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Taehyung's Playlist was playing in the background ( he won the toss ) as Jin was driving them both towards their destination, and on top of that, he was singing along too. Jin had come to like Taehyung's singing. His voice was good, and he could've been a jazz singer in his previous life, considering his playlist, too, was mostly of jazz or indie songs.

" I'm craving hot dogs," Jin says, turning the music down low, making Taehyung stop singing, " You're craving something all the time, now turn my music up," he says, " Are you perhaps complaining? Also, no more music, I'm going to take a stop in a bit, then you'll take the wheel. I'm tired,"

" it's your trip, I'm jus -" Taehyung couldn't complete his sentence because Jin started to pout, " Alright, i'll drive, don't show me that face,"

It was all smiles afterward as Jin pulled over at the gas station and finally had the chance to relax. Driving was never a pleasurable task for him, as he despised it greatly. Sinking into his seat, he let out a sigh of relief, only to be met with a sarcastic remark from Taehyung, "Seriously?" Confusion washed over Jin's face as he looked at Taehyung, questioning, "Tae? Is there something bothering you? Stop teasing me before I throw you out of the car."

Rather than taking Jin's words seriously, Taehyung responded by making a silly face in an attempt to provoke him. Jin, however, knew that any reaction at this point would only fuel Taehyung's behavior further, so he decided to remain calm, wanting to both of them to reach in one piece.

"I'm going to take a short walk outside for some fresh air," Jin announced, while Taehyung, who was now engrossed in his phone, simply nodded.

Standing by the bridge, Jin realized they were only halfway to their destination. The weather was pleasant, and he had checked the forecast beforehand to ensure they wouldn't encounter any unforeseen issues on their trip. He inhaled the breath of fresh, looking around, feeling melancholic for some reason. He tends to feel this way whenever he parts ways with Taehyung, even for a little time.

"I'll be back in a few, Seokjin," Taehyung yelled from a distance, waving at him. "Alright," Jin shouted back. "Don't forget to take your phone with you,"

He is unaware of how long he stands there waiting for Taehyung, basking in the sunlight, the type of sunlight that does not cause him to sweat or burn. It wraps him in a comforting warmth, reminding him of good memories from childhood or Taehyung's embrace. Both of these are things he has been missing even more than usual lately.

Upon hearing murmurs behind him, he turns around to see Taehyung holding hot dogs in his hands and a bag in his mouth, which he is presumably holding with his teeth.

Jin removes the bag from Taehyung's mouth and whispers, "Thank you." Despite their frequent bickering, it never fails to amaze Jin how Taehyung always goes out of his way to do something for him. "I know I'm the best boyfriend in the world."

Jin is unsure if it's the current setting or Taehyung's kind gesture that is causing him to feel emotional. He has the urge to hug Taehyung and cry because of how incredibly nice he is.

" hyung, are you crying ?" he inquires, concerned. "I'll take the wheel, as promised. Isn't hot dogs what you-" In that moment, he forgets that he should maintain some distance until Taehyung becomes comfortable with intimacy, and he leans in for a tight hug, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's waist. "What's the matter?" He asks, even more puzzled than before. What happened during his absence?

"You're the most amazing boyfriend I could ever wish for," Jin sniffs into Taehyung's jacket. Upon hearing this, Taehyung's worried expression transforms into a smile. "So that's what this is," he says, holding hot dogs in his hands as he attempts to return the hug. "It's alright, don't cry. I'm all yours. Now, let's eat the food before it gets cold."

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