stop thinking about it.

"Co-worker! Are you alright?" Dogday's bright voice snapped you out of your very deep thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. Maybe."

"... Is it because of that person who 'stalks' you..?"

You wouldn't want a cheerful dog to know that you're stressed. I mean it's Dogday so it's okay... Maybe.

"... Yeah. I don't feel too uneasy about it but- I think I know who."

You could visibly see Dogday's eyes growing more worried.

"Oh! Really..."

You gently hold his sun necklace as you make eye contact with him,(something that you can barely do)"Are you the one who's been watching me Dogday...?"


"Could you just answer me please.."

After a good 5 minutes of silence, you had to do something to convince him to talk.

"I won't be mad-"

"Yes. I am."

You let out a big sigh, "That's what it took to convince you? Makes sense. But why?"

"Uhm... Because I like you."

"In which way..."

"Not like a crush but... Like I wanna hang out with you and be with you.. All the time..."

"You should've just told me Dogday... You can hang out with me more often if you'd like, just ask."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay,"

After that talk, you went to your work area and had Dogday with you because the kids haven't woken up yet so it was fine for him to be here.

He was sitting on your lap with his tail wagging, mainly because he can finally get that ton of weight that was on your back, and be with you at the same time.

To the average adult your work would be boring, but to Dogday it was like a whole new world. You looked down and saw how happy Dogday was just to be alone with you.

You found it adorable.

He really is just a puppy.

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