Charizard Chills Out

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It was a nice day when the Thousand Sunny was heading for an island known as Mandarin island, in order to gather supplies. When they got to the beach, Ash was training his Pokémon to get ready for the next island challenge, which was a little tough due to Charizard not listening again. Ash: "Come on Charizard!, why won't you do a thing I say?" asked Ash, with Charizard only answering with a grunt before looking away. Zoro: "Maybe you need to show him who's in charge, showing him that you're someone that's worth his power." Ash: "You mean... force him to obey?, I can't do that, otherwise I would be no better than Damian..." Zoro: "Hmm...?" Carrot: "Who's that?" Ash: "He was Charizard's trainer before me, back then, Charizard was just a Charmander, and he had a hard time winning battles, so for that, Damian tricked him to stay on a rock, telling him that he would come back, when in reality, he abandoned him, he didn't even care that it was about to rain, which would have put out the flame on the poor fire type's tail... which would have killed him..." this made the crew gasped in shock, unable to believe someone would be cruel enough to do that. Sanji: "What a sicko... leaving his own Pokémon to die like that..." Ash: "Yeah... I was able to save him in time, and since then, he became my Pokémon, and we've been best friends since... but all that changed when he evolved into Charmeleon, and started acting like the jerk he is now even as Charizard." Robin: "Maybe he's in a stage that happens when someone is in their teens, like a lot of people do while growing up." Ash: "Well I hope he grows out of it soon, or it'll be like what happened in the Indigo League all over again..." said Ash with concern in his voice. Suddenly, Chopper noticed that a shadow was looming over him, and turned around to see what looked like a Pokémon that was shaped like a female human with big lips and blond hair. Chopper: "Ah!, what is that?!" yelped Chopper, surprised by the sudden appearance of the Pokémon, and Ash took out his Pokédex to let the little reindeer and the rest of the Straw Hats know what they were seeing. Pokédex: [Jynx: The Human Shape Pokémon, this psychic/ice type has a special attack called the Lovely Kiss, which puts it's opponent into a deep sleep.] Robin: "So it defeats it's opponents with a kiss?" Usopp: ""Chopper, look out!" shouted Usopp, as he noticed that Jynx was coming closer to the reindeer. By the time Chopper turned around, Jynx has already got a hold of him, picking him up right to her level, and was puckering up her lips, getting ready to kiss the reindeer, who was trying to avoid the kiss as much as he can. Chopper: "Ah!, stop it!, guys!, help me!" Nami: "Chopper watch out!, that must be the Lovely Kiss attack!" shouted Nami, just before Jynx finally got her lips on Chopper's cheek, and once that happened, her lips started to glow pink, and once the glow ended, she released the kiss with a loud smooch sound, and Chopper had swirls for eyes and was knocked out cold, much to everyone's shock. Carrot: "Chopper!, let him go!" Ash: "I'll handle this, Charizard, help Chopper out!" called out Ash, only for Charizard to use flamethrower on his trainer instead. Ash: "Okay... Lapras, use Ice Beam!" called out Ash, before Lapras fires an Ice beam at Jynx, for the human shape Pokémon to use psychic to send it away, right into Charizard, which got the fire type's whole body covered in ice, except for the flame on his tail. Ash: "Charizard!" shouted Ash in concern, before Jynx started to glow and vanished without a trace, along with Chopper as well, much to the Straw Hats' shock. Robin: "Chopper!" Carrot: "No!, not Chopper!" Usopp: "That thing kidnapped Chopper!" suddenly, they heard the sound of a police siren coming their way, and that was when they see a police woman coming to the scene. Her name was Officer Jenny (voiced by Lee Quick), and just like Nurse Joy, she has a lot of relatives that look like her and they were police officers. Officer Jenny: "Excuse me, but did a Jynx appeared here by any chance?" Ash: "Yeah, it took a friend of ours just now, and it used it's psychic to send my Lapras' ice beam at my Charizard." Officer Jenny: "Darn, I'm too late again." Nami: "You mean this has happened before?" Officer Jenny: "Yes, for the passed