Zoro Gets Bugged

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Once the Thousand Sunny made a stop to an island called Murcott island, the Straw Hats and Ash went to shore to take a look. Luffy: "Alright, this place must have some strong crazy monsters, at least I hope so." Ash: "Uh... dare I ask why?" Luffy: "So I can beat the living pulp out of them." Ash: "You sure like to pick fights..." Luffy: "Well so do you with your Pokémon battles." Ash: "Well... when you put it that way... but still..." Robin: "Don't forget that in our world, we have to fight for our survival or else we get caught by the navy and ended up executed." Chopper: "Don't say stuff like that!" suddenly, a Pokémon that looked like a big bee with smooth drills for hands appeared, and flew over the pirates, much to their surprise. Usopp: "What the?!, this world has giant bees too?" Ash: "That was a Beedrill, a bug/poison type... and they're dangerous when they get mad... I learned that the hard way back in Viridian forest." Chopper: "Did you get stung?" Ash: "No, thankfully... thanks to Butterfree." Carrot: "Butterfree?" Ash: "Yeah, the first Pokémon I've ever caught when I started my journey as a trainer... I had to let him go however, so that he can be with his mate and have a family of his own to take care of." hearing this made Franky cry a little, feeling touched by how Ash was willing to let his Pokémon go so they can be happy. Franky: "That's so touching!, you're so awesome!" Sanji: "Shut up Franky!, quit crying like a baby!" Franky: "I'm not crying!, I'm just touched, that's all!" suddenly, Zoro sensed something up ahead of the bushes, and was holding one of his swords in case of an attack. Ash: "Hey, what's wrong?" Zoro: "We're being watched." said Zoro, before a large group of what looked like large mantises with blade like arms. Chopper: "Ahh!!!, giant mantises!" Ash: "They're Scyther!, like the one that Danny had!, only these are wild Scyther!" said Ash, before taking out his Pokédex to let the Straw Hats know what they were dealing with. Pokédex: [Scyther: The Mantis Pokémon, the twin scythes on this Pokémon's forearms can slice through logs in one stroke.] Usopp: "So it's kind of like a Pokémon version of Zoro, eh?" Zoro: "Oh please, I can through steel in one stroke, which is way tougher than some log." this angered the leader of the Scyther swarm, and went to charge at the swordsman. Ash: "Zoro!, look out!" Pikachu: "Pika!" warned Ash and Pikachu, trying to tell Zoro to move. But the man didn't run, instead he pulled out his swords and with one swoop, he took down the leader without breaking a sweat, much to the swarm's shock. Zoro: "Well that was boring... even those low class marines back home were tougher than this." said Zoro with a hint of disappointment in his voice, before Ash noticed that the swarm were retreating, leaving their leader behind. Ash: "Hey wait!, your leader is hurt!, you can't leave him!" shouted Ash, before one of the Scyther said something in Pokémon speech that Chopper was able to translate. Chopper: "That one said that the downed Scyther does not have the right to be their leader if he gets beaten by a human..." said Chopper, before the rest of the Scyther left the scene, leaving their former leader behind on the ground. Ash: "We gotta get this Scyther to a Pokémon center fast!" Sanji: "But why?, he's not one of your Pokémon." Ash: "Maybe not, but I can't leave him like this, or he'll die, and I can't live with myself if I let that happen..." Pikachu: "Pika, Pi..." the Straw Hats paused for a moment, they knew that Ash was right, they couldn't just leave the Scyther in this condition, and since Ash was their friend and want him to be happy, they decided to help him out. Luffy: "Okay... Carrot, go up into the air and see if there is a Pokémon center nearby." Carrot: "Aye, sir!" said Carrot, before jumping up into the air, so high that she could see the whole island, and it wasn't long before she saw a familiar shaped building, then went back down to the ground. Ash: "Wow... you sure can jump..." Carrot: "Thanks... anyway, I saw a building that looks like a Pokémon center not far from here." Luffy: "Good, then let's go." so with that, Ash, Pikachu, and the Straw Hats took the injured Scyther and ran off to the Pokémon center as fast as they can. