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"How was the trip?" Hoseok inquires, Jin."It was pleasant. It didn't require much effort to convince Mr. Kaze," Jin responds.

"I'm asking about Taehyung and you," Hoseok adds.

" I believe I have fallen even more in love with him," he takes a deep breath, "Hoseok, I fear I may become ill at this rate. My heart races whenever I see him. And I assure you, I am not exaggerating. The other day, I caught a glimpse of someone who resembled him, and my heart started racing uncontrollably," Jin confesses.

"Has he not said 'I love you'? back to you yet?" Hoseok asks, raising an eyebrow, "No, I don't believe he has reached that point yet," Jin replies.

"Oh," Hoseok takes a sip of his drink as Yoongi returns and joins them at the table, "Apologies for the delay. It was important," Yoongi says, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.

" Jimin's insistence on engaging in conversation with yoongi had proven to be the best he has ever done," Jin comments, a smile of contentment sets on his face as he observes hoseok looking adoringly at Yoongi.

Although Taehyung had been invited to join them for dinner, his work commitments prevented him from attending. Jin eagerly anticipates returning home to see his boyfriend.

As he exits the restaurant, Jin decides to take a stroll back home. To his surprise, he is greeted by Taehyung walking towards him, holding a bouquet and wearing his usual boxy smile.

"You came? But the dinner just ended," Jin begins to speak, but before he can finish his sentence, Taehyung swoops in and lifts him up. "I missed you," Taehyung exclaims.

Jin gives into the embrace, "I missed you too," Taehyung gently sets him down and hands him the flowers, "I got these for you. I finished work early, so I thought I'd come and pick up my beloved."

"Thank you," Jin responds, gripping Taehyung's arm tightly, "Let's go grab a drink."

"Of course, I'm also hungry, so I'll have some food," they walk together towards a nearby restaurant where they often enjoy drinks. Its location, being in close proximity to their apartment complex, makes it convenient for them to return home after getting wasted.

Taehyung's phone continuously vibrated in his pocket, a fact that did not escape Jin's notice. He observed as Taehyung purposefully ignored the calls or messages.

"Taehyung, can we meet your family?" Jin asked, the question not catching Taehyung off guard, "Of course, during the summer break, we can plan a visit to the farm. By the way," Taehyung paused and looked at Jin, "do you think we could do it tonight?"

Jin coughed in response to the question. "There's no need to rush, I can wait," Jin replied, avoiding direct eye contact with Taehyung, "Although I must admit, I don't know if I can wait much longer," he teased, playfully tugging on Jin's coat to bring him closer.

"I don't think you're ready yet," Jin countered, his tone slightly defensive, "Why are you making decisions for me?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and stepped away from Jin, "I'm just concerned about you, I don't want you to feel pressured into anything."

"But I'm not, I genuinely want you, and I truly need you," Taehyung confessed. Jin's lips formed a thin line as he glanced around to ensure no one was within earshot. "Well, I suppose we could do it," he said, walking past Taehyung. "And by the way, if you ever roll your eyes at me like that again, you're in trouble. I was only looking out for you."

"Guess what? From now on, I'll be rolling my eyes much more frequently whenever you go down on me," taunts, causing Seokjin to let out a groan.

"What's gotten into you?" Seokjin exclaims as he chases after Taehyung, who is attempting to run away.

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