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Upon entering the apartment, Taehyung gently presses Jin against the wall, kissing him with a passion that leaves a mark. He playfully nibbles on Jin's lips during the kiss, causing Jin to let out a soft hiss. "I love your lips so much, I could kiss them endlessly," Taehyung murmurs in between their embrace. Jin chuckles, "You can't kiss me all the time. Also, it's ticklish when you talk during kisses."

"I can kiss you whenever I want now. We're boyfriends," Taehyung declares, gazing into Jin's eyes before affectionately rubbing their noses together. "I still can't believe it, we're boyfriends," he adds, planting a sweet kiss on Jin's forehead. "Shall we make love tonight if you're up for it?"

Jin laughs once more, "Who says  making love these days? You're adorable," he teases, poking Taehyung's cheeks. "I'm not adorable, and I can't suggest 'let's fuck' because that's not how you talk to someone you want to spend your life with," Taehyung replies with a smile.

Jin's heart fluttered at Taehyung's words, his body responding eagerly to the touch of Taehyung's lips. With a tight grip on Taehyung's waist, he whispered, "Let's make love tonight then,"

"I might need some guidance, but I trust you," Taehyung grinned mischievously, his eyes filled with lust.

"You have nothing to worry about, just follow my lead," Jin assured him, quickly removing Taehyung's shirt as they made their way to the bedroom. The air was filled with the sound of their kisses as they undressed, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Taehyung's hand trailed down to Jin's ass past his rim, teasing his entrance.

Jin gasped at the sudden sensation, pulling back slightly. Taehyung's concerd asks, " are you okay hyung? Did i do something wrong?" but Jin reassured him with a soft kiss on his shoulder. "I'm fine, baby. Don't stop now, I'll let you know if anything feels wrong," he whispered, his eyes filled with anticipation.

He starts with a gentle kiss, Jin was completely captivated, their heartbeats syncing in harmony. Jin finds himself lying flat on the bed, as taehyung was spreading his legs open and kneeling down the between them planting kisses on his thighs, moving up to Jin's cock. He licks the semi-hard member before taking it into his mouth. Unlike Taehyung, Jin was not vocal, he preferred to moan loudly only when overwhelmed by pleasure and couldn't control it any longer. His breathing was shallow and uneven as he watched Taehyung pleasure him with his mouth and finger him at the same time, the scene looked so hot, tae was swallowing his cock, his cheeks looks full and eyes serene. "I'm so close," Jin whispers, biting his lip in anticipation of his climax. But Taehyung stops, "That means I did a good job, but you're still better at this," he says before leaning in to kiss Seokjin, who was glaring at him for edging him.

He gazes deep into Jin's eyes as he positions himself to slide into Jin's tight hole, "If it hurts, just say the word," he whispers before slowly pushing in. Jin grips onto Taehyung's arms, his nails digging into the flesh, " wrap your legs around me, I'm going to start moving," he gives Jin a moment to adjust before beginning to thrust. Jin arches his back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, filling the room with his sultry moans and Taehyung's grunts, "Let's cum together, I'm close," Jin bites his lip, feeling himself on the edge once again, "Yes, let's do it now," Tae moans in his ear, collapsing on top of Jin as he releases his load inside him, Jin's release spattering on Taehyung's stomach and his own.

" We forgot to use a condom," Seokjin mumbles, his voice husky. "It's fine, let's just remember to be more cautious next time," he says, snuggling up to Jin and holding him tightly. "Yeah, at least we don't have to worry about getting pregnant," Jin replies, gazing at Taehyung's face. It's clear that Taehyung's expression changes after hearing Jin's words, as if it hadn't occurred to him before.

A heavy silence fills the room, with only the sound of their breathing to break it. Jin's mind is consumed with thoughts about what Taehyung might be thinking after their first time together. He snaps out of his daze when he hears Taehyung snoring softly beside him.

Throughout the night, Seokjin lies awake, unable to sleep for unknown reasons. As dawn breaks, he hears Taehyung's phone ringing, but he's too tired to get up. He chooses to stay in Taehyung's embrace, resisting the urge to let his curiosity get the best of him.

