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"Hey, you can't just kiss me without asking!" Jin exclaimed, shoving Taehyung away harder this time. His face turned red, especially his ears, after Taehyung's unexpected kiss.

"That wasn't a kiss. It was just a peck. But you know what a real kiss was? Last night, when you grabbed my hair like this," Taehyung imitated Jin's move from before, "and then for a good two minutes, you had your tongue down my throat." Jin couldn't stand hearing more. "Stop," he said, but Taehyung just laughed. "I didn't agree to that either, so I guess we're even now," he teased. Jin tried to push Taehyung away again, but instead, Taehyung lifted him up and pinned him against the wall.

"Hyung, listen to me carefully," Jin could feel Taehyung's warm breath on his face as he spoke. "I like you, and I remember saying I needed time to think, to figure things out. But I don't need that anymore. I like you, and I want to pursue you. Right now, I need you to tell me if you want me to stop, and I will."

After Taehyung finished speaking, he awaited Jin's response, but the older one remained silent. "I'm not obligated to answer you," Jin asserted, his discomfort evident. Taehyung drew Jin closer, wrapping his arm around Jin's waist.

"You want to say yes, but you're scared, you don't trust me, right?" Taehyung's voice was gentle, understanding. "I'll help you trust me. Just stick around with me for a while. If you still can't, then I'll stop." Jin nodded this time, then quickly wriggled out of Taehyung's grasp.

"Fuck you," Jin muttered, feeling flustered under Taehyung's gaze. He hurriedly left the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him, a frustrated groan escaping him.

The next morning, Jin was surprised to find another flower delivery at his front door, accompanied by a home-cooked breakfast. This time, the note read, "Don't waste the food. If you don't want it, give it to a homeless person or the building guard." Jin felt a pang of guilt; Taehyung must have noticed him wasting the food sent the day before. With a sigh, he took the food inside and made sure to finish it before heading to the office.

Upon arriving, Jin was greeted by Hoseok's familiar beaming smile. "Day four hundred and something of Seokjin showing up with the face of a kicked wet puppy," Hoseok joked, his teasing tone lighthearted as always.

"Hoseok, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm barely hanging on," Jin confided as he sank into his desk chair. "Yesterday, I accidentally spilled water on Namjoon's shirt in the car. I invited him upstairs to change, and just then, Taehyung walked in. He saw Namjoon half-naked in my apartment, with the marks you left on him, and he got the wrong idea. The look on his face... it was like he thought I'd cheated on him," Jin recounted, rubbing his face wearily. "Seokjin, if you don't like him, just tell him."

"But I do like him," Jin admitted. "He wants me to give him a chance, and I didn't exactly say no. He took that as a yes. I'm just terrified. What if this doesn't work out, and I'm left alone to deal with all these feelings again?" He let out a frustrated grunt. Hoseok reached out, taking Jin's hand in his. "Then let it be. See where it leads. Don't let fear hold you back. That's my final word on the matter."

Lunchtime arrived sooner than Jin had anticipated, and today, he didn't avoid stepping into the cafeteria. Perhaps it would have been better if he had stayed confined to his office, he mused. That thought was reinforced when Taehyung joined him at his table and shot Hoseok a glare, signaling for him to leave them alone. "How was work? I'm glad you came out to the cafeteria today," Taehyung said, breaking the uneasy silence.

The sight of Taehyung's smile aimed at Jin sent a flutter through his heart, prompting him to look away, avoiding eye contact.

"Look at me, will you?" Taehyung's voice broke through Jin's attempt to evade, but he continued to avert his gaze until Taehyung gently intertwined their hands. Jin's eyes shot up at the unexpected touch. "You're not out, people will see us," he protested, pulling away his hand.

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