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Somewhere in the seas of the New World, there was a pirate ship called the Thousand Sunny, belonging to a pirate crew known as the Straw Hat pirates. The captain of the crew was Monkey D Luffy (voiced by Colleen Clinkenbeard), who's dream is to become the king of the pirates. Next was Roronoa Zoro (voiced by Christopher Sabat), who's dream was to be the world's greatest swordsman. Next is the first female of the crew, Nami (voiced by Luci Christine), who's dream is to draw a map of the whole world. Then there's Usopp (voiced by Sonny Strait), a sniper who's dream was to be a great warrior of the sea. Up next was Vinsmoke Sanji (voiced by Eric Vale), a cook who's dream is to find the All blue. Then there's Tony Tony Chopper (voiced by Brina Palencia), who's a talking reindeer that's also a doctor that dreams to cure any illness. Next comes the second female of the crew, Nico Robin (voiced by Stephanie Young), who dreams to find the Rio Poneglyph to learn the true history of the void century. The next member was Franky (voiced by Patrick Seitz), a cyborg who created the Thousand Sunny and went with the Straw Hats to make his dream of creating a ship that can sail the whole world come true. Next up was a living skeleton with a big Afro named Brook (voiced by Ian Sinclair), who is a musician that dreams to be reunited with his whale friend, Laboon. Then there's Jimbei (voiced by Daniel Baugh), a fish-man who dreams to have peaceful relations between humans and his people. And finally the newest member of the crew, who is the third female member, Carrot (voiced by Tia Ballard), a rabbit mink girl who wants to see the world outside of her home of Zou. After sailing away from Wano, the island where they defeated one of the 4 emperors, Kaido, the Straw Hats were off to the next island. Luffy: "Come on... hurry up island... show up..." said Luffy impatiently, already wanting a new adventure. Nami: "Be patient Luffy, we only left Wano a day ago, it's gonna take some time." Luffy: "But there's nothing else to do... and I'm already hungry." Sanji: "That's no surprise, you're always hungry." said Sanji, who was giving Nami a plate with some food on it. On top of the ship's mast, Carrot was looking out at the horizon, when she noticed something up ahead. Carrot: "Hey guys, there's something up ahead!" called out Carrot, alerting the rest the crew. It wasn't long before they all got a look, and they gasped by the sight of it. Turns out that they were heading straight for a giant whirlpool. Luffy: "Whoa!, that's so cool!" Nami: "How is this cool!, that whirlpool will sink us down to the bottom of the sea!" Usopp: "Sink us to the bottom of the sea?!, we're all gonna die!" Chopper: "I'm too young to die!" Robin: "That is if we don't throw up from all the spinning we'll go through once we sink in." Usopp: "Don't say stuff like that!" Franky: "Have some super faith on the Sunny!, she'll be able to handle this simple whirlpool." Jimbei: "Not to mention that you have me on the helm." Luffy: "Yeah, we'll be fine." Nami: "Somehow that doesn't seem to make me feel better..." said Nami, as the ship got too close to the whirlpool, and soon got the center, but not before some sort of silver feather flew right into Luffy, who liked how pretty it was, so he stuffed it into his pocket so he can get Robin to check it out later. Suddenly, the whirlpool started to glow bright white, then a great flash of white engulfed the whole ship, before it and the whirlpool vanished without a trace. Somewhere deep underwater, a mysterious sea creature that was not of the One Piece world looked above, knowing that's it duty at the moment was fulfilled, which was to bring the Straw Hat pirates to it's own world in order for them to meet it's chosen one, who is destined to save it's world from a certain future threat.

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