Chapter 4

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It wasn't just Gavi who thought something could be happening when he found out it was a she whom Fermín had become friends with in uni. But at least he was nice enough to keep it to himself, instead of saying anything in front of their teammates. Gavi's jokes weren't mean, so Fermín didn't mind them. Most of the time. But other teammates could take things too far and he didn't want to deal with that.

But no, it wasn't just Gavi who suspected something. The rest of their classmates also started to think it was too much of a coincidence how close Lorena and Fermín were. She barely talked to others, mainly because Adrián had become everyone's friend quickly. So she avoided them. But they didn't get it was just hard for her to be the only girl in the class. They were all teenagers too, so that didn't help. And they liked the ex-boyfriend she kept avoiding. It wasn't so hard to understand why she kept to herself so much. And Fermín secretly loved how he was the one she trusted out of all of them.

Fermín wasn't making that many friends either. Many of his classmates were too obvious with their intentions, so he avoided them. And then there was all the time spent with Lorena. He'd rather just stay with her than them. That was the honest truth. She needed him more and he had friends in his hometown and the team. So he chose her over them, especially after what he heard those classmates say sometimes.

"Like it's a coincidence the only girl in class is glued to the footballer's side. She's so obvious. They all are".

"Adrián said she dumped him this summer. Probably to be able to sleep around in uni. Even if they had been planning on attending together for a whole year".

"I wouldn't mind some of her attention once the football star gets tired of using her".

"None of us would", they laughed. "But don't say that in front of Adri. Dude is still obsessed with her".

"He's a bit lame, to be fair. Like, she's pretty but I doubt she's worth all that effort".

"The heart wants what the heart wants...", more laughs.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's the heart he's thinking with".

Fermín hated hearing all that. Lorena hadn't tried anything with him at all and shouldn't be referred to in that kind of way. But if he got involved, it would only get worse. Worse for her, mostly. And she already had enough on her plate. He hoped she at least didn't hear them when they said all those stupid comments.

But Lorena had heard them. Of course she had. Multiple times, actually. Because they wanted her to hear it so she would feel bad. Little did they know she didn't care at all about classmates trying to bully her or make her feel bad. She had been there before and was no longer going to care. And yes, she spent a lot of time with Fermín but not because of the reasons others mentioned. Not that she would bother trying to explain it to them. It wasn't worth her time.

"Weird to see you alone for once, Lorenita?"

Hearing Adrián's voice was so annoying. And they were alone. Most people had left the place already after classes but she guessed Adrián had seen her around and wanted to bother her...again.

"Better alone than with you".

"You didn't use to say that".

"I used to be very stupid. You're right".

She kept walking but Adrián grabbed her arm to stop her. "Listen to me!"

"Don't touch me!"

"Why do you have to make everything so fucking difficult?"

"I've made it very easy for you, Adrián. Very easy. I don't want anything to do with you".


"Why?", she screamed.

Lorena tried not to lose her temper around him. It was just something else he would tell her parents about. Something else they would tell her off for. But he could be unbearable. 

"You always lied to me, Adrián. From the beginning. You said one thing to my face and then another behind my back. You made me think you loved me, but you only loved controlling me. And my parents allowed it. They were so happy thinking I was dating a perfect boy like you. They clearly didn't know you".

"You never let me explain, baby", he switched from looking angry to begging. More manipulation. Lorena was so tired of all of that. "I just said what they wanted to hear so they would leave you alone. You know that. There was so much you could do thanks to me".

"I don't believe you. I never should have".

"Just give me another chance. I'll change. I'll support you and not your parents. But I can help you make your relationship better. Please".

Before she found out the full truth about what was happening, Lorena would have probably said yes. She would have forgiven him and given him a second and third chance. But she wasn't that stupid little girl anymore.

"No. There are no second chances for you. You can't hurt people and then beg for another chance, Adrián. You've never even apologised to me for lying. Do you realise that?"


"And it's because you don't think you have to apologise. That's the truth".

"Lorena...", he tried to grab her arm again.

"Leave me alone".

But he wasn't going to give up. So he kept following her while she walked around the corridors, trying to get outside. And when he saw an empty classroom, he pushed her inside of it.

The problem for Adrián was that Lorena wasn't going to change her mind. And also...that they weren't alone like he thought they were.

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