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio were flying over the island in their balloon, surveying the land, when a Beedrill flies towards them and cuts through the balloon, bringing them down. Once the trio got out of the wreckage, they noticed that they were surrounded by the Scyther swarm that the Straw Hats ran into earlier, and went to attack them. Though the trio managed to escape, Jessie's hair was crudely cut short, much to her dismay and rage. Jessie: "I'm gonna make those Scyther pay for this!" Meowth: "Hold on Jessie!, let's think of a plan to capture them first!" James: "If you're not careful and get exposed to their attacks again, you might end up with a crew cut!" said James, which made Jessie paused for a moment, and had an image of herself with a crew cut. Jessie: "That's my nightmare!" yelped Jessie with dismay and horror. Back with the Straw Hats, they along with Ash and Pikachu, made it to the Pokémon center and Nurse Joy was already working on helping Scyther get better. Of course she also scolded Zoro for using weapons on Scyther as it was against the law for people using weapons against Pokémon in the first place, but understood that he didn't had a choice after Nami and Robin explained that Ash was the only one with Pokémon, so she gave them a warning that they can only use their weapons against bad people. Chopper: "So there's a law against people using weapons against Pokémon?" Ash: "Yeah... that's why we hardly ever see people with weapons, otherwise it could kill them, and you'll end up in jail like criminals." Usopp: "Ah dang!, I don't want to be a criminal!... though we're kind of criminals already in our world, with us being pirates and all..." Nami: "Better we know that now than later, last thing we need is us being wanted in two worlds." Luffy: "I wonder what bounties we would have here..." Nami: "That's not a goal you should achieve here!" yelled Nami at her idiot captain, before noticing that Scyther was watching Zoro outside, swinging his swords a bit in awe. Robin: "It looks like Scyther is interested in Zoro's training." said Robin, who noticed that Scyther was watching Zoro as well. Sanji: "Well yeah, I mean Moss Head was the one who took it down with his swords." Jimbei: "And in a way, Scyther is like a swordsman itself due to it's scythe forearms." sometime later, after Scyther finally got better, it went over to Zoro, who was looking back at it. Zoro: "If you're here for another fight, forget it, turns out it's against the law for me to use my swords on ya, besides, my swordsmanship skills are too much for you." sai Zoro, before Scyther said something to Chopper went to translate. Chopper: "He said that he wants to learn how to use his claws to make those air slashes in the same way you do with your swords, so that he won't be taken down so easily again." Zoro: "Really?, well I don't know if it'll work for you... but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try... but remember, it won't be easy." said Zoro, before Scyther nodded it's head, determined to get stronger. So from there on, for the rest of the day and evening, Zoro was showing Scyther on how he swings his swords with grace, and the Mantis Pokémon swung his claws in the same way, determined not to lose so easily again. As it started getting late, Zoro showed Scyther on how to make an air slash that can cut through rock, and the mantis Pokémon was more than amazed by it. While it took some time, Scyther was finally able to make some air slashes that can cut through a large rock in half. Zoro: "Nice job, you're already improving your skills, and who knows... people might know you as the world's strongest swordsman in Pokémon form one day." said Zoro, making Scyther smile after hearing that. The next day came, and soon everyone woke up, mostly due to Brook playing some music that kind of made some of the other trainers that were in the Pokémon center complain about being waking up the way they were. Suddenly, another Scyther showed up, all covered up in scratched and the former leader Scyther went to it. Chopper came over too so he can find out what happened. Robin: "What happened to this Scyther?" Chopper: "Apparently, the Scyther swarm we ran into the other day has just been captured by a trio of bad guys." Ash: "Then we gotta stop them!" said Ash before he and Pikachu ran off out of the Pokémon center, following