The Power Of One

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Somewhere above the seas of the Orange Archipelago, a large flying aircraft was heading for one of the three islands close to Shamouti island. Inside the aircraft was a man named Lawrence III (voiced by Neil Stewart), who was a collector and has plans on what to add to his collection. Lawrence III: "So this must be Fire island... home of the legendary Pokémon, Moltres... you know what to do, Bullet... but don't hurt it too much, as I need it in good condition for my collection." said Lawrence III, looking at a large man named Douglas Bullet (voiced by Daman Mills), who was the man who killed Arlong some time ago. Without so much of a second thought, Bullet jumps out of the aircraft, and landed on the island, before starting throwing some punches to the ground that shook the whole like like a mighty earthquake. It wasn't long before the legendary fire bird Pokémon, Moltres, came to the scene and tries to defend it's home. But it turns out that Moltres was no match for the man, who easily dodged the fire type's attacks and took it took only a few punches before Moltres was defeated, and the aircraft fires a tracking beam that pulls both Bullet and Moltres up into it. Lawrence III: "Once again, Bullet has proven really useful, next I'll capture Zapdos, then Articuno soon after, and that will flush out the real prize... Lugia... and the One Piece..." said Lawrence III, who is looking forward to capture the Pokémon that will give him the way to the ultimate treasure. Meanwhile, not too far away from Shamouti island, the Thousand Sunny was sailing off with the Straw Hat pirates and Ash Ketchum onboard. After winning the Orange League, Ash was now on his way back to Pallet town with the help of the Straw Hats, who still haven't found a way back to their own world yet. Chopper went over to Pikachu, who seems to be glaring at the sky. Chopper: "You sensed it too, huh?" Pikachu: "Pika..." Chopper: "Yeah... I got that feeling that something bad is about to happen..." Usopp: "What are you talking about?" Chopper: "I don't know how or why... but it seems that Pokémon and animals are more in tune with nature than humans are, so when something goes wrong, we can sense it..." Robin: "And you're both sensing something wrong right now?" Chopper: "Yeah... but I don't know what..." Luffy: "We'll worry about it when it happens, but I'm sure we can handle it." suddenly, the sky started to go dark with very dark and strong storm clouds, and the sea started to go more wild too, causing the ship to rock about a lot. Ash: "Hey!, where did this storm come from?!" Nami: "I don't know, but it's not something we haven't with before, everyone!, get to your positions!" All: "Aye, Aye!" called out everyone, before they went to their posts on the ship, trying to keep it balance and all that. Meanwhile, in the town of Pallet, Delia Ketchum (voiced by Veronica Taylor), was working on her garden when Professor Oak came to her. Professor Oak: "Good morning, Delia, I see that you still have a green thumb." Delia: "Thanks Professor Oak, but I can't all the credit as some of it goes to the nice weather." Professor Oak: "Well this is that time of the year when the sun shines everyday." said the professor, before the weather suddenly changed, and storm clouds that poured out rain and snow to the ground, much to the pair's surprise. Delia: "What's going on?" Professor Oak: "I don't know..." suddenly, a lot of mole like Pokémon called Diglett appeared and were passing through the path that Professor Oak was standing on, before he jumped over the fence to get out of the way as they left the scene. That was when Delia's own Pokémon, a Mr Mime, came to it's trainer and it seemed to have an upset look on it's face. Delia: "Mr Mime seems very upset." Professor Oak: "Yes, and so are the other Pokémon... they must be sensing something very wrong to make them this upset, and I'll bet it has something to do with this strange weather today..." said Professor Oak, looking up at the sky that was dark and having northern lights, even though Pallet town was not in a location where it would normally appear. Back with the Straw Hats and Ash, they managed to get the Thousand Sunny to steady a bit, at least long enough to land on Shamouti island. Sanji: "Man... never thought we would encounter a storm like that until we get back to our world..." Nami: "Me neither, but at least we're out of trouble for the moment." Usopp: "Uh... I think you said that a little too soon..." said Usopp, before he and the others found themselves surrounded by a group of people wearing bird like costumes, who were the islanders of Shamouti. It wasn't long before a young girl around Ash's age, named Melody (voiced by Amy Birnbaum), came over to them. Melody: "What are you pirates doing here?" Ash: "Pirates?" Robin: "She must have seen our flag." said Robin, looking up at the Straw Hat pirate flag flying on the Thousand Sunny. Usopp: "Wait just a minute!, we're not here to cause trouble, we were blown here by this crazy storm, and we were just helping Ash here get home!" Melody: "Ash?" Nami: "Yeah, this boy here with the Pikachu, he's a Pokémon trainer." the moment when Nami said Ash's name, every one of the islanders cheered and jumping in joy, much to the pirates and trainer's confusion. Melody: "So you're the Ash the legend has told us would come... I guess he'll do, then here's your welcome kiss." said Melody, before she came over to Ash and gave him a kiss on the cheek, much to the young boy's shock and Sanji's dismay and jealousy. Sanji: "It's not fair!, why does he get to have a kiss?!" Zoro: "Probably that he's not a pervert like you." Sanji: "You want me to kick you to death, Moss head?!" Nami: "Will you two quit it?!... anyway, why are you all happy to know Ash's name?" Melody: "Oh I can explain that." said Melody, before she begins explaining. Turns out that every year, Shamouti Island holds the annual Legend Festival. For centuries, the locals have performed a ceremony honoring the prophesied Chosen One, who go by the name of Ash, who would tame the birds of legend, Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno, if ever should they release their might on the world. The locals dress up in traditional attire, apparently for historical purposes, but some in the younger generation attribute the preservation effort to the resulting tourism. Usopp: "So you guys decided to make Ash your chosen one because of his name fits this legend?" Melody: "That's right, and what Ash must do is to collect the three treasures from Fire island, Lightning island and Ice island, which are three glass orbs that represent fire, lightning and ice, and take them to the shine here on this island, and then I celebrate by playing this song." said Melody, before she begins playing the song of the legend, which the Straw Hats and Ash enjoyed hearing. Ash: "In that case, let's go and get those treasures!" Luffy: "Yeah!, sounds like an adventure!, let's go!" Nami: "Hold on you two!, the weather is too dangerous to go there right now." Melody: "And besides, there's no hurry, just enjoy the party here and save the trip for tomorrow." suddenly, a robotic arm with a red rubber glove came from above and took a hold on Pikachu, and pulled him up to the Team Rocket trio's hot-air balloon. Jessie: "Finally!, we got Pikachu!" James: "So let's go and give it to the boss!" Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Pikachu!" Carrot: "Not those jerks again!" Luffy: "Hey!, give Pikachu back!" Jessie: "Sorry twerp, but it's time for us to blast off again, only this time with Pikachu." Meowth: "So long suckers!" said Meowth, before he and his team mates flew off on their balloon. Luffy: "Hurry!, get to the Sunny and save Pikachu!" Jimbei: "On it!" Melody: "But wait!, the storm will..." Nami: "Yeah I would normally agree on that... but saving Pikachu is more important right now." Robin: "I agree, those three will not get away with this." said Robin, as she and others, including Ash, went back to the Thousand Sunny and sail off to go after Team Rocket's balloon. Back in Pallet town, Professor Oak was watching the News on TV that was talking about the chaotic weather that was originally coming from the Orange islands and was spreading all over the world. Professor Oak: "I'll bet this must be what's upsetting all the Pokémon." Delia: "Do doubt about it... but I'm more worried about Ash, for this terrible weather is coming from the Orange islands, which is where he is right now." Professor Oak: "Yes... I'm worried about him too... and about Brock and Misty too as they're on the Orange Archipelago as well." said Professor Oak, before he returning his attention to the News. Back at the Orange islands, the Thousand Sunny was still chasing Team Rocket's balloon, when