Future Pirate King & Future Pokémon Master

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Somewhere in the seas of the Orange Archipelago, which was located in the Pokémon world, a bright flash of light appeared, before the Thousand Sunny appeared, sailing on the water as soon as the light faded away. Luffy: "Hey... what was with that light?" Usopp: "Did we die and go to heaven?" Chopper: "If we did... it's a lot different from what I would expect." Brook: "No we didn't die, I would know what death is like, believe me... it seems like that we got sent to another place of the sea." Nami: "You might be right... but where?" Sanji: "Hey... there's something in the sky." said Sanji, looking up into the sky above the ship. It looked like some sort of blimp, which had a big red R on it, which was covered in smoke and fire. Usopp: "Is that... a balloon?" Chopper: "Not any kind we ever seen..." Carrot: "Not only that, but it looks like it's on fire." Jimbei: "She's right, there's smoke and fire coming out of it..." said Jimbei, before Carrot took another look at the blimp, and gasped when she spotted something falling from it. Carrot: "Everyone!, there's someone falling towards us!" called out Carrot, as there was indeed a person, a young boy to be precise, falling out of the blimp with what looked like a yellow mouse in his arms, heading right towards the ship. Luffy: "I got this!, Gum Gum Balloon!" shouted Luffy, before he used his devil fruit powers to blow himself up like a balloon, using his body to soften the landing of the boy and the creature in his arms, allowing them to safely landing on the grass of the ship. It wasn't long before the whole crew a look at the boy and mouse, who were both out cold at the moment. Nami: "It's a boy... and some kind of mouse I think..." Usopp: "It's kind of big for a mouse, and since when do they have a tail that's shaped like a lightning bolt?" Chopper: "I better get them to the infirmary to see if they're okay." Nami: "Good idea." so with that, they took the boy and the mouse into the infirmary, while doing that, Carrot found some kind of device on the ground, and picked it up to take a better look. A few moments later, after placing the boy and the mouse into the infirmary, Carrot came over to them. Carrot: "Hey guys, I found out who this boy is." Usopp: "Really?, how?" Carrot: "I found this on the ground, it must be the boy's, and it told me what it is and who it belongs to, it's really cool, check it out." said Carrot, before pressing a button of the device, which announced itself as a Pokédex, belonging to Pokémon trainer, Ash Ketchum of Pallet town. Chopper: "Wow, so it's like some sort of ID badge." Brook: "But I wonder what it meant about Ash being a Pokémon trainer?" Franky: "And what the heck's a Pokémon?" Robin: "Probably the creature with him." said Robin, pointing her finger at the yellow mouse next to the boy. It wasn't long before Zoro came to the scene. Zoro: "Hey guys, what's with the kid and mouse?, did I missed something?" Luffy: "Not much, just a whirlpool that made a big flash of light and a kid with a mouse fell from the sky and landed here." Zoro: "Strangely... that's not the weirdest thing we encountered since we entered the Grand line." it wasn't long before Ash (voiced by Veronica Taylor) woke up at last. Ash: "Oh... my head... Pikachu, are you okay?" Pikachu: "Pika..." Carrot: "Look everyone!, he's awake!" said Carrot in joy, happy to see that the boy was up, who was surprised by the sight of her. Ash: "Whoa!, what kind of Pokémon are you?" Carrot: "I'm not a Pokémon, I'm a mink... well a rabbit mink to be precise, I'm Carrot by the way, Garchu!" said Carrot, before she wraps her arms around Ash and giving him a nip on the ear to show him affection, which of course painful for the boy's ear. Nami: "Don't worry, that's just her way to say hello, I'm Nami by the way." Usopp: "My name's Usopp." Chopper: "I'm Chopper." Franky: "Hey kid, name's Franky, super shipwright!." Brook: "My name is Brook, I hope you're feeling well." Ash: "Ahh!!, a skeleton?!" Jimbei: "Don't worry, Brook might look scary, but he's quite a good man, I'm Jimbei, helmsman." Robin: "I'm Robin, and the man with the green hair is Zoro, and the one glaring at him is Sanji." Luffy: "And I'm Luffy, captain of this pirate ship." Ash: "What?!... pirates?!" said Ash in shock, completely frozen in terror along with Pikachu. Zoro: "So what are we supposed to do with them?" Luffy: "Beats me, I'm sure we'll figure out later." said Luffy, unaware that Ash and Pikachu were terrified as they realized they were both now on a pirate ship. Night fell, and Ash & Pikachu were hiding under a blanket, having no idea what to do. Ash: "Pikachu... why do so many bad things keep happening to us?, after everything we been through, we managed to escape from Team Rocket just to end up on a pirate ship?" Pikachu: "Pika Pi..." it wasn't long before Chopper came to the room. Chopper: "What's wrong?, you seemed to have a scared look on you along with your mouse." Ash: "Mouse?, oh you mean