𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝗺𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐭

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(The title was supposed to say Yandere Catnap x female Smiling Critter cat reader, I couldn't fit it)

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(The title was supposed to say Yandere Catnap x female Smiling Critter cat reader, I couldn't fit it)

Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Buttmens(💀)☆

Being locked up in these cells is insufferable.

Catnap and I can't do anything.

We both operate on sleeping. So we both have the red gas. We both used it, it was built into our system. Yet we end up into these cells for it. Apparently, it causes violent nightmares. From Catnap's gas. Neither the workers nor I know if my gas causes nightmares.

They still put me in containment. Plus, I was similar to Catnap, not approaching the kids. So they were all wary about me and that gas product.

Even when Catnap and I are locked up, we still communicate. Not verbally. Telepathically, you could say. We intertwine our tails to communicate. Our tails are very long so it's not hard.

Catnap's planning to kill the people in this place. To work with Experiment 1006, seeing him as a god, and he'll save us. Considering Catnap is just a kid(Hmm... I wonder why I bolded and italicized the word kid... Hmm...)

You'd think he'd be joking because he's a kid. But, considering who Catnap is, he's not. At random times of the day he'd whisper, "THE PROTOTYPE WILL SAVE US." Or something like that.

I'm not sure if I'll follow Prototype—

"Hey guys..."

The sound of your bright friend's voice interrupted both of your thoughts.

"Uhm. A kid drew both of you, they were wondering if you were going to come back..." He gave you two the kid's drawings, it was sloppy, but you appreciated it.

"Do you... Know, when you two are coming back...?" You said no, while Catnap didn't answer.


You reach your paw out the cell, and put your finger on Dogday's head. You then move it to his ears, petting him.

"We'll come back, Dogday. Eventually."

Moving to the underside of his chin, you give him scratches.

"Mm.. Okay!" His tail was wagging pretty fast, as he is a dog.

Then you gave him a small poke on his nose, "Now you go on and make the kids happy, okay?" You said.

"Mhm! Bye you two!" He waved his paw, signaling his goodbyes.

Normally, from you doing that to someone. Catnap would get pretty jealous. But it's Dogday. So it's okay. Catnap trusts Dogday, he knows he wouldn't do that. Not to Catnap.

Though you could still see the jealousy on his face. He gave you that spooooky scare, silently communicating on why you did it.

"It was because I knew he needed some comfort Catnap. We'll stay together until the end." (Not in the romantic adult way, like the way when kids got little crushes on each other or somethin. The type you'd see in little kids shows, it's rare, but it's there. I will NOT make the reader feel that way about Catnap).

Then he stopped looking so jealous.

Now it's the day. The day Catnap will act out, he's already out of his cell, because he snuck the worker's keys. Then he let you out.

"Do you... Want to kill with me...?" He asked.

You weren't too sure. Not the critters, not the toys. Not any of the toys. Just the bad adults and stuff.

"Only the bad adults.." You answered, you weren't sure if he'd accept the answer, but thankfully he did. He then left.

You were alone now.

'I should alert the critters.' You thought.

They were all in a room, then you rushed into it.


Screams. Men and women, kids. They were all yelling and screaming. Out of fear, not of joy. The critters were confused? What were you talking about? Why did they hear someone scream? And why wasn't it from joy?

"GET THE KIDS. NOW." They were all asking questions, but followed along. Well, Dogday mainly did, as the leader he multitasked. Getting the critters and kids safe. Though it wasn't very successful.

You had to run. Run over to kill the 'bad adults'. Like you said you would.

A few minutes later, you were managing to get the kids to a safe place while looking for your targets. You found it. The man who tortured and teased you and Catnap.

You can't go back on this now.

You scruffed him with your paw and hesitantly ate him. Your pupils dilated. The taste was wonderful. You didn't care about the kids anymore, you killed them. Threw them roughly to a wall, stomped on them, y'know, to put them out of their misery before you ate them?

You still had somewhat of a heart. Even killing all of these innocent children.

Ugh. That sounds gross, the adrenaline wore off for a second, and you could see the murder you caused.

All the blood, dead bodies. That was because of you! Catnap's so proud of you for doing such a good job!

He's quite surprised that you even got the courage to kill people. You were on the nicer side, trying to not have Catnap escalate things in his cold head(Even at his young age).

So to see you murdering people?! It was very entertaining.

You were looking at the bodies. Just staring. Then you saw Catnap. He walked up to you.

"Good... Job." He praised.

Your pupils dilated from that. He rubbed his head against yours, cuddling with you slightly.

You could hear his purrs!

You cuddled back, purring. Just you two being cats. Extracting all of the— blood. That's spread around the place.

You're just a cat ^_^.

After the hour of joy, Catnap and you were just searching over the place, making sure there were no survivors. Though, Catnap sped away, possibly looking for someone.

You hoped Dogday was safe.

10 years later, you now 'worshiped' Catnap.

The way you thought about Catnap is the way Catnap thought about the Prototype.

Sadly, Dogday didn't believe in the Prototype. So he's... Chained up. You comfort him at times, Catnap doesn't really let you be around him. But you know he won't do anything, as long as he's watching.

Other than that you two were the cuddliest kittens ever!!!

Such a cute cat duo!!

You two would be a star if you didn't murder people.

𝐒𝗺𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠✯𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟-!!Where stories live. Discover now