Usopp fires his Green Star Impact Wolf to try stopping it. The balloon popped, and landed somewhere on Fire island. Ash: "Pikachu!" Jimbei: "Don't worry, we'll get him back." Zoro: "Hey guys... any reason why she's here?" asked Zoro, pointing at Melody, who has come onboard too. Ash: "Melody?, what are you doing here?" Melody: "As much as I know traveling at sea dangerous right now, I couldn't just stand and do nothing while a Pokémon was in need of help." Ash: "Thanks." Melody: "And besides, you'll need a guide to help ya find the treasures of the three islands, as we're heading for one of them right now, which is Fire island, home of Moltres." said Melody, pointing at home island of Moltres, Fire island up ahead. Luffy: "Hey, looks like we're getting the adventure tonight after all." Ash: "I guess..." said Ash, as he and the others were approaching the island. Suddenly, a large tidal wave approaches the ship from behind, scaring the living daylights out of Usopp, Chopper, and Carrot. Usopp: "Ah!!!, we can't dodge that!, we're all gonna die!" Jimbei: "Hang on!" said Jimbei, as he was steering the ship to ride on the wave, shocking the trainers onboard. Melody: "I can't believe it... we're surfing the wave on a ship..." Ash: "Wow!, Jimbei is so awesome!" Luffy: "I know right, that's why I wanted him on my crew." Franky: "Don't look now, but we're still in super trouble as were coming to the island too fast!" yelped Franky, as the wave crashes into the island, and the ship was sent flying towards the top of it. Once it made a landing, they found not only the Team Rocket trio, with Pikachu inside a cage, but also a pedestal containing the Fire orb, which was the first treasure. While Ash jumped off and went to Pikachu, Luffy noticed that someone was trying to take the orb. What really surprised him was that the certain someone was a pirate that he knows. It was Buggy the Clown (voiced by Mike McFarland), who somehow ended up in the Pokémon world as well. Luffy: "Oh it's Buggy..." said Luffy, which got Buggy's attention, and the pirate clown jumped in shock and went to many floating pieces, didn't expect to see Luffy again. Buggy: "Straw Hat?!, what the heck are you doing here?!" Luffy: "I was gonna ask you that." Nami: "Oh no... not him again..." Melody: "You guys know him?" Zoro: "Yeah... we've met before... and he's not exactly a friend of ours." said Zoro, while Ash finally managed to get Pikachu out of his cage and got reunited at last. Ash: "Thank goodness you're okay!" Pikachu: "Pika, Pi, Pikachu!" said Pikachu, before he leads Ash to the pedestal, and points at the orb. Ash: "So that's it huh?" said Ash, before he takes a hold of it and pulls it out of the pedestal, much to Buggy's shock and dismay. Buggy: "What?!, how were you able to pull it out!, it took me hours just to make it budge!" Ash: "I don't know..." suddenly, lightning appeared in the sky, and that was when the legendary bird of lightning, Zapdos, came to the scene and spreading it's lightning all over the island. Usopp: "What is that?!" Melody: "That's Zapdos!, the bird of lightning!" gasped Melody, before Pikachu sends out electricity to the legendary lightning bird. Ash: "Pikachu!, why are you attacking?!" asked Ash in shock and confusion, before Meowth and the other Team Rocket members got up. Meowth: "Those aren't attacks, Pikachu's trying to talk to Zapdos through electricity, it's asking Zapdos why is it on Fire island, where Moltres could be." Jessie: "Those are some good questions." suddenly, something fell from the sky and landed on top of Zapdos, knocking it out cold. By their own decision, all of Ash's Pokémon came out of their Pokéballs to try protecting their trainer. Luffy: "What just happened?" Zoro: "Look... there someone there." said Zoro, as he noticed a shadow of a figure in the dust from the impact. Once the dust cleared away, the figure was revealed to be Bullet, and his foot was on top of the head of Zapdos, much to Ash's shock. Ash: "Hey!, get your foot off of Zapdos!" Bullet: "Or what?, make me?" the sight of Bullet made both Lapras and Mew very scared and tried to hide behind their trainer, much to Ash's confusion. Ash: "Mew?, Lapras, what's wrong?, do you know him or something?" asked Ash, before Buggy gasped in shock and fear once he took a better look at Bullet. Buggy: "No way!, why is he here?!" Melody: "Do you know him?" Buggy: "Uh... yeah, we used to be on