The Mikan Island Gym Challenge

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A whole new day has come on the seas of the Orange Archipelago, and right now, Ash was introducing Lapras to the rest of his team. Ash: "Lapras, this is Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Mew, you already know Pikachu of course, and from now on, they're your team mates, so please try to get along, okay?" Lapras: "La~." Pikachu: "Pika!" that was when Mew hovered over to Lapras, circling around her, before letting out a giggle, happy to see a new friend, and Lapras was already taking a liking to Mew, especially since she was the one who saved her, along with Ash the other day from the Team Rocket trio. Charizard only crossed his arms and looked away, before Mew changed into a Charizard herself and used Flamethrower on the fire type's face, which was now covered in smoke. Ash: "Mew!, I know Charizard can be a jerk sometimes, but please try not to do that." Chopper: "How is Mew able to change into Charizard in the first place?" Ash: "Hmm... the Pokédex says that Mew knows the move, 'Transform', and I've seen a Pokémon that can use that move before, which was a Ditto, so maybe that's how she's able to change." Chopper: "Wow!, that is so cool!" Usopp: "Your transformations are cool too." Ash: "Chopper can change form too?" Chopper: "Well nowhere like Mew, but something like this." said Chopper, before his body began to grow and look a little like some sort of yeti, then turning into a giant hairball, and finally a reindeer man with huge antlers that were similar to the horns of a rhino beetle. Ash: "Wow!, that's really cool!" Chopper: "Thanks, I have another form, but I would need my rumble ball to do it, and I would only use it in a very dangerous battle." that was when Nami came to the scene, with what looked like a map of the Orange Archipelago. Nami: "Alright, thanks to Nurse Joy back on the island where we met Lapras, I got this map here of the whole Orange Archipelago." it wasn't long before the rest of the crew came over to check the map out. Luffy: "But why do we need a map?, we never used it in the New World." Nami: "Well this isn't the New World, and the weather and islands here are not the same as what is there either, so the Log pose is useless here until we get back to our world, so in the meantime, we'll have to use this map and my navigating skills to help Ash find these Orange Crew members, I mean it's not like we got anything else to do while we're here." Carrot: "And maybe we might find some yummy carrots here." Ash: "Carrots?" Robin: "Carrot is kind of like a rabbit after all." Nami: "And from what Nurse Joy told me, the closest member of the Orange Crew right now is at Mikan island." Ash: "Then let's go there." Pikachu: "Pika!" so with that, they were on their way to Mikan island, unaware that they were being followed by what looked like a giant Magikarp, which was really a submarine, piloted by the Team Rocket trio themselves. Jessie: "Paddle faster you two, we can't lose them now!" James: "We're paddling as fast as we can!" suddenly, the submarine's propellers got stuck into some seaweed and they began to sink. Meowth: "This just isn't our day..." James: "When was ever a day for us..." said James, as the Magikarp submarine was now stuck, no longer able to follow the Thousand Sunny at the moment. Soon, the Straw Hats and Ash arrived on the shoreline of Mikan island, and arrived to a Pokémon Center to make sure the Pokémon were in good health, while Sanji was going gaga over the Nurse Joy there. Ash was talking to Professor Oak on the video phone, telling him about his latest catch, Lapras. Professor Oak: "Very nice catch, Ash, Lapras will sure to be a good help for you there on the Orange islands." Ash: "Yeah, of course I got myself a ride already thanks to my new friends' ship." Professor Oak: "Oh really?, and who might your new friends be?" Ash: "Uh... well they're uh... people who are out of this world you might say..." Professor Oak: "I see, well I'm happy to know that you have someone there to help you on your journey, now try to finish the Orange League as soon as possible, I'm looking forward to study Mew and the remains of the GS ball." Ash: "Sure thing." and with that, the call ended, and soon Ash was off to find the Mikan island gym. It wasn't long before Ash and the Straw Hats arrived to the gym building, and that was when Luffy sees a coconut laying on the ground. Luffy: "Yum!, a coconut!" but