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The next morning, Taehyung appeared at Jin's doorstep, ready to go to the office together. However, he was taken aback when he saw Jin's bloodshot eyes. He couldn't decipher whether Jin had been crying or simply hadn't slept. "We're running late today," Taehyung informed, trying to break the tension. "Let's go," Jin replied lazily, nodding his head. An awkward silence hung in the air as they got into the car. Jin turned on the radio, hoping it would spark a conversation, but Taehyung seemed content with the tunes of indie pop today.

Finally, they arrived at the office, and Taehyung courteously opened the car door for Jin. Today, they had decided to take Taehyung's car. "I'll be leaving a little late today," Jin mentioned. "That's alright, I can wait for you," Taehyung replied, his words causing Jin's heart to skip a beat. Jin couldn't help but reflect on his actions from the previous night, realizing that he had been in the wrong. He was also acutely aware of Taehyung's distant behavior.

"You don't have to wait," Jin said, his voice filled with regret. Taehyung glanced up at him, his eyes searching for something. "Alright," he finally responded, 

At the office, Jin interrupted Hoseok's thoughts as he looked up at Jin from his desk. Jin was leaning against the walls of his cabin. "You hung up on me yesterday," jin remarked. Hoseok sighed, a small smile forming on his face. "Well, my dear friend, it's because you can be quite mean sometimes."

"I understand," he wants to cry. Not only did his ignorance end up causing a lot of pain for Taehyung, but it also makes it difficult for hoseok to be supportive of him, "It seems like Taehyung is ignoring me. He overheard our conversation,"

"Yeah, well Jimin called me to let me know how poorly you treated Taehyung," Hoseok responded, "I never expected you to act this way. What was really bothering you, Seokjin? " Hoseok turns his chair and looks directly at Jin, who had tears in his eyes, "Come on, tell me. I'm sorry for being harsh. You can talk to me," Hoseok brings Seokjin inside, "Well, I'm not used to dating so publicly. Like I mentioned before, all the other guys kept it private, and Taehyung went all out on our first date. It made me uncomfortable."

"Well, Jin, you're not hiding your relationship. Taehyung specifically planned that date with a lot of effort to show you that he isn't afraid to be seen with you in public or be open about your relationship. It was meant to be a casual start to ease you into it. I know your previous partners did things differently, but they were wrong. Taehyung, on the other hand, was bold and assertive even though he's new to this. You should apologize and make it up to him," his friend smiles at him, pulling him into a hug, "And there's no need to cry. These things are a part of life."

The day dragged on tediously, devoid of any messages or visits from Taehyung like he usually did. Jin spent the majority of the day eagerly awaiting the lunch hour, only to be met with disappointment when Taehyung failed to show up at the cafeteria. Hoseok kindly invited him to join Jimin and himself, but Jin was deterred by the icy glare from Jimin and decided to retreat back to his desk. Feeling disheartened, Jin made his way back to his floor and detoured to Taehyung's office. Not finding him there, Jin returned to his office and consoled himself with a donut, thinking, "Right, I deserve this."

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted his melancholy thoughts. Jin looked up to see Taehyung standing there, looking at his tears. He quickly wiped his face when he noticed Taehyung looking at his face,

"I had some errands to run today, so I got held up. Let's go grab lunch," Taehyung informed, jin obviously was avoiding Taehyung's gaze.

"I'm not really hungry," Jin refused, feeling ashamed. Taehyung gently lifted Jin's chin to confront him. "Why are you crying? Did someone say something to you?" Taehyung inquired, trying to understand possible reason jin why might be crying, Jin simply replied, "No, I'm just feeling overwhelmed."

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