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After their eventful adventure on Shamouti island, the Straw Hat pirates were finally close to the shores of the Kanto, and Pallet town, which was Ash's home town, was not too far away now. Ash: "There is, on the other side of that hill is the back of my home town..." Pikachu: "Pika!" Luffy: "Hmm... I wonder if it's anything like my village... are there any mountain bandits around?" Ash: "Uh... I don't think so..." Brook: "I hope your parents won't mind seeing us." Ash: "Well I'm sure that my mom will like you." Nami: "But what about your dad?" Ash: "Well... um... I don't have a dad." this made the Straw Hats gasped, they didn't expect that their friend didn't have a dad. Nami: "Oh gosh... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have ask..." Ash: "It's okay Nami, I still have my mom, and she still loves me with all of her heart." Sanji: "You're lucky Ash, that you still have a mom... my mom died when I was a kid..." Robin: "We all lost someone that was like family to us in our world..." Ash: "Sorry to hear that." Robin: "Don't worry, we managed to move on, and we got each other now." Ash: "Yeah..." said Ash, before the Thousand Sunny arrives on shore, and soon he and the Straw Hats got to the ground and head off to Pallet town. Once they got there, they see that Pallet town was a nice quiet place, and it wasn't long before they arrived to the house where Ash and his mom lives. Carrot: "So this is your house?" Ash: "Yup, I hope mom's home." said Ash, before Delia came to the scene and rushed towards her son and gave him a big hug. Delia: "My baby!, I'm so happy you're home safely!, when I heard the news about what was happening on the Orange islands... I..." Ash: "Mom... it's okay, I'm fine, thanks to my new friends here." said Ash, introducing his mom to the Straw Hat pirates. Luffy: "Yo!" Ash: "This is Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jimbei and Carrot, everyone, this is my mom, Delia Ketchum." said Ash, before Chopper came over to Delia. Chopper: "Hello there Miss Ketchum." said Chopper, before Delia picked him up and gave him a big hug. Delia: "Aren't you the cutest thing!~, I've never seen a Pokémon like you." Chopper: "I'm a reindeer really, but that's okay." said Chopper, before Sanji came over to Delia with hearts for eyes. Sanji: "Such a beautiful woman~, whoever was Ash's father must have been so lucky to have you~." said Sanji, before Nami grabs him by the ear and pulls him away. Nami: "Sorry about Sanji, he can be a real idiot whenever a woman is involved." Delia: "No problem, he reminds me of Brock, speaking of which, where is he and Misty?" Ash: "Well... it's a long story..." said Ash, before he tells his mother about his adventures on the Orange island with the Straw Hats and the whereabouts of Misty and Brock. Delia: "Well I'm glad to know that they're doing okay, and I'll admit that I'm surprised to learn that your friends are pirates, but since they've taken care of you during your trip at the Orange islands, they're obviously good people." Ash: "Yeah, though I have to admit that I was scared of them myself at first when I learned they were pirates, but after some time with them, I learned they're really people who like to sail freely." Luffy: "Yup, and I'm gonna be the king of the pirates." Delia: "Sounds like a really big goal, just like Ash's dream to be a Pokémon master." Luffy: "Yup." said Luffy, before Delia noticed that Nami and Robin kept starring at her son. Delia: "Something on your minds?" asked Delia, trying to get Nami and Robin's attention. Nami: "Well... I can't help but feel like that Ash is still lucky to have a parent to look after him, especially since he doesn't have a dad." Delia: "Yes... it wasn't easy, but I was able to help Ash grow into a kind young man." Robin: "What exactly happened to his father?" Delia: "Well... he lost his life while training in a mountain between Kanto and the Johto region, when the news came... I was heartbroken... but Ash had it worse as he looked up to him like a hero, which inspired him to be a great Pokémon trainer like him." Robin: "I see..." Delia: "He also has Professor Oak to look out for him too." Ash: "Oh nuts!" Brook: "Is something the matter?" Usopp: "What's wrong?" Ash: "I forgot that I need to give Professor Oak the remains of the GS ball!" Carrot: "Wasn't the GS ball the original reason you went to the Orange islands in the first place?" Ash: "That's right, I better get to his lab, quick." Chopper: "Mind if we tag along?" Ash: "Not at all, I'm sure the Professor would like to meet you guys too." said Ash, before he and the Straw Hats went to Professor Oak's lab, which was a building on top of a hill, and has a windmill next to it too. Ash knocked on the door, and it wasn't long before Professor Oak opened it up. Professor Oak: "Well hello Ash, I see you finally showed up, did you bring the remains of the GS ball?" Ash: "Yes, here they are." said Ash, before handing over the remains of the GS ball to the professor, who then noticed the Straw Hats standing behind the