Enter The Team Rocket Trio

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As soon as the sun finally began to rise, chaos has already started on the Thousand Sunny, like Zoro and Sanji fighting each other as usual, or Brook's wake up that was a pain in the crew's ears for example. As for Ash, he got his own wake up call when Pikachu used his own Thunderbolt attack. Ash: "Oh... at this rate, I wouldn't be able to feel my own body..." said Ash, before he came out of the infirmary with Pikachu, and the crew noticed that the boy was covered in smoke. Sanji: "What happened to you?" Ash: "Pikachu used his Thunderbolt attack to wake me up... again..." Nami: "Thunderbolt?" Ash: "Well yeah, Pikachu is an electric type Pokémon, which allows him to use electric type attacks." said Ash, before he began explaining to the crew about Pokémon types and how each type effects the other. Usopp: "I get it, so the attacks are effective on the opponent depending on what type they are, like rock, paper, scissors?" Ash: "Well... something like that, yeah, so in Pikachu's case, he's strong against water types, but weak against rock and ground types." Luffy: "So do you have any more Pokémon?" Nami: "Don't be silly, Luffy, if he did, we would have seen them, he probably can only have one." Ash: "Actually, a trainer can carry only six Pokémon at a time, but right now I only have three as I wanted to catch more." Carrot: "You got more?, where?" Ash: "In these Pokéballs here." said Ash, before showing Carrot his Pokéballs. Chopper: "You mean there are Pokémon inside those balls?, they must be really small." Ash: "Not really, I don't know the full details, but the Pokéballs can turn the Pokémon into red energy that allows them be transported inside them and perhaps make them small enough to be carried in them, which allows a trainer to carry them without trouble, it also keeps them from getting caught from other trainers, proving that they already have trainers." Zoro: "So why doesn't Pikachu have one?" Ash: "He does... but he doesn't like being his Pokéball, and I kind of like having Pikachu with me like this." Pikachu: "Pika." Robin: "Can you get your Pokémon out of those balls?" Ash: "Sure, let me show you." said Ash, before he takes out the Pokéballs, and out came two more Pokémon. The first was some sort of creature with a big plant bulb on it's back called Bulbasaur, and the other looked like an orange dragon with a flame on the tip of it's tail, called Charizard. Luffy: "Whoa!, awesome!, he's got a dragon!" Chopper: "Ah!!!, not another dragon!" Robin: "It's okay Chopper, it's nothing like Kaido." Brook: "Oh no!" Jimbei: "What's wrong?" Brook: "That's dragon's tail is on fire!" said Brook, pointing at the flame on Charizard's tail." Chopper: "Ah!!, you're right!, it's on fire!" Usopp: "Somebody put it out!" Ash: "No stop!, Charizard needs that flame!" Nami: "What do you mean?" Ash: "I think the Pokédex can explain that." said Ash, before showing the crew his Pokédex. Carrot: "Oh look, it's the device that told us your name." Ash: "Yes, it works as my ID, and a device that allows me to know what Pokémon I would encounter." Robin: "Does it say anything about Pikachu?" Ash: "Hmm... I think so... though I never really tried it on him before... guess this should be new for me too." said Ash, before pointing the Pokédex at his starter. Pokédex: [Pikachu: The Electric Mouse Pokémon, it has sacs in it's cheeks to store electricity, allowing it to unleash a powerful electric attack, and despite normally being shy, they can have an electrifying personality.] Usopp: "So it can unleash electricity from it's cheeks?" Nami: "That's what it says." Franky: "Now try that one." said Franky, pointing at the Bulbasaur. Pokédex: [Bulbasaur: The Seed Pokémon, at young age, this Pokémon uses the nutrients from it's seed for the energy it needs to grow.] said the Pokédex, before pointing at the orange dragon like Pokémon. Pokédex: [Charizard: The lizard Pokémon, and the final evolved form of Charmander, when competing in intense battles, Charizard's flame becomes more intense as well, but like Charmander, if the flame on the tip of it's tail goes out, it's life will die out as well.] said the Pokédex, making the Straw Hats gasped in shocked, realizing that they almost took out the life of their new friend's Pokémon. Usopp: "Oh man... so by putting out the flame on it's tail... we could have..." Chopper: "We're so sorry!" Ash: "It's okay you guys, I'm just glad you know that now." suddenly, Luffy sensed something that made him see what looked like a big red glove heading towards Pikachu. Luffy: "Look out!" shouted Luffy, before he made his arm stretched out and grabbed