when he picked it up, a bucket of water falls on his head from a tree, much to his surprise. That was when a boy named Senta (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), came out of hiding and laughed at the Straw Hat pirate. Senta: "Ha, ha, ha!, you should have seen the look on your face!, you have to be the dumbest trainer to fall for an obvious trap like that!" Nami: "Well you're right about him being dumb, but he's not a trainer." Senta: "Huh?" Luffy: "Nope, I'm a pirate." Senta: "Yeah right, like an idiot like you could be a pirate." Luffy: "I am, and I'm gonna be the king of the pirates." Senta: "Ha!, that's a laugh, and I'm guessing these guys are your crew?" said Senta with disbelief in his voice. Luffy: "Yup, well except for Ash, he's a trainer." Ash: "That's right, and I'm the one who came here to challenge the gym leader here." Senta: "Oh really?, what makes you think you have what it takes to challenge the gym leader here?" Ash: "Well I competed in the Indigo league." Senta: "Really?, how far did you go?" Ash: "Well uh... the top 16..." Senta: "Ha, if that's how far you went, then you have no chance here, the gym challenges here in the Orange League is much tougher than in Kanto, so you might as well leave." Zoro: "And if we don't?" Senta: "Then I'll battle you to show how weak you are." that was when a young woman named Cissy (voiced by Tara Jane), who was the Mikan island gym leader and Senta's older sister, came to the scene with her arms crossed. Cissy: "And who said you can do that?" said Cissy, which made Senta froze up and gulped, realizing that his sister was standing behind him. Senta: "Uh... hi sis..." Cissy: "I thought I told you to clean your room and stop pulling pranks on the challengers here." Senta: "Yes Cissy..." said Senta, before leaving the scene. Cissy: "Sorry about my little brother, he likes to play pranks on any challenger who comes here." said Cissy, before Sanji came over to her with hearts for eyes. Sanji: "No need to apologize, just seeing you is an apology enough~." said Sanji, before Nami grabs him by the ear and pulls him away. Nami: "Sorry about Sanji, he has no self control when it comes to women." Cissy: "I can see that, I'm Cissy by the way, Gym leader of Mikan island." Ash: "I'm Ash Ketchum, and I'm the one who has come to challenge you." Cissy: "Well Ash, I accept your challenge, but I must tell you that the gym challenges here on the Orange islands is a bit different the battles in Kanto." Ash: "How so?" asked Ash, before Cissy pressed a button on a remote, making a line of cans appeared, and a battlefield not too far from them becomes an aquatic pool. Cissy: "Here is the first challenge, which is a Water Gun match up, where a Pokémon's accuracy is tested by shooting down as many cans as possible." Usopp: "Sounds like a test for a Sniper." Cissy: "You could say that, now let me show you the Pokémon I'm using for this challenge, come out Seadra!" called out Cissy, before what looked like a seahorse came out of it's Pokéball, and Ash used his Pokédex to let the Straw Hats know what it was. Pokédex: [Seadra: The evolved form of Horsea, it is known for it's horrible disposition, but possesses both strength and speed, it's quills are also able to render it's victims unconscious.] Chopper: "That's one mean looking sea horse..." Carrot: "Yeah, good thing this challenge it about hitting the cans instead of the Pokémon themselves." Jimbei: "Hmm... perhaps... but I have a feeling this will be a tough challenge for Ash still." Ash: "Alright then... I choose you, Lapras!" called out Ash, before Lapras comes out of her Pokéball. Brook: "Lapras?, but didn't Ash just caught her?" Franky: "Well this isn't like a normal Pokémon battle, which it should be okay for her, I mean it's about who hits the most cans." Brook: "True." Ash: "Well I would have sent my Squirtle for this... but he's back at Professor Oak's lab right now, so Lapras is my best option right now." so with that, the challenge began, and it was tough for Ash as Lapras didn't had a lot of experience with her Water Gun. But thanks to Ash giving her encouragement, Lapras was able to hit as many cans as Seadra, and hit the final one. Then the challenge got harder when they now had to use water gun to hit flying plates, which was harder to do as they were moving instead of standing still like the cans. But Lapras was able to pull it off and she managed to hit the same plate that Seadra hit at the same time, ending the