trainer. Professor Oak: "I take it that these people are the friends you made during your trip at the Orange islands?" Ash: "Yes, here's Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jimbei and Carrot, everyone, this is Professor Oak, the man who gave me Pikachu and my Pokédex." Luffy: "Yo, old man." said Luffy, before Nami stomps his foot with her own. Nami: "You can't call him that, you idiot!" said Nami, before the professor went to take a closer look at Chopper, Franky, Brook, Jimbei and Carrot. Professor: "New kinds of Pokémon?" Chopper: "I'm a reindeer actually." Franky: "I'm a super cyborg!, wow!" Brook: "I'm really human who came back to life." Jimbei: "I'm a fish-man." Carrot: "And I'm a rabbit mink, Garchu!" said Carrot, before she wraps her arms around the professor's neck and bites him on the ear, which was a bit painful for him. Ash: "Carrot!, be careful with him!" Chopper: "Sorry about Carrot, that's just her way to show affection." said Chopper, before Carrot finally lets the professor go from her 'Garchu' thing. Professor Oak: "Don't worry, I get worse ways of getting affection from Pokémon, like Ash's Muk for example." Usopp: "Muk?, you mean Ash has other Pokémon here?" Ash: "Yes, I did say that trainers carry only six Pokémon at a time, while the rest get sent to where they get their Pokédex from, in my case, Professor Oak here." Professor Oak: "That's right, and perhaps you should show them your other Pokémon." Ash: "Good idea." said Ash, before he leads the pirates to an open field, with a few trees and ponds, where there were a lot of Pokémon hanging out. Luffy: "Whoa!, look at them all!, are they all yours?!" Ash: "No, most of them belong to other trainers, as I'm not the only trainer in Kanto, or in this world for that matter." Zoro: "So where are yours?" Professor Oak: "Well Ash's Kingler is at the pond over there." said Professor Oak, pointing at the large crab like Pokémon, and Ash uses his Pokédex to tell the pirates what it was. Pokédex: [Kingler: The Pincer Pokémon, it's larger pincer has immensely powerful crushing strength, but because of it's weight, it is difficult to aim.] said the Pokédex, before Luffy started to have a hungry look on his face. Luffy: "Alright!, lunch time!" said Luffy, before Ash pins him down to the ground. Ash: "Stop!, you can't eat Kingler!, he's one of my Pokémon!" Luffy: "Oh right, sorry... he still looks yummy though..." said Luffy with disappointment, before what looked like a large sludge monster appeared behind Professor Oak and gave him a hug, much to the pirates' surprise. Usopp: "Ah!!, it's the Slime monster from Punk Hazard!" Ash: "Whoa there!, that's just Muk, one of my Pokémon!" Nami: "That thing is one of yours?" Ash: "Yes, and don't worry, he might be a poison type sludge, but he's really friendly and a huger." Robin: "Sure looks like it." said Robin, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to show the pirates what it shows about the poison type. Pokédex: [Muk: The Sludge Pokémon, and the evolved form of Grimer, use extreme caution, for a horribly toxic liquid seeps out of it's body.] this made both Usopp and Chopper gulped in fear, scared that they'll get poisoned by Muk if it hugs them too. Professor Oak: "Don't worry, Muk only uses he's poison when he's in battle, and he would never use enough of it to actually harm anyone." hearing this made both Usopp and Chopper sigh in relief. Jimbei: "So is that all of them?" Ash: "No, there's still some more." said Ash, before Franky noticed a Pokémon that looked like a blue turtle with some shades that looked similar to his own. Franky: "Wow!, who's that Pokémon with the super stylish shads?" Ash: "That's Squirtle, the first water type I've ever caught." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to show the group what it says about the water type. Pokédex: [Squirtle: The Tiny Turtle Pokémon, it draws it's neck into it's shell to launch powerful water type attacks with amazing range and accuracy whenever it can.] Professor Oak: "Squirtle is also the water type that you would pick as a starter aside from Bulbasaur and Charmander." Robin: "You mean the Pokémon a trainer starts with before going out on their journey?" Professor Oak: "That's right, of course Ash got Pikachu as his starter for the electric type was the only one left due to the boy getting up really late on his first day." this made Ash let out a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his head, knowing that Professor Oak was right about that. Suddenly, the ground began to shake up a little, and then a herd of what looked like bulls came to the scene, charging towards the group. Zoro: "That can't be good." Sanji: "Those are a lot of bulls." Usopp: "Look out!, it's a stamped!" shouted Usopp, before Luffy walked up forward a little, before he let out his Conqueror's Haki to stop the herd, which were now beginning to feel scared and almost ready to pass out. Ash: "Tauros!, are you all okay?!, what happened?!" Luffy: "Oh, you mean these cows are yours?" Ash: "Yeah, they're Tauros." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex again and points it and the herd. Pokédex: [Tauros: The Wild Bull Pokémon, a normal type that runs in herds in the wild, and when whipping itself with it's three tails, it's tackle has a powerful destructive force.] Usopp: "So all of them are yours?, why do you have so many?" Ash: "Well... I went to a Safari Zone to try catching new Pokémon, but every time I throw a Safari ball, a member of the Tauros herd got in the way, and eventually I caught the whole herd." Sanji: "And you never bothered on getting rid of the rest and kept only one of them?" Ash: "Well I couldn't just let them go and make them feel like they were nothing special, besides I thought it would be a good challenge to try training them all." Professor Oak: "Yes, and it's not uncommon for a trainer to have more than one of the same Pokémon, but tell me boy, what did you just do to the Tauros?" asked Professor Oak to the straw Hat pirate, puzzled on what the boy do to the herd. Luffy: "I used my conqueror's haki to slow them down." Professor Oak: "Haki?" Robin: "Something from our world." Professor Oak: "Your world?" Ash: "It's... a long story." that was when Chopper noticed someone was coming, a boy around Ash's age. It was Gary Oak (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), Professor Oak's grandson and Ash's childhood rival. Gary: "Well if it isn't Ashy boy." Ash: "Gary?, what are you doing here?" Gary: "Just came to visit gramps here, and tell him that I'm getting ready to head for the Johto region." Nami: "Don't call the professor that!" Professor Oak: "It's okay Nami, Gary just happens to be my grandson." Nami: "Really?" Professor Oak: "That's right, and he also happens to be Ash's childhood rival, of course he can be a bit too arrogant sometimes... but that's what happens when you win so many battles and know to be better prepared." Ash: "Hey I came prepared... it's just that things don't go my way sometimes..." Gary: "Well your luck must have gotten better lately, for I heard you recently won the Orange league." Ash: "Yup, sure did." Gary: "Well let's see if you can beat me in a battle now." Ash: "Sure thing!" Pikachu: "Pika." so with that, Ash and Gary were in their places on the field, ready to battle. Ash sends out Pikachu, while Gary sends out what looked like a brown fox called Eevee, and the Straw Hats took a look in Ash's Pokédex, which they borrowed from him, to see what it was. Pokédex: [Eevee: The Evolution Pokémon, it is a unique Pokémon that can adapt to any environment depending on which of it's many evolutions it evolves into.] Nami: "It's so cute~, just like Pikachu." Chopper: "And it says it can change into more than just one kind of Pokémon..." Usopp: "I wonder what that means..." asked Usopp, before Chopper pressed a button that shows them the images of the Pokémon that Eevee evolves into. Carrot: "Wow!, there are so many!" Brook: "It certainly does have a lot of evolved forms... I wonder if there's one like me..." Sanji: "If you mean one that's a living skeleton, then it would be a bonehead like you." Brook: "Hey!, skull jokes are my thing!" Jimbei: "Calm down you two, the battle is about to begin." said Jimbei, as he watches the battle between Ash and Gary starts. The battle was intense, as Gary's Eevee has proved to be really tough and well trained, but eventually Pikachu managed to beat it, allowing Ash to win the battle. Ash: "Alright!, we did it Pikachu!, we beat Gary!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu, Pika Pi!" Gary: "Well... I hate to admit it, but you certainly improved since the last time we saw each other." Ash: "But Gary, this is the first battle we had." Gary: "I know, but I know that I would've beaten you if we faced each other in the Indigo League." Ash: "No way!, I would've been the one beating you!" Gary: "Even with that Charizard of yours?" this made Ash pause for a moment, as he realized that he was talking about what happened when he went to the top 16. Ash: "Well... you made a good point... but Charizard listens to me now." Gary: "Good to know, those fire types are really tough to tame." suddenly, the whole area began to shake up like an earthquake was occurring, then a giant robot that looked like a Meowth, burst out of the ground, with the Team Rocket trio controlling it from the inside. Jessie: "Alright twerp, the day we finally get Pikachu has come at last!, so be prepare for trouble!" James: "You can say that again, Jessie, on the double." Meowth: "That's right, now that we got this ultimate robot!" Luffy: "Oh yeah?, Gum Gum Pistol!" shouted Luffy, before he used his powers to stretch his arms and hits the robot, much to Professor Oak, Delia and Gary's shock, they've never seen anything like it. But when Luffy's fist hits the robot, he suddenly felt weak and fell to the ground. Usopp: "Luffy, what's wrong?!" Robin took a closer look at the robot, and it seems to be made of stone that was painted in the same color as Meowth. Robin: "Oh no... I think that robot's armor is made of sea prism stone." Jimbei: "You might be right, which would explain why Luffy got weak all of