Snack Attack

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It was close to lunch time when the Thousand Sunny was heading towards a small group of islands that Nami's map said were the seven Grapefruit islands, which are known for its large and bountiful grapefruit harvest. Sanji: "I can't wait to try out new dishes with these grapefruit here." Luffy: "I normally go for meat, but some fruit sounds pretty good right now too." it wasn't long before the group arrived to one of the islands, but once they were about to pick some of the grapefruit, they got ambushed by a lot of men, lead by a girl named Ruby (voiced by Tara Jane), who accused the Straw Hats and Ash for thieves. Ash: "Wait a second!, we're not thieves!, we just came to collect food!, we didn't knew the Grapefruit belonged to someone!" Ruby: "Save it for the judge!, men attack!" called out Ruby, before her staff went to charge at the pirates and the young trainer. Ash was scared, along with Pikachu, but the Straw Hats didn't flinched at all, and already decided to fight back. It wasn't long before the battle ended and all of Ruby's staff were defeated, much to her shock. Luffy: "Well that was lame... I didn't even break a sweat." Zoro: "Me neither... then again, these guys weren't followers of an emperor or navy admirals so it's no surprise that they were no problem to us." Ruby: "No way... how you all so strong...?" Luffy: "We're pirates of course." Ruby: "Pirates?!" Ash: "Hold on!, they're good pirates!, and we didn't mean to pick your fruit without permission, we didn't know they belonged to someone, we just got here." said Ash, trying to reason with Ruby, before Sanji zoomed over to her with heart eyes. Sanji: "Oh my heart!, it has just been stolen by your beauty!~, please tell your name." Ruby: "Uh... it's Ruby..." Sanji: "Of course it is, only the name of a gem could fit a lady who is as lovely as you~." said Sanji, before Nami grabs him by the ear and pulls him away. Nami: "Sorry about Sanji... he has no control when it comes to women, I'm Nami by the way, and over there is the rest of the crew, Ash is a passenger of course." Ruby: "I see... I'm very sorry about attacking you all like that." Brook: "It's fine, we're kind of used to that sort of thing... by the way... would you be so kind and show me your..." Nami: "Stuff it!" said Nami, before putting her Clima-tact into Brook's mouth, stopping him from finishing his sentence. Robin: "So you're the one who's been growing the Grapefruit here?" Ruby: "That's right, the staff and I do our best to take care of the Grapefruit trees here to grow the best Grapefruit... oh my gosh that reminds me!, my staff!" yelped Ruby, turning around to see her staff on the ground. Carrot: "Sorry about that." Ruby: "No it was my fault for we were the ones who attacked first." Chopper: "Don't worry, I'll take care of them for ya." said Chopper, before he ran forward and started working on helping the staff get better, and Ruby was amazed on how good Chopper's skills as a doctor was. Ruby: "Wow... he's really good being a doctor for a Pokémon..." Chopper: "I'm a reindeer actually, but that's okay... it's way better than being called a raccoon-dog..." Ruby: "Reindeer?, you mean like the ones that Santa Claus uses?" Chopper: "Well... sort of..." Ruby: "And them?" asked Ruby, looking at Brook, Franky, Jimbei and Carrot. Usopp: "Franky is a cyborg, Jimbei is a fish-man, Carrot is a Mink, and Brook here is uh... how do I say this without you freaking out..." Luffy: "He's a living skeleton of course." Ruby: "He's a what?!" Usopp: "Don't tell her that!" Luffy: "Why not?, he is." Franky: "Don't worry, Brook might be a skeleton who tells bad skull jokes, but he's actually a pretty guy." Brook: "My skull jokes aren't bad, at least not bad to the bone, Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho!, skull joke!" Ruby: "Right... anyway, I better keep my eyes open in case the real thief shows up again." Ash: "Real thief?" Ruby: "Yes, recently a thief has been stealing the grapefruits and we haven't even got a clue who it is." that was when one of the staff members came up to Ruby, and told her that the thief has finally been spotted. Once Ruby began following the staff member, Ash decided to follow them to see if he could help, and the Straw Hats had no choice but to follow as well, especially since Ruby promised them that they can have some Grapefruit if they can stop the thief. It wasn't long before they got to where the thief was, and much to their surprise, it was a large bear like Pokémon called Snorlax. Usopp: "Ah!!!, a bear!, hurry everybody, pretend to be dead!" yelped Usopp, before he and Chopper fell to the ground, pretending to be dead. Ash: "It's a Snorlax!" Nami: "Let me guess... another Pokémon?" Ash: "Yeah, see for yourself." said Ash, before he takes out his Pokédex to let the Straw Hats know what they were dealing with. Pokédex: [Snorlax: The Sleeping Pokémon, it weighs over a thousand pounds and it's hunger isn't satisfied until it consumes 900 pounds of food per day, once it's full, it goes back to sleep.] Robin: "So it's a Pokémon that's got Luffy's appetite." Ruby: "This is bad!, Snorlax is not only eating all of the Grapefruits, but it's also tearing off and eating the branches!" said Ruby, as she sees Snorlax doing just that without a care in the world. The staff tried to stop the Snorlax, but the big Sleeping Pokémon just swatted them away like flies. So then they decided to harvest as many of the grapefruit as possible, only