the same crew, that is to say Roger's crew, his name is Douglas Bullet, he's a beast, used to be as strong as Rayleigh even." Usopp: "Rayleigh?!, Gold Roger's first mate?!" Chopper: "And the old guy we met back at Sabaody?!" gasped Chopper and Usopp, while Bullet takes a look at Mew and Lapras, with an evil grin on his face. Bullet: "So... the little Mew finally got out of my GS Ball huh?, and the little Lapras that got away from me too... what a small world this is..." this made Ash gasped, for it didn't take long for him to figure out what he meant. Ash: "You... it was you wasn't it?!, you were the one who trapped Mew in the GS Ball!, and killed Lapras' pod, wasn't it?!" Bullet: "Of course, I created the GS ball to catch any Pokémon I wanted, and those Lapras were so easy to take down." this made Ash very angry, wanting to punch Bullet in the face for making Mew and Lapras suffer without a care in the world. Luffy: "So you're the jerk who made Mew and Lapras cry... I don't like you!" Bullet: "Yeah like I care about that, I just hope you can give me a good fight." Luffy: "Oh you bet I will!" said Luffy, before he charges at Bullet and begins to fight him. Of course Bullet was a lot stronger than Luffy thought he was, as he was already making Luffy tired. During the fight, Buggy noticed a small treasure chest on the ground, which belonged to Bullet as it fell out of his pocket while in his current fight with Luffy. Buggy picked it up and takes a closer look at it. Buggy: "Now what do we have here?, some treasure I hope... [opens the chest and gasped in shock] what the... whoa, whoa, is this thing for real...?!" Suddenly, the air craft of Lawrence III showed up and fired a tractor beam that brings not only Bullet and Zapdos up, but the Thousand Sunny and the others as well. Soon, in the air craft's lower chamber, the Straw Hats, the trainers, Buggy and the Team Rocket trio were inside a large cage, where the two cages that contained Zapdos and Moltres were kept. It wasn't long before Lawrence III came to the scene. Lawrence III: "Well this is a surprise, some beings from two worlds together in one cage, what do you think of my collection so far?, Moltres the bird of fire, and Zapdos, the bird of lightning, of course without Articuno it's not a complete set." Melody: "That's disgusting!, the way you're talking about Pokémon is like they're just things to collect like dolls or stamps!, what kind of trainer are you?!" Lawrence III: "I'm afraid that I'm not a trainer, I am merely a collector, I began my legendary collection with a Mew card and now I have all this... and speaking of Mew..." said Lawrence III, before showing the group the cage that contained Mew inside, much to Ash's shock and horror. Luffy: "Mew!" Chopper: "Let her go!" Lawrence III: "Sorry, but Mew is much to special to be in the hands of some mere pirates." Ash: "But she's my Pokémon!, you have no right to steal her!" Lawrence III: "I wouldn't call it stealing, more like collecting... though she's not the legendary I'm looking forward on collecting once Articuno gets captured... the one that brought some of you to this world." this made Buggy gasped, realizing what Pokémon he was talking about. Buggy: "You're after Lugia?!" Lawrence III: "That is correct clown, though I am puzzled on how you know it... but then again it did brought you here in the first place." Luffy: "Lugia... I think I heard that name before..." Robin: "It was the name of the Pokémon where the Silver feather came from, the one you found before the whirlpool brought us here." Luffy: "Oh yeah..." that was when Bullet showed up, and the sight of him made both Luffy and Ash to tighten their fists in anger. Bullet: "I had a feeling that others from my world were here, but I didn't expect one of them be a former crew mate of mine." said Bullet, who managed to get the little chest back from the pirate clown. Buggy: "Um... hey Bullet, for old times sake, could you uh give me a hand and get me out of here?" Bullet: "Why would I do that?, we might have been in the same crew one time, but that doesn't mean we were ever friends, and besides, I don't get along with weaklings, unless they pay me well enough like Lawrence here." Lawrence III: "Indeed, and once I get Lugia into my collection... you will have a way back to your world and have the One Piece." Luffy: "What?!, no way!, I'm gonna be the one who will find it!, as it's me who's gonna