The GS Ball & The Mew

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After some time explaining, Ash was amazed. Ash: "So some of you got special powers by eating some kind of fruit that also takes away your ability to swim?" Nami: "That's right, Luffy ate the Gum Gum fruit, which makes him a rubber man." Chopper: "I ate the Human Human fruit, which gives me the powers to turn me into a human reindeer hybrid, which gave me the power to speak human and stuff." Ash: "Wow, that's so cool!, you're like some kind of super reindeer!" Chopper: "Oh you jerk!, flattery won't get you anywhere with me!" said Chopper, who was blushing and dancing around. Nami: "He's not really good at hiding his feelings." Robin: "I don't mind it though, as it's really cute." Ash: "I see... so you got Devil fruit powers too?" Robin: "That's right, I ate the Flower Flower fruit, which allows me to bloom any part of my body anywhere I see like flowers." Brook: "I too ate a devil fruit, called the Revive Revive fruit, which allows a person to be reanimated after they have died... unfortunately, my soul got lost for some time after my death, so by the time it found my body, there was nothing left but a pile of bones." Ash: "Is that why you're a living skeleton?" Brook: "Yes... but at least my Afro is still okay, thank goodness." Ash: "Does the rest of the crew have devil fruit powers?" Franky: "No, just Luffy, Chopper, Robin and Brook, the rest of us got our abilities from a different source, like I got my super Cyborg body after rebuilding it due to an accident years back." Nami: "My Clima-tact was engineered to make weather balls, thanks to some science of course." Usopp: "Not to mention that living cloud Zeus has been merged with it." Ash: "Living cloud?" Nami: "Yeah... it's a long story." Carrot: "She's not the only one who uses electricity, like my Electro for example, which is common for Minks like myself." Jimbei: "And Fish-man like myself are natural water users, especially with fish-man karate." Ash: "Wow... sounds like you guys are kind of like Pokémon in a way." Zoro: "Really?, are there any that uses swords?" Ash: "Well... I don't know about swords... but most Pokémon sure love to battle, to help get stronger and all." Carrot: "Hey guys look!, there's an island up ahead!" said Carrot, pointing at an island not too far from the ship. Nami: "Looks like I'll have to use a normal compass here after all, the New World log pose didn't work on this island at all." said Nami, looking at her New World log pose. Sanji: "We better get some supplies while we're here." Chopper: "Are there any marines here?" Ash: "I don't know, I've never been outside of the Kanto region before until yesterday." Nami: "Well just in case, we better lay low, so we don't attract too much unwanted attention." said Nami, before the Thousand Sunny made it to shore, but at a spot where nobody would notice it. Ash, Pikachu, and the Straw Hat pirates found a building that had a Pokéball sign on it. Ash: "There's a Pokémon center." Luffy: "Is it important?" Ash: "Yes, it's kind of like a hospital for Pokémon, where they can heal and rest after a tough battle, it's also for trainers to rest as well." Sanji: "Wait... if it's like a hospital... does that mean... there are nurses there too?" Ash: "Well there's Nurse Joy, and there are a bunch of them as well." this made Sanji have hearts for eyes and spinning around in joy. Sanji: "Then what are we waiting for?!, to the Pokémon center!" said Sanji, before rushed off to the Pokémon center, much to the crew's annoyance. Zoro: "There he goes again." Ash: "Yeah... he's divinity like another Brock..." Pikachu: "Pika..." a few moments later, after getting inside the Pokémon center, the Straw Hats meet the Nurse Joy there (voiced by Megan Hollingshead), who was surprised at first by the sight of some of the Straw hats, mostly Jimbei, Brook, Franky and Carrot for obvious reasons. Chopper: "So you have relatives?" Nurse Joy: "That's right, here's a picture." said Nurse Joy, showing Chopper a photo of the nurse's family, which all looked a lot like her. Chopper: "No way, they all look so much alike!" Zoro: "I've heard that family members tend to look alike, but this is too weird..." that was when a large pink Pokémon came to the group, and Ash took out his Pokédex to let his new pirates know what it is. Pokédex: [Chansey: The Egg Pokémon, a very kind Pokémon who shares it's egg with those who are sick or injured, they are often found in Pokémon centers to help other Pokémon and humans get back to health.] Ash: "Anyway Nurse Joy, do you happened to know what island this is?" Nurse Joy: "Why yes, one of the islands of the Orange archipelago, Valencia island, where you can find Professor Ivy." Nami: "Professor Ivy?" hearing that made Ash gasped in shock and realization. Robin: "Something wrong?" Ash: "I just remembered something!, I was supposed to come here to meet Professor Ivy in favor of Professor Oak!, but I got sidetracked due to Team Rocket kidnapping me and my Pokémon in their