few days, there's been a lot of reports of trainers' Pokémon going missing and all witnesses say that it's the work of a Jynx." Robin: "But why would it do that?, it wouldn't just take the Pokémon without a reason." Officer Jenny: "Well it's just a guess, but I think this Jynx belongs to someone, and is using it to steal the Pokémon for themselves." Robin: "That would make sense." Carrot: "But Chopper wasn't a Pokémon." Robin: "No, but due to his appearance, it probably mistook him for one." Luffy: "I don't care about any of that!, all that matters is getting Chopper back and make who ever is behind this pay!" Franky: "Then let's go and get our super doctor back!" Ash: "Then I wish you good luck." Brook: "What do you mean, aren't you coming?" Ash: "I want to help Chopper as much as you all, but I can't leave Charizard like this." Officer Jenny: "I can take you and your Charizard to the Pokémon center, if that makes you feel better." Ash: "Thanks Officer Jenny." Sanji: "Wait, how do you know her name?" Ash: "Oh that's easy, I know her relatives back in Kanto, they're like Nurse Joy's relatives, a lot of them look alike, have the same role and name." Officer Jenny: "That is correct young man." Brook: "Well it sure helps us remember her name..." Carrot: "I don't care about that right now!, Chopper's in trouble!, and I won't rest until I save my big brother!" Ash: "Big brother?" Nami: "Carrot and Chopper have a brother/sister relationship with each other, ever since that trip on Whole Cake island... even though they're not blood related, so it's only natural for her to react like this..." Robin: "We'll get Chopper back, you take care of Charizard." Ash: "Thanks..." so with that, Officer Jenny helps Ash get Charizard to the Pokémon center, while the Straw Hats begin their search for Chopper. While Nurse Joy was using heaters to help Charizard warm up and melting the ice faster, Ash was using his hands to rub the cold spots on the fire type's back, determined to save him, Pikachu: "Pika Pi..." Ash: "Yeah... I'm worried about Chopper too, but I can't leave Charizard like this, it's my job to take care of my Pokémon as a good trainer should... and maybe someday Charizard and I can be friends again... just like before when he was a Charmander..." little did he or Pikachu knew that Charizard heard everything, and began to remember the good times he had with his trainer before he evolved, including the time the trainer saved him from the rain on that day his old trainer abandoned him. It was that moment when Charizard began to feel sad and guilty for how he treated Ash after he evolved, and to his own teammates as well, who were also doing their best to keep him warm. Charizard decided that if he makes a full recovery, he'll vow to make amends with Ash and do what he'll say from now on. Back with the Straw Hats, they, along with Officer Jenny, continued their search for their missing crew member, and the day was already starting becoming night. Poor Carrot was now more worried than ever about Chopper, feared that she'll never see her brother figure again. Carrot: "Oh Chopper... where are you?!" Usopp: "Chopper!, can you hear us?!" shouted Usopp, before what looked like a ghost that looked like Brook's skeleton head appeared, which scared the living daylights out of the Sniper, along with Officer Jenny as well, for she never seen anything like it before. Brook: "Don't worry Usopp, it's only little old me." Officer Jenny: "The Skeleton man...?" Usopp: "Don't do that!, you know that trick of yours still scares the heck out of me!" Brook: "Sorry, but never mind that, while I was searching for Chopper, I found a tunnel that leads to a secret underground hideout." Officer Jenny: "Really?, show me." Brook: "With pleasure, and uh by the way... would you be so kind and show me your..." Nami: "Finish that sentence and I'll make dead for good this time!" Brook: "Noted..." Officer Jenny: "What was it he wanted me to show him?" Usopp: "Trust me... you don't want to know..." Officer Jenny: "You're a very odd bunch." Zoro: "You don't know the half of it." soon, they found the tunnel that Brook was talking about, and went in and that was where they found what looked like a base with a lot of cages with Pokémon inside. It wasn't long before Carrot spotted a cage that caught her eye, which was because it had Chopper inside, who was