be the King of the Pirates!" Bullet: "Ha, all bark and no bite." that was when the air craft's computer alerted the collector that Articuno was approaching the area. Lawrence III: "Sorry to leave so soon, but we must go." said Lawrence III, before he and Bullet left the scene, leaving Ash and the others alone in their cage. Meanwhile outside, Articuno was using Ice Beam on an island, freezing it and the sea around it, and causing a great blizzard as well. Back in the air craft's chamber, Pikachu was able to squeeze out of the cage, get a hold on the keys nearby, and used it to free the others. Ash: "Great job, Pikachu, now let's get Mew out of that cage." Pikachu: "Pika, Pikachu!" said the electric mouse, before he and Ash went to work on helping Mew on getting out of her cage. It wasn't long before Robin saw something that got her attention, which was a large stone in the shape of a cube, and it had some writing that only she could read. Robin: "A Poneglyph... here?" Melody: "What's that?" Robin: "It's a stone with writing that talks about what happened long ago... but how could there be one here in this world?" Chopper: "What does it say?" Robin: "Let me see..." said Robin, before looking at the text on the Poneglyph and begins to read it. Poneglyph: [Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash... Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, lest the earth shall turn to Ash... O Chosen One, into thine hands, bring together all three... Their treasures combined tame the Beast of the Sea.] that was what the Poneglyph said, and Robin went to the others and tell them about it. Melody: "That's the legend of my island... and if what it said is true... then what's happening now is the legend itself coming true." James: "If it is true, and somebody doesn't do anything about it, all life on the planet will be destroyed..." Jessie: "You might be right..." Meowth: "Oh man..." Buggy: "Not only that... Bullet has the way to the One Piece..." Luffy: "What do you mean?" Robin: "You mean that little chest you picked up earlier?, what was in it?" Buggy: "Like I would tell that to the crew of the Straw Hat that made my life a living pain in the butt!" yelled Buggy, before Jimbei grabs him and glares. Jimbei: "Look Buggy, I don't know the full history between you and Luffy before we met at Impel Down, but right now we need to focus on the situation, what's in that chest that's so important to Bullet?!" Buggy: "Alright!, I tell ya!, it's an Eternal Pose!, you hear me?!, an Eternal Pose to Laugh Tale!" shouted Buggy, which got the whole Straw Hat crew gasped in shock, they couldn't believe what the clown just said. Luffy: "Laugh Tale... you mean the island where the One Piece rests?!" Sanji: "So if this collector guy get Lugia... and uses it to open a way to our world..." Zoro: "Bullet can use that Eternal Pose to guide him to One Piece..." Chopper: "We gotta do something." Carrot: "We have to get Moltres and Zapdos free!" Usopp: "Yeah, but how?" asked Usopp, before Ash and Pikachu were finally able to free Mew from her cage, and she was so happy that she went to her trainer and gave him a big hug around his neck and rubbed her head against his own with affection, which tickled Ash a whole lot. It wasn't long before Mew went to Pikachu and gave him some of the same affection she gave Ash and the electric mouse was being tickled by it. Brook: "Thank goodness that the little kitten is free again." Franky: "Now how about you guys help out on getting these super birdbrains out of their cages?" Ash: "Sure thing." Pikachu: "Pika!" meanwhile, as Articuno continues to freeze everything in it's path, Lawrence III sends Bullet out to attack the legendary so he can capture it, unaware that somewhere deep underwater, a Pokémon sensed the commotion, and begins to swim up to the surface. Back in the chamber, Ash calls out Charizard and Pikachu to use Flamethrower and Thunder Shock to free Moltres, while James calls out Weezing, who fails to save Zapdos. Jessie then releases Arbok to attempt to release Zapdos with Poison Sting, but it fails to penetrate the prison. Ash calls out Lapras and Bulbasaur. As Lapras joins in with Water Gun, Moltres is released. Moltres unleashes a Flamethrower attack that breaks Zapdos free. As the two birds are freed, however, they immediately get into a fight and destroy the ship in the process. The ship informs Lawrence III that it is going