Jin woke up the next morning to an empty bed, his heart sinking at the sight. Breakfast was waiting for him on the side table with a note from Taehyung, "I'm sorry, something urgent came up so I have to leave. Call me when you wake up."

It was supposed to be their day together, but Taehyung was nowhere to be found. Jin didn't call him, nor did he touch the food. Had Taehyung realized that being with a man wasn't what he wanted after all?

He lay on the couch, lost in his thoughts about their relationship. In the afternoon, Taehyung tried calling Jin, but he ignored the call. He couldn't bear to hear Taehyung's voice, afraid of breaking down into tears. Instead, he got up, took a bath, and left the apartment.

Normally, he would have gone to see Hoseok, but today he found himself at a library down the street. Sundays were for reading here. Jin picked up a novel by Kawakami, one of his favorites, and started reading. His mind kept wandering to thoughts of Taehyung and when their relationship would come to an end.

Ignoring those nagging thoughts, he kept on reading, absorbed in the book. Time slipped by unnoticed, and he didn't even realize when evening crept in. His phone lay dormant, not wanting to hear from Taehyung. After finishing the book, he carefully placed it back on the shelf, exchanging a brief farewell with the elderly lady at the library entrance, who got jobs done around the library.

Lost in his thoughts and the world of the novel, he failed to notice the rain starting outside. "Should've grabbed an umbrella," he muttered to himself, seeking refuge under a nearby awning. But not wanting to wait in the chill any longer, he stepped out in the rain, oddly unfazed by the downpour. It was then he spotted Taehyung, holding an umbrella over him, his face set in a tight frown, the corners of his mouth downturned in frustration.

The walk back to their apartment was silent, the only sound the patter of raindrops on the road. Neither spoke until they reached the door. Taehyung finally broke the silence, pulling Jin into a hug. "I didn't mean to leave you alone. My grandfather got sick, and I had to rush to the hospital. I'm sorry," he confessed, regretting that he had to leave,

Jin's heart sank with guilt, and he instinctively turned away from Taehyung, the whole day he was consumed by thoughts of worst-case scenarios. But to his surprise, Taehyung had a valid reason for leaving in the morning.

"It's okay, really. I wasn't too bothered. Just got a bit worried," Jin fibbed, hoping Taehyung wouldn't see through his facade.

"I should've let you know. I didn't want you to stress out, that's why I kept it from you. But he's doing better now," Taehyung explained,

Seokjin gently pulled away. "We're okay, Taehyung. I'm feeling a bit chilly, so I'll turn in early," he said, wondering whether to extend an invitation, choosing otherwise, maybe this will get things back on track, "I have an exhibition coming up on Tuesday. I'd like you to be there. It's something I've been working on for a while. I've got an invite for you. Let me fetch it," his voice quivered slightly.

"Seokjin?" Taehyung grasped his wrist, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright?"

Jin bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit cold," he replied, trying to play nonchalant.

"Let's slee-" Taehyung began to suggest, but Jin cut him off gently. "I don't want you catching a cold. It's fine, really. Don't worry. Let me grab the invite."

"Alright," Taehyung stepped back, sensing there was more to Jin's words than met the eye. He waited patiently outside the door for Jin to return.

"Here you go. I'll see you tomorrow," Jin handed him the invite, ready to retreat, but Taehyung pulled him back gently. "Have a good night," he whispered, leaning in for a kiss. "I'm sorry again for leaving. Let me know if you need anything."

Taehyung hoped Jin would ask him to stay, but instead, Jin simply nodded. "Goodnight," he murmured, and Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and it was just the first day of their relationship.

He glanced at the invite, then sighed heavily. Maybe he shouldn't have left at all, if it meant Jin would distance himself like this. Hoping things would return to normal in the morning, Taehyung reluctantly resigned himself to sleeping alone, even though he really wanted to sleep with Seokjin tonight.

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A/N: Hi, we are now entering the angst phase of this story. Also, this story will be finished soon !!

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