still knocked out cold from the Lovely Kiss attack. Carrot: "Chopper!, hurry!" Robin: "Carrot wait!, there might be..." but it was too late, as another cage fell down from above and trapped Carrot, and it wasn't long before the two Team Rocket members, Cassidy and Butch, came to the scene. Cassidy: "Look at this, someone had the nerve to break into our hideout." Butch: "Bad move." Luffy: "Huh... hey I know you guys!, you're those jerks who were bullying Lapras!, Cassidy & Biff!" Butch: "Ah!, the name is Butch!, not Biff!" Carrot: "So you're the ones who kidnapped Chopper!" Cassidy: "You mean the one with the blue nose and antlers?, well he wasn't our target, but I'm sure he'll be worth a bundle in the black market." Robin: "Chopper is not an object for you to sell... he's our doctor... and he's like a son to me..." Nami: "So if you thought that you could just steal him and sell him like a slave and get away with it... then you're in for a really rude awaking..." said Robin and Nami, in a calm yet very angry tone in their voices. Carrot: "Officer Jenny... it's night right now right?" Officer Jenny: "Yes, I believe so..." Carrot: "And is it a clear night with a full moon?" Officer Jenny: "Yeah... but I don't see what's that got to do this situation..." said Officer Jenny, unaware that Nami completely understood what Carrot was talking about. Nami: "Franky... fired a beam at the ceiling, make sure the sky is shown here." Franky: "Uh... okay... Franky Radical beam!" shouted Franky, before placing his hands together, and something shot a beam out of them to make a huge hole in the ceiling, which shown the night sky to the room. Butch: "Oh please, what good would that do?" Cassidy: "It's just a waste of time." Carrot: "Hardly... it just allows me to do this..." said Carrot, before looking at the night sky, starring at the full moon itself, and began to glow white, and her hair started to grow longer. Then Carrot started to roar like a lion as her eyes turned red, which surprised everyone except Nami, Brook and Jimbei as they have seen this transformation before. Without trouble, Carrot broke the cage she was in, and the group can see that she was now a bit taller, with white hair that was glowing like the moon. Robin: "So beautiful... this must be Carrot's Sulong form I've heard about..." Luffy: "Whoa... I didn't know she could do that..." Sanji: "And I thought Carrot was beautiful before... but now... she's even more breathtaking..." Officer Jenny: "So that's why you wanted a hole in the ceiling..." Cassidy: "What in the world?, did she evolved or something?" Butch: "Well it doesn't matter, we still have Jynx." said Butch, before letting Jynx out of her Pokéball. Cassidy: "Alright Jynx, take out that rabbit girl with a Lovely Kiss!" ordered Cassidy, only to see that Carrot was already making her move, which was really fast as she hopped over and used her Electro to shock the Jynx out cold in one shot. Carrot: "That's for kidnapping Chopper..." meanwhile, Nami was using her lock picking skills to open the cage that Chopper was in, and slapping the reindeer's face in order to wake him up. Nami: "Come on Chopper!, wake up!" shouted Nami, before Chopper finally woke up, and taking a look at his surroundings, while trying to ease the pain on his cheeks by rubbing them. Chopper: "Ow... what's going on here?, where am I?, and why do my cheeks hurt?" Nami: "Never mind that, what's important is that you're okay." said Nami, before giving the little reindeer a big hug. Back with Carrot, she was glaring at the Team Rocket duo, who were still shocked to see how easily their Jynx was defeated. Butch: "No way!, with just one attack?!" Cassidy: "Then we'll have to use our ground types." Butch: "Right, go Golem!" Cassidy: "You too, Nidoqueen!" shouted the duo, before letting out their Nidoqueen and Golem, believing they now had the advantage, but Carrot was about to show them how wrong they were. When both Nidoqueen and Golem charged at Carrot, the rabbit mink jumped high with ease, and used her Electro again to take her opponents down. Butch: "No way!, them too?!" Cassidy: "This is one tough kid... in that, troops, get in her and attack the intruders!" called out Cassidy at some communication device in her hand, and soon a lot of Team Rocket grunts came into the room, surrounding the pirates and Officer Jenny. Zoro: "Hey Luffy... save