down, and promptly crashes onto Lightning Island. The group evacuates and lands on the island. The debris of the ship crashes onto the pedestal, destroying it and releasing the Lightning Sphere, which Ash acquires. The group escapes onto the Thousand Sunny while Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno duel overhead. A giant typhoon scoops up the ship and carries it to the Shamouti Shrine, where Ash and the others meet Slowking (voiced by Nathan Price), the shrine's guardian. Able to speak, he shows Ash where to place the collected spheres. When the young trainer sets down the Spheres of Thunder and Fire, Slowking came up to him. Slowking: "So you're Ash... and it seems you're one treasure short." Ash: "Yeah, I know but... how did you know my name?" before Slowking could answer however, the legendary birds attack the shrine but are stopped by the sudden appearance of Lugia. Slowking: "The great guardian... Lugia..." Nami: "So that's it..." Buggy: "Yeah... that's Lugia for sure..." said Buggy, before Lugia let out a cry that reminded Melody of the song of her island's legend. Elsewhere, the collector's eyes Lugia from the remains of his aircraft in awe. Lawrence III: "Finally... my prize... the beast of the sea, will soon belong to me, alright Bullet, show it your true power." Bullet: "Agreed..." said Bullet, before some purple stuff appeared from his hands and started to cover up the whole air craft. It didn't go unnoticed by the others. Nami: "What's that?" Franky: "It's a bunch of purple stuff." Buggy: "It's Bullet using his devil fruit power." Carrot: "Wait, Bullet ate a devil fruit?" Buggy: "Yeah, the Clank Clank fruit, which allows him to combine weapons and transform them into something deadly... and judging by how he's using it to cover that whole ship... whatever he's building is gonna be very big..." said Buggy, before he and the others see Lugia letting out a roar, while the three legendary birds gang up and attack it. Lugia attempts to quell the fighting and protect the shrine, but the Diving Pokémon eventually falls victim to the attacks and crashes down. Meanwhile, the massive gathering of Pokémon arrive after crossing the now-frozen sea. Chopper: "Whoa... look at all the Pokémon..." Slowking: "They all want to help... but there's only one hope, only the chosen one can help the water's great guardian." Melody: "He's right, the legend said that the guardian's song will fail if it's all alone." Slowking: "Lest the earth shall turn to Ash." said Slowking, while looking at Ash, which made Robin realized what he meant. Robin: "Of course!, Ash, the legend is talking about you!" Ash: "Wait... I'm the... chosen one?" Pikachu: "Pika, Pika Pi." Ash: "Wait a minute... training Pokémon is tough enough... but how am I supposed to save the world?" Nami: "I'm afraid we're the wrong people you should be asking that as we're not heroes, we're pirates." Usopp: "But even so, we still dealt with life threatening situations before, and Ash, you're the only one here who fits the legend perfectly as you have the right name." Ash: "Right now I wished that my mom named me Bob instead of Ash..." Carrot: "Don't be silly, your name is wonderful." Brook: "Plus all you have to do now is get the last orb and put it with the others, and then Melody plays the legend's song." Melody: "Oh that reminds me!, the sound of Lugia is the same as the song of the legend." said Melody, before she plays the same tune from the ceremony, which reinvigorates the fallen Lugia, who swims up back to the surface before it spoke by using his psychic powers. Lugia (voiced by Eric Rath): "Thank you, the song has restored my power... but it alone can not tame the legendary birds, in order for the song to reach it's true power, all three of the treasures must be united and be awaken by the power of the Chosen One." Ash: "But what can I do that no one else can't?" Lugia: "Only the true Chosen One, with a heart that Ho-oh would show herself to would be able to awaken their power... and now you must get the final treasure in order for the song to tame the legendary birds." said Lugia looking at Ice island, which was behind the fight between the legendary trio. Ash: "I have to go... there..." Pikachu: "Pika, Pikachu, Pika Pi." said Pikachu, trying to give Ash the confidence and courage to do this mission. Ash: "You really think I can do it?" Pikachu: "Pika!" said Pikachu, before the rest of Ash's