Chapter 20

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"I know...".

Fermín expected a lot of reactions to his confession but not that one. What did Lorena mean? The way she was looking at him was giving him so much hope, but he feared her next words would break his heart.

"You do?"

Lorena nodded. "That's why I took the non-cheating scandal so badly. I could tell how I felt for you and, even if I didn't expect you to reciprocate, it hurt to see you with someone else. I mean, I didn't like people talking about me like I was an idiot whose boyfriend was cheating on her. Sure. But it wasn't that what hurt the most. It was thinking you really were with someone else".

Fermín noticed the tears in Lorena's eyes and cursed those who posted those photos again. They had hurt her so much. And they could have separated them for good. It was probably what they tried to do creating that lie.

"Hey, it's ok. You know now it wasn't what people made it out to be".

"I know and...that's why I started to distance myself from you. I was shocked by how much I hurt. And I didn't want to go through the same thing again when we finished the fake relationship so I wanted to try and...well, stop liking you?"

Fermín laughed. "How well did that go?"

"Let me see...I'm in bed with you telling you I love you so not very well, I'd say".

One thing that happened to Lorena a lot when she tried to joke was that she said things she wasn't always supposed to say out loud. But then it was too late to take them back. And how did you take an I love you back?

"I didn't mean to say...".

"I love you too", he interrupted her before she started to try and find an excuse for her confession.

"You do?"

Fermín nodded and kissed Lorena. Words weren't his strongest point, never had been, but he could show her what he meant through actions again.

"Well...that's nice".

Fermín laughed at the way she said it but couldn't agree more. "It is pretty nice".

"And what other nice things are we going to do now?"

"I have to go to training in a bit, so we won't do much right now. But we're going to date. Like, really date. And we'll do all the relationship things I've been dying to do with you. And we'll kiss...a lot. We might kiss more than we'll talk, if I'm completely honest".

Lorena started to laugh and hid her face in Fermín's chest, her arms still around his waist, not ready to let go. "Sounds like a good plan. But I talk a lot so I'm not sure about that claim being something you can achieve. At least not easily".

"Oh, I love a challenge".

Sadly for the both of them, Fermín had to go to training and couldn't be late, so he left Lorena in her dorm and drove to the Ciutat Esportiva. It had been a while since he had been alone in his car while driving. And that added to how happy he felt meant he was listening to music as loud as possible and screaming every word.

"Someone is happy", said Gavi and Fermín saw his friend was about to enter the physio's room.

"Yes. I didn't know you were coming today. You didn't tell me".

"Did you check your phone?"

"No", said Fermín, taking his phone out of his pocket and seeing all the missed calls and texts from Gavi. "Sorry".

"It's ok. Pedri drove me here but I was worried about you. All good? Well, I mean...I see the smile so you're fine, but what happened?"

"Wanna try and guess?"

Gavi frowned seeing his friend's expression and then realised there could only be a reason. "No No way! Are", he lowered his voice, "really dating now?"

Fermín nodded and Gavi cheered, making his friend laugh. "We are".

"About time! What happened? How did you manage to tell her?"

"It's a long story. I can drive you home later and tell you all about it, ok?"

"You better tell me the whole thing. I've been so worried this wouldn't happen since those stupid photos with your cousin almost ruined it all".

"I know. But we're good now and we will be fine. I know we will".

"I'm really happy for you two, Fermín. I told you, you're a good match. And you've got my blessing", said Gavi while doing a dramatic, and non-sensical, movement with his hands.

"I feel very blessed now. Thank you".

Fermín left Gavi to go to the gym and everyone could tell he was in a great mood. It was hard to miss the big smile, especially after they hadn't seen it on Fermín's face as often as they used to.

"Fermín back to his very happy self. Good".

He just nodded, heading to the first machine he was going to use.

"Why are you so happy?", asked Lamine. "You've been so moody lately. I was worried. You're always smiling and happy".

"Things had been a bit rough since the photos with my cousin were published".

"With your girlfriend, you mean?", Lamine didn't know it had been a fake relationship, so Fermín nodded. "Makes sense. But that girl is obsessed with you, bro. Like obsessed in a good way. You'll be fine".

"What do you mean obsessed? That's me. I'm the one obsessed", he laughed.

"It's both of you. But I remember seeing the way she looked at you after the match the other day and...I don't know, you're my friend so I was happy. Seeing you found someone who was so in love with you. But I'm still getting married before you do".

First, the comment his mum made, now Lamine, ...and Fermín guessed Gavi had told him too. All these different people told him about how Lorena looked at him. He could see it now. He thought he was seeing what he wanted to see before but he could see it clearly. And could only guess that was how he looked at her too. Like a lovesick puppy.

When the training ended, he saw Gavi was already showered and waiting for Fermín to get ready to go home too.

"Give me a sec, ok?"

Gavi gave him a thumbs up and not long later, Fermín joined him again.

"Should we go home then?"

"Let's go. Time to tell me everything that happened today. You can skip certain details, though. I don't need to know about that".

And Fermín was more than happy to share the good news with his best friend. 

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