Pikachu by the tail, pulling him away from the glove, much to Ash's surprise. Ash: "What the?!" Luffy: "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell ya, I'm a rubber man as well." Ash: "Rubber?, what do you mean?" Usopp: "Never mind that now, where did that glove come from?" Carrot: "Up there!" called out Carrot, pointing at what looked like a hot air balloon floating above the ship, which looked like a cat with an oval shaped coin on the forehead. Ash: "Oh no!, it's Team Rocket!" shouted Ash, before a pair of humans and a cat like Pokémon were seen on the balloon, one was a woman named Jessie (voiced by Rachael Lillis), the other was a man named James (voiced by Eric Stuart), and the Pokémon was Meowth (voiced by James Carter Cathcart). Jessie: "Prepare for trouble." James: "Yes, and make it double." Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation." James: "To unite all people within our nation." Jessie: "To denounce the evils of truth and love." James: "To extend our reach to the stars above." Jessie: "Jessie." James: "James." Jessie: "Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light." James: "Surrender now or prepare to fight." Meowth: "Meowth, that's right!" Chopper: "A talking cat?!" Usopp: "Like you have room to talk!" Chopper: "Oh right... good point." Robin: "I wonder what Pokémon is that?" asked Robin, before she barrows Ash's Pokédex to see what she was looking at. Pokédex: [Meowth: The Scratch Cat Pokémon, when it encounters something shiny, the charm on it's forehead gleams.] Luffy: "Hey Ash, you know these guys?" Ash: "Yeah, they're a group of bad guys who steal other people's Pokémon, and they've been after my Pikachu for some time now." Carrot: "So they're like poachers." said Carrot with a glare at the trio, knowing now that the Team Rocket trio are a threat to her new friend. Jessie: "Oh please, we're way better looking then those run down poachers." Sanji: "Well I don't know about the guy with blue hair and cat, but that woman sure is a looker." Ash: "Don't let her looks fool you, she's a witch to the core." Jessie: "A witch?!, I'll have you know that a witch is ugly and green, and I'm neither of those!" Ash: "On the outside maybe, but the inside is another story!, and you're not getting Pikachu!" Meowth: "Well I can tell this won't be like what happened yesterday on our blimp." Nami: "Blimp?" Ash: "Yeah... remember how you guys saved me from falling the other day?, well I fell out of the blimp that belonged to these guys." Usopp: "So that weird balloon thing was theirs?" Ash: "Yeah, they used it to kidnap me in order to steal my Pokémon." Luffy: "So they're poachers and kidnappers eh?, now I really don't like them..." said Luffy calmly, with an angry tone in his voice. James: "It doesn't matter if you don't like us, we'll be taking the Pokémon here." Meowth: "Starting with the one with the antlers." this made Chopper's eyes to widen, realizing that Meowth was talking about him. Chopper: "Wait a minute!, I'm not a Pokémon, I'm a reindeer!" Robin: "And if you want Chopper... you have to get through me first." Jessie: "Well look at that, that lady wants to protect that Pokémon like it's mama." Meowth: "What's she gonna do, slap us like crazy?" said Meowth with a laugh, before seeing Robin had an evil grin on her face. Robin: "As a matter of fact... yes." said Robin, before some arms that looked like her own appeared on the trio, much to their surprise, before the hands began to slap them all like crazy. Ash: "What the?!" Pikachu: "Pika?!" Jimbei: "If there's one thing you should never do, it's to never get on Robin's bad side." Nami: "And they shouldn't even be thinking about kidnapping a member of our crew." said Nami, with a calm and angry tone in her voice while glaring at the Team Rocket trio. As soon as the slapping was done, the arms were gone, and the Team Rocket trio's faces were swollen and covered in bruises. Jessie: "My face!, my beautiful face is ruined!" James: "Where did those hands come from?!" Meowth: "Uh guys... don't look now but..." said Meowth, before seeing Luffy's arms stretching away behind him, before pulling them to make them heading towards the trio. Luffy: "Gum Gum... Bazooka!" said Luffy sends them trio flying by using his arms to slam them up in the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, before they vanished into the sky without a trace. Usopp: "Well that was lame, they were all talk and no walk." Ash: "How did... the arms and..." Nami: "I guess it's our turn to tell you some things of our world now." said Nami, before she and the others began explaining to their friend about their powers.

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