Pikachu?" Chopper: "Yeah, is something wrong?" Ash: "Well... it's just... are you guys really pirates?" Chopper: "Yeah, but don't worry, we're not bad pirates like the ones we usually run into on our journey, otherwise we wouldn't have saved you from your fall earlier." Ash: "Fall?, oh yeah, I forgot about that, so it was you guys who saved us?" Chopper: "Yeah, well it was mostly Luffy who did the saving, I'm just making sure you're in perfect health, just like any doctor would." Ash: "You're a doctor?" Chopper: "Yup, and I'm determined to be a doctor to cure any illness, which has been my dream for a long time." Ash: "Wow, that is quite a dream." Chopper: "Thanks." it wasn't long before the rest of the crew came into the room, checking to see if Ash and Pikachu were okay. Nami: "So how are they?" Chopper: "They seemed to be alright for the most part, but it seems that they were a bit scared of us." Robin: "Well that's no surprise, they probably believed we were evil when Luffy told them we were pirates." Luffy: "Why would he think that?" Nami: "Luffy, have you forgotten that pirates are normally the bad guys?" Luffy: "Oh yeah... forgot about that." said Luffy, before Nami came over to the boy and Pikachu. Nami: "Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you, I can promise you that." hearing that made both Ash and Pikachu feel more at ease, knowing now that they were no longer in danger for the moment. Nami then started to pet Pikachu on the head, which the yellow mouse seems to enjoy. Nami: "This little guy is quite cute for a mouse." Ash: "His name is Pikachu, and he's a Pokémon." Luffy: "What's a Pokémon?" Ash: "Huh?, you mean that you have no idea what a Pokémon is?" Luffy: "Nope, never heard of them." Jimbei: "This is the first time I've ever heard of these creatures in the New World." Ash: "What do you mean 'the New World'?" Nami: "Oh you know, the second half of the Grand line." Pikachu: "Pika?" Ash: "Grand line?, is that near Kanto?" Zoro: "Kanto?, is that an island?" Ash: "No, it's a region." Brook: "A region, is it close to the Red line?" Ash: "Red line?, what's that?" Franky: "You don't know what that is, it a super rock wall that goes around the world, here's a map with it." said Franky, before showing Ash the map of the grand line with the red line, dividing the seas of the world they came from. Ash: "That's odd... I've seen a few maps of the world before, and noun of them had that red line or grand line." Zoro: "How is that possible?" Robin: "Hold on... it might sound crazy... but it's possible that we might not be in our own world anymore." Chopper: "What?!" Usopp: "You mean... we're on a whole different planet?!" Franky: "That's crazy!, how is that possible?!" Robin: "Remember that whirlpool earlier?, I think it somehow teleported us here when we got sucked into it." Nami: "Come to think of it... the weather here seems way too calm compared to the New World... and the log poses are not locked into any island." said Nami, as she looked into what looked like three needles in glass orbs that were on her wrist, not locked into any island. Chopper: "So... does that mean we're lost?!" Nami: "Not quite, if there are islands here that are normal like the ones in the blue seas, then we might have to use a normal compass, which I know how to use." Sanji: "Of course you do, only someone who's just as skilled as she is beautiful can get us anywhere." said Sanji as he was trying to flirt with Nami, which Ash seems to notice. Ash: "Hey Pikachu... don't look now... but I think we just met another Brock." Pikachu: "Pika, Pika." said Pikachu, as he nodded in agreement. Usopp: "Oh man... a whole different world... I'll bet even Gold Roger never did that..." Ash: "Gold Roger?, who's that?" Robin: "He was the king of the pirates, who had wealth... fame... and power, beyond your wildest dreams." Zoro: "And before he was executed... he gave a challenge to the world to find his treasure, the One Piece, which is located somewhere in the Grand line." Luffy: "So whoever finds that treasure, becomes the next king of the pirates, and that's been my dream since I was a kid." Ash: "Wow... that's a big dream, sounds kind of like mine." Carrot: "Which is what?" Ash: "To be a Pokémon master." Brook: "That sounds like a big title." Ash: "Yeah, they're the strongest and greatest Pokémon trainers in the world... well this world anyway." Robin: "And a Pokémon trainer's job is to train Pokémon?" Ash: "That's right... maybe I can show you after breakfast." Jimbei: "That seems like a reasonable time to do it, as we all need some rest for now." Luffy: "Aw... I wanted to see it now..." Nami: "Come on Luffy, Ash needs sleep." said Nami, dragging Luffy away by pulling him on the ear, before the rest of the crew left the room where Ash and Pikachu were so they can sleep in peace. Ash: "Well Pikachu... looks like our luck has not run out after all." Pikachu: "Pika." said Pikachu, feeling less scared now that he and his trainer knew that they were no longer in danger.

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