Pokémon came out of their Pokéballs and trying to encourage their trainer too. Ash: "You guys think I can do it too?" asked Ash, before his Pokémon let out their own cries to tell him that they also believe in him too. Zoro: "We also believe in you." Robin: Of course, otherwise we'll all die here." Usopp: "Don't say stuff like that!" Ash: "Alright... I'll do it!" Luffy: "You go get the treasure... I'll take care of Bullet." Ash: "Fine by me." so with that, Ash gets a ride on Lugia, who takes him to Ice island, trying to avoid the attacks of the legendary bird trio. The Straw Hats and others were busy too, as while Bullet's using his powers to create something big out of the destroyed air craft, he sent out a lot of flying robots to attack the group. Franky uses the Iron Pirate General Franky robot to fight off some of the robots. Chopper took a bite on a rumble ball, before turning himself into his monster form. While there was no full moon, Carrot was still willing to fight off the enemy. Brook uses his sword to cut the robots with a chilling slash. Jimbei uses his Fish-man karate to fight back while Robin helps out with her extra limb power. Usopp uses his pop greens while Nami summons Zeus to shock the robots out of commission. While not liking the idea of working together, Zoro and Sanji united their attacks to put a lot of damage to the robots they were facing. As for Luffy, he went into forth gear, which was him getting bigger while his whole body was covered in armament haki, to get ready on facing Bullet. As for Melody, she hides inside the shine as she didn't had Pokémon of her own to defend herself with. The Team Rocket trio and Buggy were busy trying to run for their lives from the robots. Jessie: "This is crazy!, we're the ones who do the robot building!" James: "Looks like this Bullet guy has us outclassed!" Meowth: "You got that right!" Buggy: "Give me a dang break!, I'm not gonna end up dying here!, I still have flashy tales yet to tell!... wait a second, speaking of flashy, I still have my special weapon to use!" Meowth: "Well then use it before these tin cans kill us!" Buggy: "Got it, come on Muggy ball!" shouted Buggy, before what looked like a small cannonball launched out from the bottom of his foot and hits one of the robots, which exploded into a million pieces. James: "Wow... nice shot..." Jessie: "That's for sure..." Meowth: "That's right..." Buggy: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, yeah I'm totally awesome!" back with Ash, he along with Pikachu and Lugia made it to the Ice island's pedestal and took the Ice orb. Ash: "Got the last treasure..." Lugia: "Well done, now get on and hold on tight." said Lugia, before he gives Ash and Pikachu a ride on his back again, and flew up into the sky, heading back to Shamouti island. Suddenly, a giant hand, belonging to a giant metal man appeared and took a hold on Lugia. Turns out that it was Bullet, and he used his powers to create the giant armor. Bullet: "Sorry boy, but this where your story ends." Ash: "Why are you doing this?!, why do you like making so many people and Pokémon suffer?!" Bullet: "To be the strongest in both worlds, I managed to get this strong by relaying on myself, and no one else." Ash: "Well it's wrong!, if I wanted to get stronger, I do it to help those in need!" Bullet: "Foolish boy, if you grew up in my world, knowing how power works there, you would have thought otherwise." Luffy: "Bullet!" shouted Luffy, who managed to blew his arm into the size of and island, using his forth gear to fly towards the giant metal man. Bullet: "That's some fist, I hope you can throw a good punch with it!" said Bullet, before he throws his own fist to make a punch. Once the two fists hit each other, they were trying to get the upper hand, until finally, Luffy's arm pushes in and destroys the metal arm and the rest of the giant armor as well. The giant iron man's destruction of course caused Lugia, Ash and Pikachu to fall into the sea, but thanks to Jimbei, they made it to Shamouti island safely. Back with Luffy, he was now facing Bullet himself, who was now mad and ready to attack. Bullet: "I'm gonna crush ya boy!" Luffy: "This is gonna be for trapping Mew in that GS ball... killing Lapras' pod, and for trying to kill my friend and Pikachu!" Bullet: "If you relay on others, then you'll never be as strong as I am, for relaying on myself is what got me this far!" shouted