some of these guys for me." Luffy: "You got it." said Luffy, before he released some sort aura out of himself that knocked out most of the grunts, before Zoro and Sanji went to use their swords or kicks to take out the rest. Butch: "No way!, those kids are taking out our best grunts like they were nothing!" Cassidy: "Stop complaining Biff!, and do something!" Butch: "The name is Butch!, and here's something that should take care of them." said Butch, before he pressed a button on a remote, and the walls behind the duo opened up, revealing what looked like a big robot, which the duo went inside, ready to battle the pirates. Usopp: "Alright Franky, send out the iron pirate general Franky here!" Franky: "I can't!, I didn't bring Channel 4 or Channel 5 here, for I didn't think we would need them in order to find Chopper!" Usopp: "Oh come on!" Nami: "Don't worry, we still have Luffy, Zoro and Sanji with us, not to mention Carrot in her Sulong form." Officer Jenny: "Um... it looks like Carrot is getting tired." said Officer Jenny, who noticed that Carrot was started to breath heavily and started to move slower. Jimbei: "Oh no, she's starting to lose her stamina, she's been in Sulong form for too long!" Chopper: "Oh no!, little sis, get out of there!" shouted Chopper, seeing that Carrot was in danger as the Team Rocket duo's robot was getting close to her. Cassidy: "Looks like that form has a setback, this is our chance to take her down." Butch: "Then let's do it." so with that, they were about to set the robot to attack Carrot, when a powerful flamethrower came down from the hole in the ceiling that Franky made earlier, and roasted the robot to a crisp. Luffy: "Huh?, what happened?" Franky: "Look!, it's Ash and his super Charizard!" called out Franky, as Ash and his Charizard came down through the hole in the ceiling and landed between the pirates and the Team Rocket duo. Ash: "Hey guys, sorry we didn't came here sooner, but it took some time to get Charizard all warmed up and for Mew to use her psychic to find ya." Zoro: "Your timing couldn't be better actually." Sanji: "What's wrong Moss head, worried that you were losing?" Zoro: "Not as much as you were!" Sanji: "I wasn't worried about losing to those Rocket guys at all Moss head!" deciding to ignore the swordsman and cook, Ash turned his attention to the Team Rocket duo, who were inside their burnt up robot. Butch: "Not that twerp again!" Cassidy: "You know, he's really starting to get on my nerves." Ash: "Alright Charizard, use your seismic toss to take down that robot!" called out Ash, before Charizard took a hold of the robot, carrying it and the duo inside up into the sky, before spinning around and zooms back down before tossing it back to the ground with enough force to destroying it, forcing the Team Rocket duo to come out. Cassidy: "You little twerp!, we'll make you pay for this!" Butch: "This is not over!, we'll be back!" shouted Butch, before he and Cassidy make a run for it, while Officer Jenny went after them. Officer Jenny: "Come back here Cassidy & Butch!, you're both under arrest!" Butch: "It's Butch!, not... oh wait, that's what you said..." said Butch, before he and Cassidy run away from the scene and Officer Jenny as well. Ash: "I hope Officer Jenny will be able to arrest them." Nami: "Me too, they had some nerve on kidnapping Chopper like that." Jimbei: "But if they do show up again, we'll be ready for them." said Jimbei, before Carrot changed back to her normal form and came over to the little reindeer. Carrot: "Chopper... thank goodness you're okay... I was so worried about you." said Carrot with a soft happy and tired tone in her voice, before giving Chopper a big hug, happy that her big brother figure is okay again. Robin: "Hey Ash, it seems that Charizard seems to be listening to you now." Ash: "Yeah, I guess seeing me helping him warm has earned me his respect, and now we're friends again." Sanji: "That's good to hear, maybe things will go better on your training now." Ash: "Yeah, and I see that you got Chopper back." Chopper: "Well you helped too, so thanks." Ash: "Well of course, we're friends after all." and so, Ash has got Charizard to listen to him again and Chopper is back safe and sound, and who knows what's next for our hero and his pirate friends as the journey continues.

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