blimp!" Usopp: "Professor Oak?" Ash: "Yes, he was the man who gave me Pikachu and my Pokédex, and he wanted me to come here to pick up something." Jimbei: "If that's true, then you better go see this Professor Ivy right away." Ash: "Good idea." Chopper: "But you can't go there by yourself, you're still a child." Ash: "Well in this world, when you turned 10, you're old enough to travel as a Pokémon trainer." Robin: "But all by yourself?, that doesn't sound very safe to me..." Ash: "Don't worry, I've been in danger many times on my journey and I ended up okay." Nami: "Somehow that doesn't make us feel any better..." Chopper: "Ash, I think it's better if we tag along with you, I mean until we can find a way back to our world, we need someone as our guide here." Ash: "Well... okay, I guess it would be more fun to travel with someone than doing it alone." said Ash before he and the Straw Hats went off to the other side of the island, where Professor Ivy's lab was located. Ash knocked on the door, but no one answered. Carrot: "Guess the professor's not here." said Carrot, before Usopp let out a loud scream that surprised the group. Nami: "Why are you screaming?!" Usopp: "Look over there at the beach!, it's Kaido!" Luffy: "Kaido?!" Chopper: "What?!" gasped Chopper in shock, Ash took a look at what Usopp was talking about, which was a Pokémon called Gyarados. Ash: "That's a Gyarados!" Chopper: "Huh?, you mean it's a Pokémon?" Ash: "That's right, take a look here." said Ash, before turning on his Pokédex to tell them about what they were mistaking to be the one they called Kaido. Pokédex: [Gyarados: The Atrocious Pokémon, and the evolved form of Magikarp, this water/flying type has a really bad temper, so use extreme caution.] Chopper: "Somehow that doesn't make feel any better..." said Chopper in a nervous tone. Usopp: "Not to mention that it looks a lot like Kaido..." Zoro: "Hey... there's someone riding on it." said Zoro, as there was indeed someone riding on it, which was a woman with purple hair and a swimsuit, which Sanji really enjoyed seeing. It wasn't long before the woman jumped off and came over to the group, who was in fact Professor Ivy (voiced by Kayzie Rogers) herself. Professor Ivy: "Hello there everyone, is one of you a trainer named Ash Ketchum?" Ash: "Uh... that's me." Professor Ivy: "I'm Professor Ivy, Professor Oak told me you were coming here." Ash: "Oh yes, sorry if I'm a little late, the trip here got a little... out of hand." Professor Ivy: "It's alright, what matters now is that you're here, and I see that you brought some friends over." Ash: "Yeah, this is Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jimbei, and Carrot." Sanji: "Wow!, not only you're so beautiful, but also really brave to ride a Pokémon that's known to be very dangerous~." said Sanji with hearts for eyes trying to flirt the woman. Professor Ivy: "Well I don't really needed to have fear of this Gyarados as it's one of my Pokémon, and he's actually quite tamed." Chopper: "Oh... that's a relief..." Professor Ivy: "Hmm... a talking Pokémon?" Chopper: "Actually, I'm a reindeer." Professor Ivy: "Well either way, you're quite a cutie." said the professor with a smile. Chopper: "Oh you jerk, calling me a cutie won't make me feel better you jerk, ha, ha!" said Chopper while dancing around and blushing. A few moments later, the group got inside the lab, but what Ash saw that really surprised him was that a certain trainer with squint eyes was there, known as Brock (voiced by Eric Stuart). Ash: "Brock?!, what are you doing here?!" Brock: "Ash!, it's nice to see you came." Luffy: "Is he a friend of yours?" Ash: "Yeah, that's Brock, he traveled with me on my journey through Kanto, but Brock, why are you here?" Brock: "Have you forgotten, you, me and Misty were on our way to the Orange islands to see Professor Ivy, but you took a different ride to get here." Ash: "Oh yeah... I kind of gotten on a blimp that belonged to Team Rocket." Brock: "That figures... those three always caused trouble..." Ash: "And Misty?, is she okay?" Brock: "Beats me, she took a different way to get here too, but I'm sure she's okay." Ash: "Yeah... maybe." Nami: "Who's Misty?, your girlfriend?" hearing this made Ash gasped in shock and blushed bright red. Ash: "What?!, no!, she's just a friend of mine!, and it's not like she's interested in me that way!, especially since I kind of owe her a bike!" Usopp: "A bike?, what do you mean?" Brock: "It's a long... [gasped and had heart shaped eyes when seeing Nami, Robin and Carrot] hello ladies!, what are your names and tell me, do any of you have a boyfriend?" asked Brock, before Sanji grabbed him by the shirt with fire in his eyes. Sanji: "Watch it buster!, nobody tries to flirt the ladies but me!" Ash: "Calm down Sanji, Brock didn't mean any harm!, he just has no self control whenever he sees a girl!" Robin: "In other words, he's like Sanji." Ash: "Yeah... something like that." Zoro: "Bet he has bad cooking skills like him too." Sanji: "What was that Moss head?!" Zoro: "You heard me!, you're a dirty cook as you are a dirty pervert!" Sanji: "Oh yeah?!" Nami: "Enough!, both of you!" said Nami, before bopping both Zoro and Sanji on the head, stopping their fighting before it could get out of hand. Brock: "Uh... who are these guys anyway?" Ash: "They're friends I made before I got here... they're um... out of this world you might say." Professor Ivy: "I can see that... but anyway, it's time I show you what Professor Oak asked you to come here for." said Professor Ivy, before showing Ash and the group what looked like a Pokéball, but instead of red on top and white on the bottom, the top was gold and the bottom was silver, and it had the letters G & S on it. Chopper: "Is that a Pokéball?" Usopp: "Looks different from the ones Ash has..." Professor Ivy: "I call it the GS ball, due to having the letters G & S on it, and it's not like any Pokéball, like I couldn't open it no matter what, and the transporter won't work on it either, which was why Professor Oak asked Ash to get it directly." Carrot: "Transport?" Ash: "Yeah, when a Pokémon trainer gets more than six Pokémon, the rest get transported to where I got my Pokédex from, in my case, Professor Oak's lab, where the Professor can look after them until I can switch them with another." Brook: "I see... and this GS ball can't work on this transporter?" Professor Ivy: "That's right..." suddenly, Chopper noticed something glowing underneath Ash's glove. Chopper: "Hey Ash, why is your glove glowing?" asked Chopper, making Ash take a look at his glove, before taking out what looked like a feather that was glowing in a rainbow color. That was when something was glowing in Luffy's pocket, which made the pirate decided on putting his hand in it and took out what looked like a feather that was glowing in a silver color. Luffy: "Hey... it's the feather I found in that whirlpool that brought us here..." suddenly, the GS ball started to glow as well, like it was reacting to the glowing of both the feathers that Ash and Luffy had. Usopp: "Hey... what's going on...?" Franky: "Those glowing feathers seemed to be giving that GS ball a super reaction." Professor Ivy: "He's right... Ash, you and Luffy get those feathers closer to the GS ball and see what happens." said the Professor, before Ash and Luffy did just that, and the GS ball glowed more brightly, before it started to shake like crazy, until it finally opened up and something came out of it. Everyone was shocked to see what came out of the GS ball was what looked like a small pink cat with a long thin tail, and big baby blue eyes. Professor Ivy: "No way... it's a Mew...!" Ash: "Mew?" said Ash, before taking out his Pokédex to learn more about what came out of the GS ball. Pokédex: [Mew: The New Species Pokémon, it is said to be a mythical Pokémon that has the ability to learn every move there is.] Luffy: "Whoa... sounds like a super mystery Pokémon..." Ash: "I guess so... but what was it doing in the GS ball?, and why did it only came out when the feathers got close to it...?" Professor Ivy: "I'm more curious about how you two got a hold of the feathers of Lugia and Ho-oh?" Luffy: "Lugia?" Ash: "Ho-oh?" Professor Ivy: "Yes... they're both legendary Pokémon that were originally native to the region of Johto... Luffy, the feather you had was a silver feather, belonging to Lugia, and Ash, you had the Rainbow feather, belonging to Ho-oh." Ash: "So that's the name of that Pokémon..." Professor Ivy: "You've seen Ho-oh?!" Ash: "Well sort of... on the day I left Pallet, I saw a Pokémon flying over a rainbow that the Pokédex didn't knew about, and it dropped one of it's feathers to me." Professor Ivy: "Ho-oh wouldn't just give one of it's feathers to just anyone... let alone show itself, which means that it must have seen you as a human with a pure heart." Ash: "Really?, wow..." Professor Ivy: "What about you Luffy, how did you get the Silver feather?, did you see Lugia?" Luffy: "I don't think so... I spotted this feather while we were being sucked into a whirlpool that got us here." Brock: "Ash... you never told me about this." Brock: "Well you wouldn't believe me even if I did told ya." Brock: "Good point..." that was when they noticed that Mew was hovering around the room they were in, and it seems to be really happy now that it was free from the GS ball at last. Usopp: "How is it flying in the air without wings?" Professor Ivy: "It is said that Mew is a psychic type, so my best guess would be that it's using it's own psychic powers to allow it to float up in the air to move about more." Robin: "And not to mention that it's quite cute." said Robin, before Mew floated down to where Ash was, and started rub it's head on the trainer, which was ticking a little, making him laugh a little. Nami: "I think Mew really likes Ash." Sanji: "Well he and Luffy were the ones who got it free from the GS ball." Zoro: "Speaking of which, why was it in that thing in the first place?" asked Zoro, before Mew stopped rubbing Ash's face and started making Mew sounds that