Bullet, as he and Luffy throw punches at each other, until Bullet hits Luffy in the face, but the Straw Hat pirate was not out yet. Luffy: "Shut up!, you never would have made it this far if you were really alone all this time!, you forgotten who helped you!" shouted Luffy in anger, and hearing that made Bullet have a flashback of himself during the time being on Roger's crew, and remembered the times he enjoyed fighting Roger, who enjoyed their rivalry too. Letting his guard down, Bullet gets hit by a storm of Luffy's punches, until Luffy throws one more punch in the face. Luffy: "I'm gonna be... the King of the Pirates!, do you hear me?!" shouted Luffy, before he sends Bullet flying down to the sea, ending him once and for all. Once the fight was over, Luffy's forth gear ended, and the straw hat pirate started to fall, until he got caught by Charizard. Luffy: "Thanks..." Charizard: "Char!" roared Charizard, before he takes Luffy back to Shamouti island. Back with Ash, he finally woke up and was trying his best to stand up long enough to get the last treasure to the shrine. Slowking: "Have you got the treasure?" Ash: "Yeah, I got it." Slowking: "You must be the one to place it, quickly." Ash: "Right." said Ash, before he places the treasure with the other two, and the shrine then shines brightly with the unison of the spheres. The pillars glow in tune as Melody plays Lugia's song, which revives the water's guardian and restores balance to the legendary birds. Lugia takes Ash and Pikachu for a flight with Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres beside them. Suddenly, a giant stream of water rises out of the ocean (which was the Beast of the Sea itself) and is tamed by the song. All the birds return to their homes and the Beast of the Sea vanishes into the ocean. Zoro: "What was that giant stream?" Robin: "I do believe that was the Beast of the Sea that the legend was talking about..." Carrot: "Wow..." Chopper: "Amazing..." it was evening when it was time for Lugia to say goodbye. Lugia: "The Beast of the Sea has been tamed, the world could never be in better hands." said Lugia, before he flys into the sea and left the scene. That was when Nami let out a loud gasp. Usopp: "What's wrong?" Nami: "We forgot to ask Lugia to give us a way back to our world!" Chopper: "What?!, oh man..." Robin: "I'm sure we'll get home sooner or later." Franky: "Besides, we still gotta get our super chosen one here home." said Franky, looking at Ash, who was blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his head. Ash: "Thanks you guys." Pikachu: "Pika." Melody: "Well Ash... you truly proved to be my island's best chosen one ever." Ash: "Thanks, but you were the one who played the song that saved the world." Melody: "Maybe, but I couldn't have done it without your help on getting the treasures, I hope we see each other again." said Melody, before she kissed Ash on the cheek again, which made him blush and rubbed the back of his head again, before she leaves the scene. Robin: "Looks like Ash is growing up." Nami: "Yeah..." that was when Ash saw something on the ground, which looked like broken pieces of a log pose similar to the one Nami had. Ash: "Hey guys... there's something on the ground here." said Ash, pointing down on the ground, before the Straw Hats went to take a look, and saw a name that caught their attention. Chopper: "That says 'Laugh Tale'... which means... it's the Eternal Pose!, but it's broken!" Luffy: "Well yeah, I smashed it after I took it from Bullet during my fight with him." this made the others gasped in shock. Carrot: "You broke the Eternal Pose on purpose?!" Nami: "You idiot!, why did you destroyed it?!, that was the only way for us to find One Piece!" said Nami with sheer anger. Luffy: "I want to find it on my own way... not by some shortcut, otherwise we would have missed out some amazing adventures like this one here." Usopp: "You know what, he's actually right about this one." Sanji: "Sounds crazy, but whatever." Zoro: "And it's not like Luffy would have it in any other way." Luffy: "That reminds me, where to now?" Ash: "Well since I won the Orange League, it's time for me to get back to Pallet town." Franky: "Wow!, I'm looking forward to see your super home town!" Luffy: "Let's go!" and so with that, Ash and the Straw Hats have saved the world, and on their way to Pallet town.

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