the two Scyther who flew off in hopes to save their swarm. The Straw Hats decided to follow too as they have to make sure Ash doesn't get hurt and the former leader Scyther was their new friend. Soon, they found the swarm, which were in some sort of steel net. They also saw the Team Rocket trio, along with Jessie's hair cut. Luffy: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, that's a good look for ya!, Juicy!" Jessie: "It's Jessie you twerp!, and how dare you make fun of me!, I'll make sure you'll have a bad hair day as well!, go Arbok and Lickitung!" shouted Jessie, before letting out a large purple cobra like Pokémon called Arbok, and a pink Pokémon with a very long tongue. James: "Weezing!, Victreebel!, you too!" called out James, before letting out what looked like a ball like Pokémon that was floating with a face, a skull and crossbones on it, and another Pokémon that looked like a plant that seemed to be trying to eat James. Carrot: "So they got Pokémon besides Meowth?" Ash: "Yeah, see for yourself." said Ash, before pointing his Pokédex at the Pokémon belonging to Team Rocket. Pokédex: [Arbok: The Cobra Pokémon, if it encounters an enemy, it raises it's head, intimidating the opponent with the frightening pattern on it's body.] said the Pokédex, before pointing at the next one. Pokédex: [Lickitung: The Licking Pokémon, it uses a tongue that's more than twice the length of it's body to battle, as well as gather food.] Franky: "Don't know why, but that one kind of reminds me of Luffy whenever he tries to grab food..." said Franky, before Ash points his Pokédex at James' team. Pokédex: [Weezing: The Poison Gas Pokémon, it lives and grows by absorbing dust, germs, and poison gases that are contained in toxic waste and garbage.] said the Pokédex, before Ash points it at Victreebel, the one that's still has James in it's mouth. Pokédex: [Victreebel: The Flycatcher Pokémon, it has a sweet honey-like aroma to lure it's prey into it's mouth, and then swallows it whole.] Chopper: "Ah!, it's a big man eating plant!" Usopp: "Big deal, I once trained on a giant island sized man eating plant for the passed 2 years." Chopper: "Wow!, really?!, that's so cool!" Nami: "Yeah... sure you did." said Nami, who totally didn't believed Usopp, unaware that he really did trained on an island sized meat eating plant. Ash: "Okay Pikachu, let's get those Scyther free." Pikachu: "Pika!" but before the electric mouse can go forward, the former leader Scyther stopped him, telling him that this is his fight, and Chopper translated for him. Usopp: "Should we really let Scyther do this alone?" Zoro: "This is his fight, trying to redeem himself, so let's not interfere, that way no one else gets hurt." said Zoro, while looking at Scyther preparing for battle. It was a tough match, but thanks to his new air slashing attacks he learned from Zoro, Scyther was not only able to defeat Team Rocket, but also cut through the net his swarm were in as well. Jessie: "I'll get my revenge on those Scyther!, one way or another!" said Jessie, before aiming a bazooka at the swarm, much to the pirates' shock. Usopp: "Oh no you don't!, special attack, Green Star... Impact Wolf!" shouted Usopp, before firing his Green Star Impact Wolf attack, which knocks the bazooka out of Jessie's hands, and Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, which shocks the Team Rocket trio off the island. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, before flying off into the sky without a trace. Now that the fight is done, the former leader of the Scyther swarm has regain his swarm's respect and accepted him as their leader again. Zoro: "Well Scyther, you got your swarm and honor back, good luck." Scyther: "Scythe!" said Scyther, before he flew off with his swarm into the forest, leaving Zoro with a smile on his face. Usopp: "Hey Zoro, are you gonna be okay?" Zoro: "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Usopp: "Aren't you at least a little sad now that Scyther left?" Zoro: "Not really, he's not my Pokémon, and besides, I'm sure he can take care of himself and his swarm now." Usopp: "I guess..." and so, our heroes have helped Scyther get his swarm and his role as leader back after beating Team Rocket, and who knows what's next for them as the journey continues.

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