only Chopper seemed to understand. Chopper: "She just said that long ago, a human created the GS ball out of the feathers of Ho-oh and Lugia to catch it and another Pokémon called Celebi, but she was the only one who got caught and was trapped until someone could bring a Rainbow and Silver feather to the GS ball in order to free her." Brook: "I see... that must be why it reacted the way it did when Ash and Luffy got those feathers together... but how long was Mew trapped in there?" asked Brook, before Mew answered in her own Pokémon speak, which made Chopper to gasp. Chopper: "For over 20 years?!" this made the whole group gasp in shock, feeling sorry for the psychic type. Carrot: "Oh... that poor thing..." Ash: "Oh man... I can't imagined what that's like..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Ash came over to Mew and gave her a hug, then petting her on the head a few times. Ash: "It's okay Mew, you won't have to worry about being trapped in there again... I promise." hearing that made Mew to shed tears a little, before returning the hug and rubbing her head on Ash's head in affection, which touched the hearts of everyone in the room... well almost everyone. Zoro: "That's cute and all, but can we skip the mushy stuff and focus on what to do with the GS ball now?" this of course made Sanji and Chopper mad and started attacking him. Sanji: "Show some compassion you jerk!" Chopper: "Yeah you jerk!, Mew's been through a lot!" Zoro: "Will you quit it!, I'm only asking what Ash will do with the GS ball now?!, as you can see, it's broken now!" said Zoro, as the GS ball was in broken in half now, and the professor picked up the two pieces to take a better look at them. Professor Ivy: "Hmm... both halves seemed to be alright, despite it being in half now... so I think Ash can still deliver it to Professor Oak for him to study." Ash: "Sure thing, I'll take the next blimp ride to get me back to Kanto and..." Nami: "Hold it right there Ash... I think it would be better if you travel back your home with us." said Nami, which really surprised everyone in the room. Ash: "Uh no offense Nami, but I don't think it's a good idea for me to travel back to a port with pirates and..." Nami: "I understand that, but after what you told me about that incident with the blimp, and your record on getting into danger, I would feel a lot better if you're with someone who can get you home safely." Robin: "I'm with Nami on this one, besides like we said before, you're the closest thing we have for a guide until we could find a way back to our world." Ash: "Yeah... I guess you girls have a point..." that was when Mew flew up to Ash's face and said something in her Pokémon speak that surprised Chopper a lot. Ash: What is it?" Chopper: "Mew is asking you if she can come with you." Ash: "What?, is that true?" Mew: "Mew, Mew, Mew!" Professor Ivy: "Well it's obvious that Mew has taken a liking to you, after comforting her and freeing her from the GS ball, it's no surprise that you earned her trust." said the professor, before Ash went his attention back to Mew, who was waiting for his answer. Ash: "Well... sure thing, welcome to the team." this made Mew squeal in joy, before Ash used a Pokéball to catch her, making the psychic type his new Pokémon. Ash: "Alright!, I've caught a Mew!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Brock: "Just remember not to show her off too much in public, she's still a really rare Pokémon after all." Ash: "Got it." Brock: "Well good luck getting back to Pallet." Ash: "What do you mean, aren't you coming as well?" Brock: "Sorry, but I have to stay here to help out Professor Ivy, she really needs someone to keep the place neat and cook the meals she needs for herself and the Pokémon here." Professor Ivy: "As embarrassing as it is to admit it... I've had trouble keeping the place clean and lost track of time on the meals..." said the professor, rubbing the back of her head with her hand while blushing a little. Brock: "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be okay without me, and you got these guys with ya." said Brock to Ash, while looking at Luffy and his crew. Ash: "Yeah, you're right, and if I run into Misty, I'll be sure to tell her that you're doing okay." Brock: "Sure thing." said Brock, before Ash and the others went on their way to the Thousand Sunny. Usopp: "How much you wanna bet that Brock just stayed behind just to hang out with Professor Ivy?" Chopper: "I don't wanna bet too much, as we're already in a lot debt with Nami..." Usopp: "Yeah food point..." Luffy: "So which way is Kanto?" Nami: "Well from what Ash told me, we're somewhere on the Orange archipelago, which is south of the Kanto region... so my best guess is that we should sail north from here." Luffy: "Then north it is!, take the helm Jimbei!, next stop, Kanto!" Jimbei: "You got it!" so with that, the Straw Hats were off to get Ash to Kanto, unaware that their adventures with the trainer was only just beginning.

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