a sudden." Ash: "Sea prism stone?" Zoro: "It's a special type of stone from our world, it's not only the hardest thing there, but it somehow also has the same energy as the sea itself, which weakens those with devil fruit users like Luffy, like they were in the sea itself." Carrot: "Oh man... that's not good..." Brook: "But how did they even get it?" Meowth: "You can thank that clown Buggy for that, he told us that how it works with those with Devil fruit powers, and we got it from what was left of that collector's air craft." Gary: "Collector?, you mean the one that tried to capture Lugia at the Orange islands?" Ash: "You knew about that?" Gary: "Well yeah, it was all over the news, especially since he got arrested by Officer Jenny after the incident ended." James: "Hello?, we're still here." Sanji: "Well luckily for us, not all of us have devil fruit powers, so some of us should be fine." Meowth: "Maybe so, but this robot has more than just covered in some stone armor." said Meowth, before he pushes a button that released some missals at the group, who managed to dodge them in time, but the missals did do some damage to the area. Delia: "Oh no!, if that things keeps firing missals, a lot of the Pokémon here are gonna get badly hurt!" Usopp: "I got an idea, everyone, once I fired these pop greens on that thing, hit it with everything we got!" Ash: "I don't know what you're planning, but I sure hope it works." Usopp: "I hope so too, Special Green Star... Snake Fireworks!" called out Usopp, before he fires some pop greens on the robot, and then Ash calls out all of his Pokémon and tell them to use their strongest attacks on the robot like Usopp said. Suddenly, a lot of large vines appeared on the robot and started to strangle the machine until it broke into many pieces. Usopp: "Ha!, looks like it worked after all, as they would set off by a strong impact." said Usopp, before the Team Rocket trio landed on the ground, surrounded by the remains of their destroyed robot. Ash: "Alright Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu: "Pika!, Pikachu!" called out Pikachu, as he unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt attack to zap the trio and sends them flying out into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" called out the trio, as they were flying out of the scene without a trace. Ash: "Alright!, that should take care of them for a while." suddenly, they heard the sound of a roar from a certain Pokémon that the Straw Hats were hoping to meet. Luffy: "Hey look!, it's Lugia!" said Luffy, as the legendary comes to the ground. Lugia: "Greetings Straw Hats, I see that you have brought the Chosen One home safely." Luffy: "It was no biggie." Chopper: "Mind telling us why you're here?" Lugia: "Not at all, the reason I came here is because it's time for me to send you all back to your world." this made the group have their eyes widen (except for Brook as he had no eyes), they were about to get their chance to get back to their world. Zoro: "Well it's about time, there's hardly anyone that could give me a good sword battle." the Straw Hats were really excited, at least until they took a look at Ash, realizing that it was time for them to say goodbye to him and his Pokémon. Ash: "Well guys... I wish you good luck..." Luffy: "Yeah... but you know... you could join my crew if you want." Ash: "Thanks for the offer, but I can't, this world is where I belong, you and the others belong in your world, besides, we both still have our dreams to fulfill." Luffy: "True... I hope we meet again, future Pokémon master." Ash: "Same here, future king of the pirates." Pikachu: "Pika..." said Pikachu, before Nami picks him up and kisses him on the cheek, which made him blush and Sanji felt very jealous as well. Nami: "I'll miss both of you too, you were little brothers to me." Robin: "And while you already have your mother, you were like a son to me too." said Robin, before she and Nami went to hug Ash, who returned the hug as well. Carrot then went to the trainer and Pikachu as well, and gave both a big hug, which they returned. Carrot: "Garchu both of you... good luck on fulfilling your dream." Ash: "Thanks Carrot, I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future." Carrot: "You're right." said Carrot, before Chopper went to give Ash a hug with tears in his eyes. Chopper: "If we meet again and you get injured, I'll make sure you'll be back to full health..." Ash: "I'm sure you will." said Ash, before he went to say goodbye to the rest of the Straw Hats, who were ready to go back. Lugia: "Now you must go to your ship, as my whirlpool portal will work better at sea." Luffy: "Sure." said Luffy, before he and the rest of his crew went off from Pallet town and got back to the ship. Ash went to the shore with all of his Pokémon, waving good bye to the pirates that became his friends. Ash: "Take care you guys!, thank you for everything!, goodbye everyone!" Pikachu: "Pikachu!" Mew: "Mew!, Mew!" Lapras: "La~!" Bulbasaur: "Bulba!" Charizard: "Roar!" Snorlax: "Snorlax..." Luffy: "You take care now, see ya!" said Luffy, before