Chapter 12

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The door to their class was still closed and Fermín was there waiting instead of waiting by Lorena's locker. When Lorena saw him, she knew she had to approach him but feared another rejection. He had completely ignored her texts. He didn't even read them. But she had to do this. They had to sit together. They had to talk at some point. She hated arguing with him. He was the person that Lorena got to never argue with. That exception meant so much to her.



Seeing his reaction, barely acknowledging her, made her sigh. "If we're still pretending, you'll need to at least look at me".

"Couples argue. It's believable".

"Are we going to be arguing for long?"

"I don't know, Lorena".
"I'm sorry. I...I don't want what happened to change our friendship. I know the dating is fake but our friendship isn't, right? It's important to me".

"Then why did you push me away?", he looked so hurt while asking her.

"I got scared, I guess".

"Then tell me that instead of treating me like you did. I felt like pure shit. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that since it happened".

"I'm sorry, Fermín. I didn't mean to...".

"I shouldn't have snapped like I did so I'm sorry too. But you know, it's not nice to sleep with a girl I like and then have her almost kick me out of her room. It's a bit hurtful".

"A girl you like?"

Fermín cursed himself. She was talking about being scared by them getting too close and he goes and says that.

"As a friend. Of course I like you, you know that. I wouldn't do all this faking to help you if I didn't".

"Yeah. Like I said, this friendship means a lot to me".

"And to me, Lorena. It means a lot to me. So let's start over? Kinda? Let's forget what happened after the party and continue like we were before".

"What happened after the party or what happened after we had sex?"

"Well, it's hard to pretend we didn't have sex since my stamina is so great I kept you awake almost all night so I guess let's forget the argument".

Lorena laughed, noticing Fermín's joking tone. Even if he wasn't really lying. And she hugged him. She needed to hug him.

"Already forgotten", she whispered.

Fermín held her, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of having her in his arms again. Yeah, he couldn't forget about them sleeping together if he tried. Every time he saw her, he'd remember. And every time he touched her...

Lorena didn't forget about the sex either but her mind was somewhere else. She knew Fermín was an important person in her life but she didn't know how important. Those 24 hours where she felt she could lose him had her panicking like she hadn't in a long time.

"So you're alive".

Lorena moved out of Fermín's embrace to face Adrián. "What do you want now?"

"You didn't go back home this weekend".

"My parents knew I was going to stay in my dorm. But I'm guessing you kept them company".

"Someone has to", said Adrián, glaring at them but mostly at her.

"Well, good for you. I was busy".

"Doing what?"

Fermín moved to stand behind Lorena and put his arms around her waist. Adrián's eyes followed his every move and Fermín couldn't help but provoke him more, so he kissed Lorena's shoulder which was exposed by the oversized shirt she wore. "Guess".

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