challenge with a draw. Cissy: "Not bad Ash, but the challenge is not yet, as now it's time break the tie with some Pokémon wave riding." Robin: "You mean surfing the waves while riding on the Pokémon's back?" Cissy: "That's right, and I have a feeling that Ash will use Lapras again for that." Ash: "Yeah, as Lapras is the only Pokémon I have for that." Chopper: "But what about you?" Cissy: "For me, I will sent out my Blastoise." said Cissy, before she let out what looked like a big turtle Pokémon with cannons on the top of it's shell, which made Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Carrot, and Franky have stars for eyes. Luffy: "Awesome!, it's a turtle with cannons!" Franky: "Super!, it's like a Pokémon version of me!" Carrot: "A robot Pokémon?!" Chopper: "Can it fire torpedoes?!" Usopp: "Can it?!" hearing this made Cissy and Ash have sweat drops on the sides of their heads. Cissy: "They sure have some interesting imagination..." Ash: "You can say that again..." so with that, they went to the beach, where the final challenge will take place. Cissy: "You ready?" Ash: "You bet." Cissy: "Then let's do it, the aim is to swim out to the flagged buoy and return to the beach first." Ash: "Alright Lapras, let's go!" Lapras: "La~." suddenly, the Team Rocket trio's Magikarp submarine burst out of the water, much to the group's surprise. Nami: "Where did that come from?!" it wasn't long before the Team Rocket trio came out and they were trying to catch their breath. Jessie: "We got you where we want you twerp... now hand over Pikachu!" shouted Jessie, before she, James and Meowth felt something had grabbed their submarine. Luffy: "Whoa!, a giant fish!, let's eat!" said Luffy, trying to pull it onto the beach, with some drool on his face. Sanji: "He's kidding... right?" Usopp: "Nope, and I think he's about to have a nasty surprise..." Meowth: "Hey!, we're not food!, you idiot!" Luffy: "Hey come back fish!, you look yummy!" Ash: "Luffy!, that's not a real fish!, that Team Rocket's submarine!" Chopper: "Didn't we already sent those guys flying?" Ash: "You did... unfortunately... those guys always come back and they won't stop until they get Pikachu, believe me, they've been doing this since the day I first met them in Viridian city." Sanji: "Maybe this should do the trick." said Sanji, before he begins to spin around fast, and once he stopped, his leg was red hot, like it was on fire. Then he gave the submarine a good kick, which sends it, along with the Team Rocket trio, flying high into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, before flying out of the scene. So with that, the final challenge of the Mikan island gym begins for real this time. Ash was riding on Lapras' back while Cissy was on the back of her Blastoise, and the two were surfing on the water towards the buoy, and must stand up and try not to lose balance. It wasn't long before they got to it and were on their way back to the beach. But then a large tidal wave appeared, luckily for Ash though, Lapras was able to use her ice beam to freeze some of it, however, the wave still crashes into Cissy, but her Blastoise was able to catch her in time. Cissy was now ahead of the race, but Ash then comes up with an idea and told Lapras to use ice beam to make an ice-track. Lapras proves to be faster on the ice than in the water, allowing Ash to make it to the beach first, meaning that he won the race. Luffy: "Alright!, he won!" Carrot/Chopper: "Hooray!" Cissy: "Well done Ash, that was pretty cleaver of you using your Lapras' ice beam like that." Ash: "Yeah... I hope that wasn't against the rules..." Cissy: "Don't worry, there were no rules against it, plus it was a very good tactic, so for that, I'm more than happy to say you have earned this Coral-Eye badge." said Cissy, before showing Ash the badge. Ash: "Thanks Cissy... alright!, I've got the Coral-Eye badge!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Robin: "One down, three more to go." Jimbei: "Yes, and I have a feeling that the others will be just as challenging for the boy." Franky: "No worries, he'll get all them badges, I'm super sure of it." so with that, Ash has earned his first Orange League badge, which means he has only 3 more badges to get before he can challenge the Orange League champion, will he be able to do it, and will the Straw Hats be able to find their way back to their world?, only time will tell as the journey continues.

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