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Two days slipped by, returning Jin to the familiar rhythm of office life. Taehyung's uncharacteristic silence hovered in the background, but Jin, immersed in the artist lists flashing across his screen, paid little attention. The Telcom's insistent ring abruptly disrupted his focus, and with an annoyed sigh, he reluctantly picked up the call, bracing for his boss's summons. "Yes, Mr. Woo?" he responded, his tone carrying a subtle edge of irritation.

The command followed predictably, "Come to my office now." As Jin made his way to the source of this latest summons, he couldn't shake the feeling that his boss's voice held an extra layer of fury. Silently shaking off such thoughts, he rose from his seat, muttering to Hoseok, "The devil's summoned me again," to which Hoseok responded with a chuckle and a casual wave.

Entering his boss's office, Jin was met with an ice-cold stare and the swift launch of a cup in his direction. Quick reflexes spared him from a collision, and though his heart raced, he maintained his composure. "This isn't right," he asserted, finding the courage to confront his boss. "Of course, this isn't I'm aware but you're supposed to be the slave to hierarchy and another thing you're supposed to do is rat out your fucking boss to the chairman." His boss's response came in the form of a forcefully thrown file, this time connecting with Jin.

Undeterred, Jin snapped back, "I didn't complain to anybody." The tension in the room thickened as he continued, "Stop hitting me, or be prepared for the consequences. This time, I won't let your behavior go unnoticed. It'll become the talk of the town." The unspoken standoff lingered, leaving the office in an uneasy silence, foreshadowing the storm that was sure to follow.

Seokjin stood, taken aback, as his boss chuckled in response to his protest. "You think you can harm me? There's no way I will ever be taken off this post, especially for a mere employee like you. But I do have the right to fire you. Now get out of my office," the boss asserted, the smugness evident in his tone.

Biting his lips, Jin couldn't fathom how things had escalated so quickly. He hadn't lodged a complaint against anyone, yet here he was, facing the consequence of his boss's unchecked aggression. "What are you waiting for? Leave my office," the boss's loud voice snapped through the air, jolting Jin out of his daze. He turned and left without a second glance.

In the wake of the unexpected confrontation, Jin chose not to retrieve his belongings, feeling too embarrassed and humiliated to linger any longer. He had endured unkind and unprofessional behavior, only for it to backfire in a most unexpected manner. As he made his way home, the weight of the situation bore down on him, and he couldn't suppress the tears that welled up, turning his journey into a silent struggle.

By the time he reached the apartment complex, Jin was a crying mess. The emotional turmoil of the day manifested in tears that flowed unchecked, a silent testament to the injustice he had endured.

As he reaches his floor, Jin belatedly realizes that he had deliberately skipped the step of collecting his belongings from the office. A sigh escapes his mouth, and just as the weight of his situation sinks in, a surprisingly cheerful Taehyung swings the apartment door open. "I fixed your problem for you!" he exclaims, and a flicker of hope crosses Jin's mind that the problem Taehyung fixed wasn't the one currently plaguing him.

"What did you do, Taehyung?" Jin inquires, bracing himself for the unexpected revelation.

"I went down to the office and told them to sto—" Taehyung begins, but Jin cuts him off abruptly. "Why would you do that? Did I tell you to?" The outburst echoes loudly, surprising even Taehyung, who instinctively moves away. "What's wrong? I just told them to stop mixing up the address," he explains innocently.

Realization dawns on Jin as he smacks his own head, understanding the miscommunication. The anger drains from his face, replaced by a mix of frustration and self-amusement. "I can't believe this is how you reciprocate kindness," Taehyung comments, watching the transformation in Jin's expression.

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