the rest of his crew said their goodbyes to the trainer and his Pokémon. Lugia then let out a beam into the water, and a whirlpool that looked like the one that brought the Thousand Sunny to the Pokémon world appeared. Soon the ship went into it and just like before, a big flash of light came and once it faded, the whirlpool and the ship was gone without a trace. It wasn't long before Delia and Professor Oak came over to Ash. Delia: "They were certainly an interesting bunch." Ash: "Yeah... they sure were..." Professor Oak: "So Ash, any plans on what to do now?" Ash: "Well... I'm planning to continue my journey to be a Pokémon master, and maybe I might be able to see Ho-oh again." Professor Oak: "I figured as much, you should probably go visit the Johto region, there are lots of interesting Pokémon there, and you might learn something about Ho-oh there as it's one of the Pokémon native there as well." Ash: "Then that's where I'm going next." Pikachu: "Pika!" meanwhile, Lugia was looking at the spot where the Thousand Sunny was a moment ago, and begin to have a flashback about what happened over 20 years ago. It turns out that at one time, Lugia used his powers to visit the seas of the One Piece world, and it didn't take long to get captured by some pirates. But he was saved however, thanks to Gold Roger and his crew, who became fast friends with the legendary. Lugia then decided to bring Roger and his crew to the Pokémon to show them his way to thank them and show them the wonders of his world. Roger also showed Lugia some wonders of his own world too, like a Devil fruit that he and his crew found some time ago, which would be the fruit that would eventually get eaten by Misty in the future. When a storm came, Lugia managed to keep Roger's ship from sinking, as another way to thank Roger for saving him, of course the Devil fruit fell overboard and drift away at sea, which would eventually end up on Trovita island. When it was time for the pirates to go back, Lugia had a vision of the event of Ash and the Straw Hats saving the world from Bullet and the Collector, so he asked Roger to tell his crew mate, Oden, to write the Shamouti legend on a Poneglyph, one that will eventually be found by the Collector and read by Robin in the future. Lugia: "If only there were more pirates like them... then perhaps both worlds would be in peace and harmony forever... but I'm glad that the One Piece world's future is in good hands with the Straw Hats... just as much as my world is in good hands of the Chosen One..." said Lugia to himself, before he dives into the sea and left the scene. Meanwhile, back in the One Piece world, somewhere in the second half of the Grand Line, which is called the New World, the Thousand Sunny was sailing back to course for the next island after Wano. Luffy: "Wow... that was some adventure, right guys?" Nami: "It sure was." Carrot: "I hope to see Ash and his Pokémon again!" Chopper: "Me too." Zoro: "Hey guys... we seemed to gotten a stowaway." said Zoro, who was holding a barrel with Buggy the clown inside it. Buggy: "Uh... hello..." Sanji: "This guy again?" Jimbei: "Hmm... I was wondering what happened to him after the incident on Shamouti island." Buggy: "Hey uh... you wouldn't by chance mind if you give me a way back to my crew... would ya?" Luffy: "As a matter of fact, I can... the same way how I beat ya when we first met... Gum Gum... Bazooka!" said Luffy, before using his devil fruit powers to send the barrel and Buggy flying into the sky. Buggy: "I hate that Straw Hat!" shouted Buggy, as he flew into the sky and vanished without a trace. Usopp: "Serves him right for helping Team Rocket back in the other world." Robin: "But if he's anything like them, we might see him again." Jimbei: "I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that's the case." Nami: "Anyway, the log pose is pointing at our next destination." Luffy: "Alright, let's go!" All: "Yeah!" called out the crew, before some music in the background begins, with some scenes of the times when the Straw Hats were Ash and his Pokémon on the Orange islands. Climb aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams~, together we will find everything that we're looking for~, One Piece~, Compass left behind, it'll only slow us down~, your heart will be your guide, rise the sails and take the helm~, ♪That legendary place that the end of the map reveals is only legendary till someone proves it real~, Through it all... all the trouble times, through the heartache and through the pain, know that I will be there to stand by you, just like you will stand by me~, So come aboard and bring along all your hopes and dreams~, together we will find everything that we're looking for~, There's always room for you, if you want to be my friend, we are... we are on the cruise~, We Are!~♫. And with that, the song ends and so does this story.


Well there you have it folks, the end of this story of ONE PIECE Orange Archipelago, I hope you all liked it, and I also hope you'll all like my other stories too, BYE!

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