for it to lead Snorlax to their cache. Ash: "I have no choice but to stop him with a Pokémon battle." Ruby: "That might be the only to stop Snorlax right now." said Ruby, before Ash sends out Bulbasaur to battle, only for the little grass type to be flattened by Snorlax when he use Body Slam. Ash: "Bulbasaur!, are you okay?" Bulbasaur: "Bulba..." said the grass type weakly, with swirls for eyes. Soon, all of the grapefruit on the island were gone, and that was when they saw Snorlax jumping into the sea and swimming away towards the other islands. Franky: "That thing can swim?!" Robin: "It figures, as how else he got to the island in the first place?" Usopp: "Never mind how it got here, I'm more worried about how are we gonna stop it from eating the other islands dry?!" Luffy: "Yeah!, if Snorlax eats all the Grapefruit, there would be noun for us..." so with that, the Straw Hats, along with Ash and Pikachu, went back to the Thousand Sunny and went after the Snorlax. Once they got to the second island, however, they spotted the Team Rocket trio there, who were stealing some grapefruit as well. Of course before the trio could make their get away, Snorlax ran up towards them and swatted them away, sending them flying into the sky. Jessie: "Oh come on, we just appeared in this chapter!" James: "At least we didn't get shocked this time..." Meowth: "Yeah, but I doubt that getting swatted by a Snorlax is any better!" Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, before flying off into the sky without a trace. Meanwhile, Snorlax continues to eat some of the Grapefruit that the Team Rocket trio picked off as soon as the Straw Hats and Ash came over to it. Sanji: "This should do the trick." said Sanji, before he spins around and his leg was now red hot, and jumps up to kick Snorlax on the head, who didn't faint but was now mad. Zoro: "That was lame." Sanji: "Don't blame me, Moss head!, this thing's got a lot of fat that can absorb a powerful hit it seems!" Luffy: "Maybe this should work... second gear..." said Luffy, before steam started to come out of his body, and was aiming his fist at the Snorlax. Ash: "What's he doing?" Luffy: "Gum Gum... Jet Bazooka!" shouted Luffy, before he used a much faster version of his Gum Gum Bazooka attack on the stomach of Snorlax, which put a lot of damage, but not enough to take the Pokémon out. Luffy: "Alright then... maybe this should work... Third gear!" said Luffy, before he puts his thumb into his mouth, and started blowing it, which seems to have made his whole arm blew up like a balloon, much to Ash's surprise. Ash: "He can do that?!" Pikachu: "Pika?!" Luffy: "Gum Gum... Giant pistol!" shouted Luffy, before throwing his big fist on Snorlax, who was still standing though, but was now getting tired. Chopper: "Hmm...?, what's that pink ball thing with the microphone?" asked Chopper, looking at what looked like a pink ball like Pokémon with big eyes, small arms and legs, and a microphone. Chopper took out Ash's Pokédex to know what it was. Pokédex: [Jigglypuff: The Balloon Pokémon, it sings a lullaby that can put both Pokémon and humans to sleep.] It was a Pokémon that both Ash and Pikachu knew all too well. Ash: "Oh no!, it's Jigglypuff!" Pikachu: "Pika!" Jimbei: "You make it sound like it's dangerous." Ash: "Well not life threatening, but it has the power to make people fall asleep with her singing and then uses it's marker to scribble on people's faces." said Ash, before Jigglypuff begins to sing her song that was starting to make everyone sleepy, of course Ash was able to stay awake long enough to throw a Pokéball on Snorlax, allowing him to catch it before he along with the Straw Hats fell asleep. Jigglypuff got mad and used it's microphone marker to scribble on their faces before leaving. Once everyone was awake, they see that their faces were scribbled on, and Luffy couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Luffy: "Ah, ha, ha, ha!, you guys look so silly!" Zoro: "Shut up!, like you have room to talk!" Carrot: "I hope this comes off..." Ash: "Don't worry, Pikachu and I had been scribbled on before, so it should come off." Sanji: "Hey... where did Snorlax go?" Ash: "Oh yeah, I was able to catch him just before I fell asleep." Robin: "Nice work, but shouldn't you announce that like you did with Mew and Lapras?" Ash: "Oh yeah... [clearing throat] alright!, I've caught a Snorlax!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" sometime later, Ruby went to tell the group that by some miracle, wherever Snorlax went, new grapefruit trees began to grow, presumably because he would inadvertently sow the seeds as he traveled. Then Sanji asked Ruby if he can cook up some mean with the Grapefruit and she allowed it, as a thanks for helping her stopping Snorlax. It wasn't long before Sanji made a delicious meal with the Grapefruits, and everyone enjoyed it very much. Ash: "Wow!, Sanji's cooking is amazing, just like Brock's." Pikachu: "Pika!" that was when Ruby came over, with a bag of candied Grapefruit peels inside. Ruby: "Consider this as my way to thank you all for your help, and I wish you all good luck on your journey." Luffy: "No sweat." Usopp: "We're just glad that we could help." Chopper: "I'm so looking forward to try out the candied Grapefruit peels!" Carrot: "Me too!" and so Ash has caught a Snorlax and he along with the Straw Hats have gotten some tasty Grapefruit, who knows what's next for them as the journey continues.

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